Tuesdays With Claymore

| September 9, 2014

Truett Cathy dies…DU shows how classy they are.

Ban toddlers

ISIS sympathizers

Wall Street sympathizers

Oh hey, I know, let’s get a poll together!

Red states are backwards, racist, stupid, smell bad and poor.

Stingy Americans? Really?

“This is OUR war now.”

…new witness. Right.

There are no mulligans in foreign policy, asshole.

MSNBC is reality. Fo’ reals.

Operation Hope and Change

Preemptive? Pffft. Worst kept secret ever.

Neo-racism? Neuvo-racism? What’s the new word for new these days?

“Dreaming of the Bush years…no wait, I’m not! No really guys, I misspoke!”

Shocker…employees should buy their own clothes and not come to work dressed like a mud wrestler.

Baaaad data! It’s bad data, I tell you!

Republicans win because white people are scared.

Call in to Capt. Squirrelshit Crazypants!

Potential Latino Democrat voters pissed that they will have to wait a little longer before coming actual Democrat voters.

Stupid airplane crash is screwing up all of the good things Obama needs to tell us.

Excitement for the pantsuit 2016!! Woohoo?

Hey, did you know Mitt Romney was rich? What an idiot.

Crap insurance. Crap coverage. Hacked website. Employers dropping policies. Working as intended.

Good thing the left doesn’t profit from misery…

Feeding terror

A slave to the truth.

Rock is dead…Bush’s fault.

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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Surprisingly reasonable comment on DU:

“I don’t let every little opinion and slight to my personal ethos determine how I live my life. If I did, I’d be living in a cave eating lichen off of rocks. You and the rest of the DU puritan brigade would still probably find a way to grill me over that, though.

How does eating something prepared by someone else lead you to believe that someone can’t cook. That’s an incredibly cerebral line of thought. Do you walk up to people at the grocery store buying produce and derisively ask “What’s the matter? Can’t farm?”

Just Plain Jason

They have a groupthink and if you go against it then obviously you are not one of them. They will go out of their way to buy Venezuelan Oil, because of socialism ignoring all of the evil shit that happens down there.