Weekend Open Thread

| October 24, 2014

Honey Boo-boo

MCPO asked for the weekend open thread. And he sent this photo. I guess the culture marginally improved today when the Honey Boo-boo family had their show cancelled.

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A Proud Infidel®™

WHO OR WHAT is Honey Boo-Boo? Speaking of stoopid, I see that everyone’s favorite phony CPO/phony Oregon Attorney is back to his online displays of idiocy. I assume he finally paid his bill and got it turned back on?


A Proud Infidel®™…Trust me brother, you don’t ever want to know. I NEVER watched Honey-Boo-Boo but just suffering through their promo ads made me almost ashamed of being from the South.

“the Honey Boo-boo family had their show cancelled”

FINALLY! No more quickly, muting the TV when those crap ass hole’s ads come on. Living proof that…cousins shouldn’t fuck.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yes indeed, one peek at that show gives solid proof of why there are laws against incest!!

2/17 Air Cav

“WHO OR WHAT is Honey Boo-Boo?”

I would appreciate someone sending APF an email with an answer to his question. I really don’t want to know who or what that is.

A Proud Infidel®™

Just a tidbit of sarcasm to show how much I pay attention to that bucket of stupidity forced on America,they should have canceled it years ago! The thought that goes through my mind anytime I see a pic of her Momma is “SHOOT IT BEFORE IT MATES AND LAYS EGGS AGAIN!!”

Farflung Wanderer

If she isn’t a dependopotamus, I don’t know what is.

A Proud Infidel®™

If she was looking for a Military Spouse, I’d positively ID her/it as one. On second thought, she HAS been guzzling up the money she’s made off her precious little equally moronic offspring like Rosie O’Donnel or Blobfish guzzling jellied doughnuts, so I think you’re right!!

2/17 Air Cav

It’s my favorite night of the week. No, not that. Not THAT either. It’s high school football night! Love to watch the local team. HS football–where boys play for the love of playing and, at least around here, actually hand the ball to the ref after a score.


The young men playing HS football here also still hand the football to the ref after scoring.


I don’t know if the kids back in my old home town still do that. The past few years I’ve been watching their scores it seems like they’ve been trading field goals for touchdowns by the opposition. Tonight they play the cross county rivals in the first round of the Class 1A Sectionals.The cross county rival(9-0) is ranked Number One in the state,so I don’t hold out much hope for them winning. In their regular season game,my home town team lost by six touchdowns,so a win tonight would truly be a big upset. Oh well,there’s always next year as we longtime Cubbies fans say.


Oh,I should have added this for Twist. Yes,the Winamac team is 9-0 right now and may go all the way to the State Championship now that Lafayette Catholic has moved up to Class 2A.


That’s what I heard.


Well,we don’t have to worry about my little team anymore. They were nothing but a speed bump in losing 64-0 to Winamac.

A Proud Infidel®™



I am fairly upset with the cancellation. The Honey Boo Boo show is how we northern folk received our weekly dose of genuine and authentic southern culture.

Just sayin’!

Virtual Insanity

Well, bless your heart.

(meant in the full Southern way)


As a Southern Gentleman, I approve of this post.


All in jest my good southern gentlemen friends.


Be careful with that “gentleman” thing down here…
Normally nobody calls anyone a gentleman ‘cept on a dare, and you know that anyone that’ll take a dare will suck eggs !!!


And a hearty “Bless his heart” from the non-gentlemen segment of the Southern population wherever they may reside.


OWB…I learned as a young boy listened to the “womanfolk” in church and the family, that you could say anything about anyone, as long as you prefaced or ended it with, “Bless their hearts”.

Such as, “She just can’t do a THING with that thin hair of hers…Bless her heart!”

And, “Bless her heart, she just can’t loose that baby weight and it’s been over two years now!”


Master Chief…I knew you were jesting. You have more class and have served with too many good folks from the South than to paint with a broad brush. But…it was funny. 😀



Roger in Republic

If screwing your step daughters id part of Southern Culture it needs to be stamped out right quick. As I understand it Mama’s new boyfriend is her old boyfriend who did some prison time for boinking the young daughters of one of his girlfriends. It gets complicated but it seems the producers had had enough. Their outrage comes about four years too late for my tastes. MCPO if you like southern culture I suggest Duck Dynasty. I don’t watch it much, but at least the family prays before meals and don’t cheat on their wives on camera. And all of their children are legitimate.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, I read somewhere that the Momma critter’s boyfriend is a convicted sex offender (FOR REAL, not an empty Bernath accusation!). IMHO, they waited at least five years too long to cancel that!

A Proud Infidel®™



Seriously, the mere thought of watching fat white trash on TV has the same allure as watching cockroaches mate.

That female —– has arms like Popeye the sailorman. There is not enough 409 in the world to clean up after that mess.

B Woodman

After watching just the trailers and commercials for that talentless no account poor excuse of a “family”, I never did watch the show. I felt too many IQ points and brain cells slipping away just seeing as little as I did. No redeeming personal or social value whatsoever.
Which may explain, in a roundabout way, the plethora of low- and no-information voters out there.

A Proud Infidel®™

It’s OK MCPO, I always use clips of reruns of “The Sopranos” for doses of Nooh Yawk and Nooh Joizey cultuah!! So “AAAAAHHH, FUHGEDDABOUTIT!!”


Master Chief…I respect you Sir so…please, smile when you say that. 😀

Being from the deep South they made me almost ashamed of my roots. All of the WORST stereotypes of southern people were there in ONE family. Poor, trashy, ignorant, uneducated, no parenting skills, overweight, bad hygiene, bad teeth, bad housekeeping, no yard work and vehicles that cost more than their home. (Thank God we DON’T have “smellovision yet because I’m sure their breath is bad too.)

At least we had the decency to spread it out through the whole entire, extended family! 😀


TLC must be making room for another Gross Shit In People and/or Just Gross People shows.

TLC is pure filth.

A Proud Infidel®™

Amen to that!! I boycott that channel just like I do MTV!


Has anyone actually watched MTV since 1990?

A Proud Infidel®™

NOT ME! I wish I knew of a way to delete it from my channel selection!!


I think MTV basically jumped the shark as soon as they started up with their “reality” crap like The Real World, etc.

Then again, most of the music put out today is crap anyway.

A Proud Infidel®™

I have to agree. Since when was being put up for free in an expensive house or apartment a “real world experience”?


Remember when The Learning Channel used to be about “learning” stuff?

How ironic that we’re talking MTC too:

Remember when Music Television had Music?


Or when the History Channel actually had shows about History? You know, before they changed over to bullshit pawnshop shows and that “Ancient Aliens” crap starring that motherfucker with the messed up hair? Yeah, this loser:


This dude almost sets me off as much as our beloved Cabal of Fucktardery.

HS Junior

Pawnstars can be kind of interesting, though it probably doesn’t belong on the history channel. The ancient aliens thing does suck, but there’s still a lot of great stuff on there. The History Channel and the Military Channel, those are the two I watch.

Farflung Wanderer

Ancient Aliens is hilarious, as well useful as a writing tool.

I mean, those conspiracy theories are nuts, but they could be useful in a story.

HS Junior

Have you noticed that his hair gets progressively crazier and his spray-tan gets progressively stronger as the seasons go by?


LT…Thank you. I will also add the wonderful and authentic, low brow favorite, “Ghost Hunters”. No more History channel for me either.


FatCircles0311…My feelings exactly. It amazes me because I remember when TLC started it was touted as “The Learning Channel” and it had programs geared to just that. Then…the non-realty, “reality” TV genre took off with the start of the ignorant, no class, too much money and not enough brains, “Kardashian” shows. After them it was all down hill from there.


I don’t watch the show, but was actually semi-forced by a (actual real, in my home) lady friend to view it once.

It’s a freaking train wreck. You know it’s happening, but you just can’t take your eyes off of it.

I’m absolutely appalled at the show.


Now that I think about it, it’s kind of like watching CSPAN.


Move that honey boo boo show from TLC to CSPAN and you’ll improve the IQ average of BOTH channels.


ACE mentioned he was being sued and others said it was by someone in MD. Could it be our boy?


I doubt (but could be wrong) that Ace even knows who “our boy” is.

OIF '06-'07-'08

I have never seen the show, nor am I all that familiar with that show either, so I am going to take a wild ass guess that Honey-WTF-BooBoo is the one in the middle?


Pretty sure, if I remember correctly, the thing in the center is the mother.


Honey Boo-Boo is the little one on the left.


The photo is the “after” following a rigorous regimen of diet & exercise.

OIF '06-'07-'08

I just looked it up on IMBD and Wiki.

Dear God, we have located Dennis Blobfish Chevalier’s actual family. Now we know why he posses that special kind of stupid sauce.

I just may have to see if this is available on Hulu.


OIF,I think they are actually the first family of William Derek Church (the Round Ranger). The divorce occurred because of irreconcilable differences in equitable Krispy Kreme distribution within the family.


The other day, I saw an actual deep-sea blobfish. The resemblance to Chevy as a TX guard PFC in uncanny

Green Thumb

That’s funny.

I saw Chevy in the toilet today before I flushed it.

Some folks see the image of Jesus in different places and they can become Shrines.

I see the image of Chevy (and he probably hangs out there looking for “meat”) in many public toilets, so do they need to become Shrines? To Chevy? I mean, the guy is a fucking wart on society and has no upward mobility or productivity. But I firmly believe we should try to be nice so I am making a concession: Chevy = public toilets.

A Proud Infidel®™

That’s exactly why I stuck him with that nickname!

Green Thumb

Good for you.

They are idiots that figured out a way to get paid.

Never give fools money. Look at Bernath and how that worked out.


At least President has made inroads with the Iranians.


“The Iranian president’s senior advisor has called President Barack Obama “the weakest of U.S. presidents” and described the U.S. leader’s tenure in office as “humiliating,” according to a translation of the highly candid comments provided to the Free Beacon.”

Can’t argue with the man.


Why not Jimmy Carter is even slamming him!


I wish you had posted the spew alert for that!

I just feel as though the ‘Welcome to the USA’ sign has, on the next line:

Bring your diseases, your welfare addicts, your crackpots and attention whores.
Feel free to blow up anything you like.

I’ve had the feeling for a while that bodaprez just doesn’t give a living shit about the US, and never really did. I think it started in November 2008.


Which is exactly what they wanted and WHY they ENDORSED Obama for both elections.


Can’t remember exactly where but once I had to watch about 10 minutes of that show. My brain still hurts.


Opps. Very successful Daughter-in Law found out today that her family deductible Obama Care was now $11,000!!!! She’s in a HUGE medical practice. She ain’t happy.


$11,000 deductible?

Holy crap. What does her obamacare actually cover? Band-aids?

Pinto Nag

Just remember, Obamacare is a TAX. The Supremes said so, and I believe them.


I’m sitting here watching one of these monster hunter shows – Alaska Monsters. Folks, do not go hunting for anything the way they’re doing it. If you hunted making that much noise during deer season, then every hunter within hearing range will open fire just to shut you up. And that’s your hunting safety tip of the day. Carry on.


I am at a benefit for our local Catholic school and ready to drop more cash than Bernath has ever seen on an Irish Booze Basket!

Green Thumb

Until he asks Commander Phil Monkress at All-Points Logistics for a taxpayer-funded cash infusion to support his nefarious and felonious claims.

Phildo will understand. I think….he did stiff Palmer (of the Ballsack).

Time will tell.


You have TWO quarters to rub together?

A Proud Infidel®™

I know I probably drove y’all bonkers last week ranting about Bernath’s passenger van, but maybe this is what he was using it for:


Yes, there are laws and DOT regulations one has to follow in operating a passengers-for-hire vehicle, it might be worth a look!


I hear the Yelp reviews of his “tour” have been particularly brutal.


From Yelp:

“I booked this tour on behalf of one of my guests and am APPALLED at the feedback she gave me.

The owner of the Hollywood Northwest Tours took photos of her without her permission–even when she asked him to stop, acted inappropriately, asked her personal questions and then left her in the car while he stopped to eat at McDonald’s, the epitome of professionalism.

If you’re thinking about taking this tour DON’T. And if you work in the hospitality business and are thinking about recommending it to a guest–then ABSOLUTELY DO NOT.”


Delilah T.

What the hell is a bg actor?

I grew up in theater. I worked in MOPIC in the Navy. I have never heard of ‘bg actor’ – EVER.


Background(bg) actor?


Oh, yeah. That makes sense for someone with an inflated ego.

I guess the correct term ‘extra’ is simply not sophisiticated enough, eh?



Check out the other reviews for his now defunct tour guide business. I think it crashed harder than his plane. Tell me these reviews don’t sound like something that Daniel-san wrote up himself. Also check out the reviews that Yelp pulled. Notice the images next to the names? They all come from pictures that he’s used.


A Proud Infidel®™

If anyone discovers that he’s doing it again ought to alert the Oregon DOT about him possibly hauling passengers for hire without a passenger endorsement on his license or proof of medical qualification. If it’s found that he lacks those, they’ll declare him “out of service” and he’ll be in a big bucket of legal trouble to say the least!!

Farflung Wanderer

*cough* What the fuck? Never thought I’d say this, but that deserves a spew alert!

I guess we know what Bernath is into!*

*For those who don’t know, which I doubt anyone doesn’t, but… “50 Shades of Grey” is basically BDSM (BSDM? BDMS? Fuck, why do we need so many four-initial acronyms for sex kinks/orientation/etc?) porn put to words. It’s hardly fiction, and entirely disgusting. Makes sense for a shitbird like Bernath to like it.


Whelp, four months and one day after showing my happy ass in western Massachusetts (aka, for the benefit of Bernath and other equally ignorant dickweed, the place I called, “out west”, you stupid fucker), the substation is finally live and in service.

Bernath gives overpriced and illegal tours to try to eke out a living, and contributes nothing of value to society.

Me? I have people from a half dozen utilities in at least three time zones ask for me BY NAME. I get phone calls and Linkedin hits at least 3-4 times a month.

Oh, and Bernath, you want to know if I do something of greater importance and value to society? Turn on the light, fucker.

I think I made my point.



Thanks for your dedicated work. “You … you light up my life.”



You tell him NHSparky. I do substation work from time to time and have gotten more than my share of emergency calls from data centers, hospitals, etc. when there is either a power issue or a catastrophic failure. Old Birdbath doesn’t know the feeling of being requested by name, unless his name is “Hey! Asshole!”


I’ll bet his dad heard this;

“Hey Mister, don’t call that boy Lifesaver. Call him Shithead.”

The name has stuck to this day.


And since Psulie-boi claims to be a EE type, I wonder if he could tell me how a BFI scheme works and why it’s important?

Aw, hell. I’d consider it a good day if he didn’t try climbing onto the transformer with a bicycle chain.


Yeah, I used to work for S&C on their medium and high voltage switches and worked on every other manufacturer’s medium voltage load interrupter switches so I know about the BFI feature and I’ve seen them on low voltage circuit breakers that have inline fuses to get the 200 KA withstand rating. I’m sure Psulio got lost after I said “S&C” so that EE he’s claiming is good for nothing except toilet paper (and marginal at that, I’d imagine). I could talk electrical all day, as a matter of fact, I’ve bored the shit out of my wife with it at times, but hey, it’s interesting to ME!



My favorite is when there’s a R&R (relay and reclosure) on the system that causes the lights to flicker for a second.

I do my count, then point to the lights, count, lights, etc., until it either clears or locks out, wherever it is.

People still don’t know how I know when to do that.


That’s what I love so much about my current (no pun intended) job.

I learn a LOT about how different utilities do things, and can pick and choose what works best or is most efficient. I get to see a lot of the new stuff–for example, all the 115KV was SEL and L-Pro relaying, along with some different carrier schemes.

The 13.2KV stuff was interesting as well. While I’m not as big of a fan of ASEA relays for controlling cap banks as, say, a PLC, it works well enough, and the dead bus transfer schemes are pretty interesting as well.

Only one S&C switch in the station though, Mustang. But I have to admit it works REAL well.


Well, NHSparky – given the Urban Dictionary’s first definition of BFI, I’d guess the guy probably fits it to a “T”.


There are some rocket scientists breaking into substations in this AO cutting and stealing the ground wires. Knocking lots of people off the grid. Waiting for one to be fried like a squirrel.


Never fails, you do read about these Darwin Award winners from time to time. Especially when they try to cut off a copper conductor that isn’t the ground.

Delilah T.

If it’s copper, it’s worth about $3.20 per pound at a cash-paying recycling center.

I’m waiting until spring to take the electric cord that met with a lawn mower accident to the recycling center. Just glad I don’t have to strip the insulation before I go there, but it has 3 copper wires because it’s a grounded cord. Very heavy.


Buddy of mine is an electrician. He keeps the scraps of wire from his jobs and tosses them in a burn barrel. Once he gets a big enough of a pile in the barrel, he burns it to get the insulation off. Then he carts off the bare copper to the recyclers.

A Proud Infidel®™

There’s a difference between junkies, flunkies, and squirrels when any of them fries themselves in a substation. Part of me has a smidgen of pity for the squirrel, but for the would-be thieves, HELL NO, good riddance to those damn things!


It happens. IIRC, some guy outside Boston tried it a couple of years ago. Head literally exploded.

The only person I felt sorry for was the poor SOB who had to clean it up.


I heard a story about a knucklehead who tried to steal copper bus from the old Atlas Cement plant in Gary, Indiana. The plant was abandoned and was fed by a 25 HZ line from US Steel Gary Works (Atlas was owned by US Steel and used slag as aggregate in their concrete). Apparently, the incoming line was still hot, the main disconnect was closed, there was no enclosure, just bare bus with asbestos cement barriers between the phases and, because of the much lower frequency, there was no audible hum (the old 60 HZ shuffle as I call it). So this genius tried to cut a 4″ bus bar that was still energized and well, he got lit up!

A Proud Infidel®™

Here’s one from Britain:


A couple from the States:

I’m beginning to think of high voltage as a very helpful disinfectant of the human gene pool!!


Oh and for all of you electricians and electrical engineers out there…
“Sit the fuck down, Wickre! No one was talking to you”

Where was I? Oh yeah:
Why do transformers hum?


Cause they don’t know the words.


Or, if you were looking for the serious answer, it’s called magnetostriction, basically the vibration caused when materials vibrate as magnetic fields are introduced then taken away.


I was looking for the first, but both are acceptable answers. That’s my way of checking out my peers to see if they know their stuff. To me, the real deal always answers with the first answer because all legit folks in our line of work have a twisted sense of humor.


For my Nookular Bubblehead brethren:

Assessment of Why SCORPION Was Lost by an Exceptionally Qualified Submarine Officer

By Bruce Rule – Jan 20, 2014



Possible, but gassing that badly? Not likely. I know we paid pretty close attention to our battery.


Here’s where I might have a bit of an issue with what the good Captain said.

Yes, cell reversal is a big problem in multi-cell batteries, but even a single cell isn’t going to off-gas enough to cause that kind of failure in a HY-80 pressure hull.

Case in point–in the 1980’s, the USS GUITARRO had a failure of their WRT (Water Round Torpedo) tank baffles which ultimately shot a slug of seawater directly into the battery well.

The EO at the time saw discharge rate peg and immediately open-circuited the battery. Water put on the Torpedo Room deck boiled, and any attempt to dewater the Battery Well failed because the salted battery/electrolyte was so acidic it ate pretty much anything they tried to dewater it.

Do I think it was a Soviet boat? No. Do I think it was a hot run? Possibly, but he is right to state that Dr. Craven might have been a bit premature. Also note that Mk-37’s were notorious for hot runs and that the turn the SCORPION made was consistent with one.

Bottom line, we can make as many guesses as we want, but I don’t think we’ll ever know much more than we do now.


I made 6 dozen chocolate chip cookies. There are now 5 dozen of them.

Mikey is no longer required to wear his soft collar so that he’ll stop licking his butt where it was shaved.

The forecast for the weekend is pleasant with sunshine.

My neighbor mowed my lawn one last time yesterday afternoon.

I’ve reviewed one manuscript, noted changeds to make. Now on to the next one.

Pot roast for dinner tomorrow night.

Semper Idem

Woot; an open thread! Let’s rock out!

Def Leppard ‘Armageddon It’; album Hysteria, released 1987.




Watch the tail of the 777 in the second video …its rudder is wagging like a dog’s tail.


Hawk attacks drone.

Farflung Wanderer

So, I’m back in Illinois for the long Fall Break weekend, and I’m going to early vote today.

To make things interesting, my town (specifically my library) was in the Drudge Report recently…

The machines seem to think that “R” like a little like “D”, and think that we must have made a mistake when we hit “R”, and very kindly changes it to “D” for us.

I hope it doesn’t happen to me, but if it does, I know what to do.


If that does happen, even once, FFW, start yelling loudly and rake the election judges over the coals for it. And make sure the media are present.

How loudly can you yell ‘vote fraud’?

Farflung Wanderer

Barely-audible-in-a-five-foot-radius-over-a-Thunderbird-going-full-afterburners-at-altitude-of-“you-should-probably-duck” loud.

Trust me, I’ll make sure they shut down the machine if they pull something.

HS Junior

Looks like you all are doomed. Birdbath, purple peter puffer, and Pickwickre Peckerwood never make empty threats, after all.


“English, motherfucker! Do you speak it?!”

Clearly none of them do and obviously none of them can write it very well, either. And Wickre trying to be biblical, well, he’s no Samuel L., I can tell you that. Of course, I am shaking in my boots because these badasses are coming after us. Whatever will I do?


HS Junior

Hey now, be nice. I have it on good authority that they all have lots of fancy degrees from the Dennis Chevalier Linguistics Institute in Spalling and Grammer.

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

Hey Paul,

Who’s bails your ass out of jail now? It was your mom before she died.


well, now we know who ghostwrites most of the DU comments on Tuesday

A Proud Infidel®™

Can anyone translate that slobbering drivel? I don’t speak idiotese! I wonder how many bottles of Cisco and MD20/20 were killed during the composition of that blather?


What’s the word?
How’s it sold?
Good and cold!
What’s the jive?
Bird’s alive!
What’s the price?
Thirty, twice!

A Proud Infidel®™

Someone else posted this link on a previous Weekend Open Thread, but it fits right in when we’re discussing the Squad of Shmendricks:



Yeah, Proud, that was me!


A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure they guzzle plenty of Cisco to augment their intake of T-bird!!


I was looking to see if there was a YouTube video with the old Thunderbird jingle, but I found this instead. I can almost picture this being Palmer, only he lacks the sophistication (hell, he lacks the COHERENCE) of James Mason.


Tell me everyone, does this remind you of anyone we know?

Delilah T.

Considering that pigs are smarter than those three dim bulbs put together, this just gets dumber and dumber with every passing minute.

Their ability succeed is based on a completely false premise: that anyone is afraid of them, individually or as a triad, in the first place.


That smell you hear? It’s your breath rolling up in your face, psulie-boi. If you actually had a brain, it would easily fit on the head of a pin and still leave room for angels to dance.

A Proud Infidel®™

I think that every hairball coughed up by one of my cats is at least twenty times smarter than all of them put together! I just wish to say to those shmendricks from the bottom of my heart:



Yeah, and I’m going to use up my entire knowledge of Russian for these idiots:
“Hey, fucksticks!” *Whistles*
“Yeah, you! YOB TVOYU MAHT!”

Farflung Wanderer

That’s “fuck your mother”, isn’t it?

Pretty sure I saw that in a Tom Clancy…


And now all of my Croatian:


(Learned that when I was in grade school. Had a friend from Yugoslavia.)

A Proud Infidel®™

A little bit of Korean that I remember from my tour there *COUGH* years ago:



I’ll just add a little Norwegian here:

Vess du fan ikke kan oppfør dæ årntli så ska æ stapp høue ditt opp i ræva di, så kan du sett dær, aleina i mørtna, å prat mannskit me dæ sjøl.



Bigida misha
(Take it and suck it)

Farflung Wanderer

… I have a few to say.

1) Just add a “p” to the start of Bernath’s email and throw out everything after the “y”. It works.

2) It’s “LRRP”, isn’t it? Why does he keep chucking an “R”? Further, can he speak English, please.

3) I can’t even understand what he’s prattling on about.


I’m amazed that Chevy hasn’t joined this merry band.


Lemon Party Triad

You just won 10,000 Internets.


I was going to set the XO’s homepage on his personal laptop to that website……ain’t I a stinker?


Tub Girl is still an option, though.


One of my Squad Leaders figured out how to call a number and have it forwarded to another line. He kept forwarding gay sex hotlines to my XOs officephone

A Proud Infidel®™

Do you “have enough hair on your ass” to do it? 😈 :mrgreen:

Currahee John

Heheheheheh…now THAT was some sort of funny. Why is it that these sorts of idiots ALWAYS start claiming Christianity when cornered, albeit some weird,unrecognizable, “I’m gonna get God to murder ALL you people!!!11!” version thereof.

Brings this to mind, authentic gibberish as it is:



Wow! Some folks are just beyond help. As Granddad said, “Don’t try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and it annoys the pig.”


Or the other old saying: Arguing with a Democrat/Liberal is like wrestling with a pig. Both of you end up getting dirty and covered in shit,but the pig seems to like it.


What gross stupidity. I don’t think I have ever seen such a collection of utter bullshit anywhere in my life as that mashup of idiocy from the turd trio. Do they actually read what they write or do they simply throw a bowl of alphabet soup at the screen and post whatever sticks?



I pity the three brain cells that were forced to create that nonsensical drivel.


Full retard + 42

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

Paul I see call out the 9th commandment. Bearing false witness.

I can only laugh at that. You have admitted you made stuff up. I can mention Emails that I received from your cohorts where they both admit that they go after innocent people..

I see your 9th commandment and raise you a 1st, 2ond and 9th amendment.


Said it before, say it again:

If brains were cotton, the three of them put together still wouldn’t have enough to make a tampon for a piss ant.

Rustle, rustle, bitch.


Back in the when-gone-by last WINTER, for Pete’s sake, when bernitwit was trying to persuade people to believe that he was actually smart, he was demanding names. Remember that? And if you recall I handed out the oldest freaking joke on the planet.

To wit:
My name is Helen Wait. I work out in the hallway. If you tell people you need something, they tell you ‘Go to Helen Wait’.

And old birdbath couldn’t figure that out. The oldest, dumbest joke on the planet, and he didn’t get it. That said everything about him that anyone needs to know.

I’ll try again.

‘Go to Helen Wait’ is translated to GO TO HELL AND WAIT, you stupid asswipe.

Is that simple enough for you?

Do you need a dictionary and roadmap, too?

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

Ah, good times them was

Toasty Coastie

Happy Saturday TAH!
Was goofing around the web this afternoon and found this cute recipe for those of you with little ones running about for Halloween/ Samhain… It’s really easy and I do believe the kids will have fun making and eating them. Enjoy 🙂

Vampire Whoppee Pies


One box Red Velvet Cake mix

One jar Cream Cheese Frosting

One tube Red Gel Frosting

Mini Marshmallows

White Chocolate bar

Special Equipment:

Whoopie pie pan

Turn the oven to 350 degrees. Follow the recipe instructions listed on your box of cake mix to make the batter for the whoopie pies.
Spoon the batter into the holes of your whoopie pie pan, filling them 2/3 of the way, and bake them for 15 minutes. Allow them to cool.
Mound 2 tablespoons of frosting into the center of the bottom half of your whoopie pie.
Run a line of red gel frosting around the edge and stand mini marshmallows side by side all the way around the pie.
Top with the other half of your whoopie pie.
Break off two shards of white chocolate and wedge them in between the top and bottom of the pie to create vampire fangs.

Green Thumb

Daniel Bernath takes it from Phildo in the ass as Palmer of the Ballsack) Wickre and Dullas watch.


Green Thunb

When I heard about the show “The Biggest Loser”, I thought it was about Commander Phil Monkress and his experiences with All-Points Logistics.

But when I saw it, I realized it was more in-line with Heavy Chevy.


Weekends are just too damned short.

That is all.



Combat Historian

Continuing my (vey slow) recovery from emergency gall bladder surgery. My entire stomach still aches and hurts from where they cut me open. Doc says it will take upwards of three months or more for the pain and ache and discomfort there to slowly go away. Went back to work last week, but since they put me on light duty, it was bearable. Hope all my fellow TAHers are doing well out there…


RIP Cream bassist Jack Bruce (1943-2014)