Getting It Exactly Wrong

| October 23, 2014

FOX News is reporting that the Canadian government is responding to the terrorist attack in Ottawa by ordering all Canadian service members to avoid wearing their uniforms in public so that they do not present themselves as available targets. The order is in response to ISIS’s recent public urging to its minions in Western societies to seek out and murder military men and their families, as well as yesterday’s shooting of the unarmed ceremonial soldier at the Canadian monument paying tribute to past soldiers’ sacrifices and military achievements.

Hiding its warriors is exactly the opposite of the tactic that a nation with any sense of national fortitude, not to mention dignity, should be using when it comes under attack by terrorists. Instead of kowtowing to terrorist threats and ordering his soldiers into hiding, the Canadian prime minister should order all Canadian reserve forces onto national active duty and instruct Canada’s military command that all active-duty personnel will be required to carry a loaded military-issued weapon – at the very least a prominently displayed sidearm, either hip-mounted or in a shoulder holster.

In support of such a display of arms, the Canadian military should immediately present to its forces up-to-the-minute classroom and range instruction on how to respond to a terrorist event that unfolds in their presence, with heavy emphasis on immediate and permanent elimination of the threat to innocent Canadian citizens. They should be taught to shoot to kill, to destroy in the shortest possible time the threat to them and other citizens. They should be taught to disregard the ingrained tendency to shout commands to halt and desist and instead put rounds on target.

Good grief, Minister Harper, where the hell is the strength that built your huge frontier country? Are you so neutered by political correctness and fear of violence that you would instruct your military forces to hide among your helpless civilians? Sorry, Harper, but that is a weasel’s response when your country is threatened. It is time, man, to set loose your sheepdogs to protect your sheep.

ISIS has declared its intent to bring death to America by urging traitors among us to murder military service members and their families. The evidence indicates that these Muslim terrorists have mounted such attacks on American service members in the past and, on the occasion of the Fort Hood shooting, their families as well. But this is the first time that we have seen a general public call by any jihadist organization for American embeds to attack the families of our warriors. We, as a country, should consider that call for miscellaneous murder of innocents to be a major change of the rules of engagement and respond accordingly.

I predict that the day the first American soldier’s family is murdered by ISIS thugs will be the first day of the eventual, but total, destruction of this deadly Islamic infestation.

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Terror War

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Let’s get ONE THIS ALREADY!!!!


“on”….sheesh…. 😀


There have been several close calls in this country recently that have failed to make the news and have been issued to us via FOUO intel force protection memos. As if last week we have been ordered to do the same thing. Not wear our uniforms to and from work


Those of us with valid CCW permits are also allowed to carry in uniform while at work.


Didn’t I read that all active duty folks could apply and be granted CCW permits based on their weapons qualifications?


It’s state by state. In my state a valid pistol qualification card will suffice for the annual training requirement


How do you get around the weapons ban on bases The Feds don’t recognize state CCW permits….?


Sorry. Should have clarified. I’m Guard. AGR. Guard Armories are state property.


This is as a result of having several Armories and facilities in the country probed and a couple of kidnap attempts.


Like I said none of which have made the news and for some reason the higher ups want to keep close hold

Old Trooper

We know the reason. Keep your head on a swivel.


Is this everywhere? I have heard hide nor hair about the force protection memos, wearing civilians to and from work, nor the carrying (with your CCW) while in uniform at work.


Hearing these reports out here as well.


I’m not familiar with Canadian gun laws, are they allowed to carry as we are or is it mostly hunting weaponry?

I hope that most Canadian people who read that had the same thoughts that I know many Americans had (including me). If our Warriors’ families are going to be under attack on our home land, it’s time for more people to carry at all times. We might have the ability or opportunity to return the favor to our Heroes or their family. (That article scared the shit out of me more so than any I’ve read. And I remember the early internet with it’s “scare mail” forwards and warnings.)


Valyrie – Pretty restrictive. 100% registration, I believe, and a bunch of restrictions on barrel length, military provenance, magazine capacity, etc. Concealed carry is rare, and usually at the discretion of local police officials who are generally against it. Overall, somewhat stricter than the People’s Republic of California.


Thanks David. I thought that was the case.

Pinto Nag

No, you’re wrong. The first day an American military family is killed by IS, will be the day the same thing Canada did will be ordered by our own government — our military will be ordered to dress as civilians. In addition, it will not be identified as a terrorist act — at best, it will be identified as a home invasion.

This is the government that doesn’t believe in terrorism inside the US after 9/11, remember? And if they’d been in charge on that day, THAT wouldn’t have been identified as a terrorist act, either.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

And sadly, you win this round I fear…


Pinto Nag…Sadly I agree. As long as the likes of Obama and his minions are in charge or those of their ilk, they will call for, “All tails between legs…run, hide and cower”. His order of that day. I pray we do not see it.


I’m sorry but I don’t like people who are not in the military to wear uniforms. I don’t care what they’re singing about. If you aren’t serving, or haven’t served, don’t wear something that you think is cool but actually kinda sucks and in my opinion is disrespectful.

With regards to the original post, I think that the Prime Minister of Canada has made a mistake. I agree that they should declare open war on these evil people.

If they (ISIS) want to die, I think that’s awesome. I think it would be even more awesome if Canada started a women only army thing. Sorry I don’t know the correct terminology.

sorry everyone if I had a bit of a rant 🙁

Old Trooper

Rant? That wasn’t even a snit 🙂

As for telling military personnel to not wear uniforms in public…………..I have seen this before. It stunk then and it stinks now. Let our boys and girls return fire and this problem will take care of itself. The jihadis will lose interest when the only mission they accomplish is getting dead, not killing us.


You want a rant? Ok ummm here’s a rant and I’m going straight to hell for this but tomorrow’s Friday so I can go to Confession, and Father David is totally cool:

FUCK isis ( I refuse to capitalise their idiotic name) and their enablers EVERYWHERE. And that includes my own RETARD country who bleat about the PLIGHT of the palestinian people. Oh yah and a thousand plagues on their FUCKING goats.

I have read every single speech ever WRITTEN by President Reagan and it gave me goose bumps. I have read every single speech READ by your current President, using BOTH teleprompters, and it makes me want to throw up in my mouth.

How did this ‘TARD get elected?

America is the home of the Free and The Brave. What happened????

Seriously? WHAT. The. Fuck?

Is everyone just stupid? Oh wait…Global Warming.


Ok, that’s a lot of F bombs and I’m sorry if I was too KROSS but if people don’t wake up then Everything will be lost!

I can see like 10 gazillion Our Father’s and Hail Mary’s tomorrow but I don’t care.


I’m just very Kross you know? I’m sorry if I was too rude but this is really simple. I am on the side of Freedom. I don’t even live in the USA and I know what’s correct!

How did everyone get so stupid? I speak to people in my university classes and they go, “oh yah, Israel is evil and so is the USA”. So I ask them why. And they go, “cos like everyone knows that, what, are you like an idiot?”

You can’t defeat stupidity. You just can’t.

I don’t know what to do. Everything is reduced to Facebook and Twitter and 137 characters of stupidity.

It is so sad. What happened to Good? It HAS to triumph over evil cos that’s how stuff works.

A Proud Infidel®™

Miffy, you fit in here like biscuits do with gravy on a breakfast plate!!


BIG Hug and a *SMOOCH* on the cheek.

** Golf Clap*


Cool beans, Miffy. Keep it up.


I think I’m in love….

Also let me add that I’m thankful that the only targets are military in uniform. I reckon all the cops and other public servants who wear uniforms are breathing easy now. (+sarc+, as if I had to add that)


The force is strong with this one. Don’t worry about strong language. You fit right in here. We are a rough and tumble crowd.


*puts on Dart Vader Mask*

Impressive……..Most Impressive.



I agree that the reaction now should be a massive show of force, as it should be here as well. We have got to stop acting like cowering, impotent fools, and start acting like Warrirors!!
Unfortunately our Commander in Chief is a cowering, impotent fool, and as such he sets the example.


Yes! This is exactly how this should be handled! But you are correct once again on your second statement.


It’s easy to despise what you take for granted.


Hell, I wish we’d teach that HERE in the U.S. Military.

Instead we get “Bar the doors, stay under your desk, throw hot coffee at ’em!”

Fucking bullshit.


Military families already have been slaughtered on American soil, albeit by an Islamist thug not technically associated with ISIS, and our reaction was to label it workplace violence.


There is nothing new under the sun.

This is no different than any of the yearly OPSEC briefings I recieved all through the 1980′ and 90’s. In the recent past our own government’s stance has already mirrored this policy being enacted in Canada, and had since Euro terrorists started blowing up American servicemen in Germany in the 70’s. In fact I’m not exactly sure when it became ok to walk through the airports here at home in uniform. Sometime around 2003 I’m guessing.


The West is afraid of it’s own shadow.

This would be news if they didn’t cower like push overs and armed their troops instead.


Oh, stop it.

Not all of us are like that, and you know it.

And who the hell do you think will come running to US to defend THEM against the bad guys when the effing shooting starts?

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m a ME Vet, and if any of those inbred roach turds even think of messing with me or my family, may God have mercy on them if he sees fit because I WON’T!! At home in the USA, I’m not restricted by the ROE’s that I had to abide by in the litterbox.


Expect to see more of it. The cops? OH, shit – they were sadly outnumbered during the NATO conference in Chicago in 2012.

The protestors literally filled the streets in the Loop. If even a few of those protestors had decided to get pissy, which some of them said they planned to do, the cops could not possibly have handled the mob. Period. There were simply not enough of them in proportion to the crowd. A determined crowd of rioters is stronger than water cannons and mounted police. That was obvious during the Arab Spring riots in Cairo. Think of Watts in Los Angeles in the 1960s, New York City during a rolling blackout, London and Tottenham riots and burning in 2011, flash mobs in various US cities in 2011.

Besides, logic tells us that the offshoots of ISIL/IS (I refuse to use the name of the Egyptian goddess Isis for these pigs) are already here, just waiting for the right moments.

What happened in Canada yesterday might change my mind about CCW, but I would look for something like a fire extinguisher to spray and smack him with first.

It’s here and the rest is coming. Best be prepared, mentally as well as the rest of it.


Sadly, I must agree with the prevailing opinion here. There is NO WAY the NCA will authorize, much less allow, military personnel to openly carry weapons on U.S. soil. Will probably cite Posse Comitatus or some other bullshit.


Memory dim – sometime between 1973 and 1976 my command (172nd Infantry Brigade) instructed us to travel in civies. I was traveling through Seattle in uniform (dress greens) in 1972 or 1973 and had a bad experience. The order came out after that. In June 1975 I drove from Anchorage to Michigan and back, I did not take a uniform.


Got the same orders returning from Germany in 85 on a civvie flight because of the Navy guy (Steedam?) getting killed on that hijacked plane. Even got to grow my hair for 30 days prior (wow).


Possibly another terror attack in New York where 2 NY Cops were attacked by a hatchet welding man, who was subsequently shot and killed. He has been identified as Zale Thompson, a man who apparently was Muslim and held radical views. Watch your backs folks.

B Woodman

So if things turn hairy, what’s the target? I would suggest that besides the jihadist asshole perps themselves at the time of the attack, look for the mosques and the imams. But NOT the everyday average M.E. family. Leave them be, for the moment. I leave the rest as an exercise to your always fertile imaginations.

Toasty Coastie

We are in deep sewerage…The Klown Krewe in DC won’t be happy until we are all dead…

OT: Another genius was able to scale the White House fence and get inside….kicking a SS dog on the way in…

Lock and Load at all times my friends…and by the Old Gods and New, keep your heads on swivel and please stay safe. Especially those of you still serving.