NRA’s Life of Duty; “The Men Behind The Drugs”

| September 9, 2014


The folks at NRA send us their latest video in their Defending Our America series, sponsored by Sig Sauer. The video is entitled “The Men Behind The Drugs”;

America consumes more drugs than any other nation, and they’re coming from beyond our borders. The bulk of the world’s heroin now originates in Afghanistan. That means American drug users are funding not only Mexican cartels, but also our enemies in the Middle East.

Category: Crime, Politics

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Glad you posted this.


A major terrorist attack in U.S. should worry drug kingpins you would think – seems just plain bad for business. The U.S. clamping down the borders, seaports, interstate travel would appear to be a really tough environment for moving product/generating profits. Why poke a slumbering grizzly bear ya know? Just my .02…

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Wait I thought we were winning the drug war, that’s why the cops need MRAPS. So they can be uparmored for their battles with the cartels..seems like a great policy to have a militarized police just like Mexico. They seem to be doing a great job in creating a giant shithole country filled with corruption and run by drug lords…

Veritas Omnia Vincit

One of the best endorsements of legalizing drugs I’ve ever seen. Nobody is buying beer or wine from the mob when you can get it at your local neighborhood grocer. There was a time when the mob was importing it from all over the world and killing people in large quantities over alcholol. People who are going to ruin their lives are doing it with alcohol just as they do it with drugs, a policy designed to interdict shipments will never work unless you actually annihilate all sources of supply which we are not capable of doing and have never been capable of doing. We can’t even go to war and kill the sons of bitches who tell the news on a daily basis they intend to kill us and wipe us off the earth. We’re never going to be able to start a war that will kill the “poor” farmers of the world’s impoverished drug farming communities. Consequently our drug policy is a giant fail, it’s time to consider alternative policies to be sure. Perhaps looking at models that actually work instead of dreaming about what might happen would be a wise idea. Does anyone actually believe American drug users will suddenly find a conscience and do the right thing based on some sanctimonious preaching from some NRA talking heads? If you do, boy have I got a deal for you…. Unless the message was meant to imply we should go to war with the world to take over the drug lands…I’d be fine with using napalm to burn the coca fields to the ground and the poppy fields to the ground but our government has never had the testicular fortitude to mount that campaign. From what I can see the best work our police have done is seize the property of Americans to fund the drug war and imprison them in numbers so large we now have more people in prison than fucking China…. We don’t need moralizing about how some soldiers are going to get popped if you smoke a joint or inject some liquidized heroin into… Read more »


Well said sir. Too much of our resources are wasted pursuing an idea that will never be a reality without annihilating everyone involved.


Far too many people ignore the fact that without demand, supply would dry up. Attacking only the supply side is a proven failure, both during Prohibition and the War on Drugs. As far as I know, the only country to attack the demand side with any degree of success was China – when they executed something like 50,000,000 users in the early ’50s. I don’t see that happening here.



Look at that shitbag and is blatant not following New Jeresy’s seatbelt law. What law enforcement professional.

Americans DGAF about anything except getting high. Legalize drugs? FFS can I go live on the Moon already?