Letters from Palmer Wickre, FirsTech CEO

| September 3, 2014

Good times, good times.

I was happy to here of your bar suspension. Please leave your
smearing gossip and diminishment of my wife and my life , work life
and employers up for a few days.

We need to record it as is apparent:

You are zealously following and tracking our lives from afar, with
every attempt to take a swipe at our existance:

1) Smear our work
2) Disparge our employers
3) Intend and foment harm to our enterprises
4) Interfere in both husband and wifes work social circles
5) Create uncertainty and doubt to our names and titles
6) Threaten to contact strangers to you in our social and work sphere
7) Attempt us monetary harm
8) Attack our corporate entities
9) Follow my corporations orders
10) Attempt to interfere with our Government certifications

You can forget about 1st Amendment, leave those posts up and we will
see about State Law.

On firmer ground we will just show your actions as to a tort.

At the end of the day, you are just a little putz in the Midwest, that
preys on individuals. You are legally culpable and we will prove it.
No one really cares about your ex-military pitchfork brigade. No one
mentions it to me. AT all. NO one. They do not care, while you type
away at night trying to harm my wife and I, as a stalker. That is what
you are in Indianapolis a third rate cheap city, just a Stalker on the

However we did find damage in FL and will use that to put your income,
job, and savings upside down. As complex, we need a little more time
on your posts to the Congressman and your intent to diminish his
profession and standing. Leave those posts up as my experts need to
record your daily attempts at defamation with harm that you have

As I have said form the get-go you are poor, broke, ill-mannered and
rude and out of your sphere.y ou are not connected, a player or
anything at all. Just a putz in the Midwest. After Friday, when we
record your typing we insist that you take down your disparaging
collective writings, as a annoyance, like a litterer or vagrant.

Do not contact my self, or my wife by any obtuse writings, nor rev up
your broke ex-military thugs to assail us. Stop your Internet Contact
after 9/8 and cease using our names.

You have been warned and again and again told to stop crossing the
line. Cease points 1-10 above, as you have been legally warned.
Proceed at your own peril, and cease any mention of my self, wife or
entities, as abusive, illegal and abrasive to my family.

Paul K Wickre
VP DHS Business Development

FirstTech, Inc.
6915 Wilson Lane
Bethesda, MD 20817


It would be “hear” not “here”.
Your happiness was no doubt diminished 4 days later when it wasn’t suspended.

Note: For those who care, my license was suspended 4 days for failure to take the right CLE courses. (I took too many online and not enough in person.) I kid you not I had to take a 1.5 hour course on PowerPoint. That’s right, PowerPoint. It was brutal.

Category: Politics

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Death by powerpoint TSO?

Green Thumb

If it does not work out, you could always move “West”.

That Guy

As a rule, I hate taking classes that I am capable of teaching. Pretty much ANY commonly used office software falls into that category, as do most programs used for statistical analysis.
I’ve been forced to take classes at various jobs for programs I can use better than the instructors, and it grates upon my very soul.


Wow one and a half hours of school. That’s at least twice as much schooling as Paul K Wichre has received in his life and that includes Seal training. Speaking of Seal training I heard he still bounces balls off his nose behind Denny’s.

A Proud Infidel®™

Damned if he doesn’t have his soiled spandex tied in knots over this, I can’t quit laughing!!

That Guy

I’d like to point something out quickly:

‘At the end of the day, you are just a little putz in the Midwest, that
preys on individuals. You are legally culpable and we will prove it.
No one really cares about your ex-military pitchfork brigade. No one
mentions it to me. AT all. NO one. They do not care, while you type
away at night trying to harm my wife and I, as a stalker. That is what
you are in Indianapolis a third rate cheap city, just a Stalker on the

No one you know may mention it to you, or to your wife, from your social circles, as some people consider it a faux pas to call others out on their bullshit in such a manner. I find such people to be plentiful in political circles, especially. However, I’m sure prospective people do take notice, because when I google Psul or Pslmer, guess what comes up first?

As for Indianapolis being a ‘third rate city’, having lived in many places in this fine country, I would count Indianapolis in the top 3 midwest cities, and most certainly in the top 20 nationally. Where does he live? DC? Somewhere in Virginia? Bethesda, Maryland? Talk about a slew of third rate cities…

I also notice we have, according to his writing, till 9/8 to continue to mock him for his failings. So thanks for that, I suppose? This all ignores, of course, that we can voice our opinions, and can also state verifiable facts, as such discourse is protected. As is, if I’m not mistaken, telling people of dishonesty being perpetrated upon them.

That Guy

I used to live in Zionsville, just a bit north. I liked the Indy area. The downtown Ruth’s Chris is fantastic. The Castleton area Ruth’s Chris is terrible (by the bowling alley). Keystone has a good selection of restaurants. The suburbs are all nice. And it is dirt cheap, which is fantastic. I hated my short time in DC, personally.

That Guy

Believe it or not, I used to be a lifeguard at Eagle Creek Park. At ‘the beach’ they have, which is really just a mud drop off into muddy, murky, disgusting water. And I worked at a UPS location for a time near 86th street, before the Michigan road area with the Wal-Mart and all.

Green Thumb

You should try the “Great NW” if you can handle the liberalism.

It’s much like a drug. You get high, feel more confident than anyone else, indestructible, and you are out of “reality”.

But coming down it gets better: Its not your fault, your addiction is because of the “man” and no one wants to hear your problems because they are ignorant and don’t understand.

Try it folks. Its FREE!

Roger in Republic

I live on the Okanogan Highlands of eastern Washington state. The nearest “town” doesn’t even have a traffic light. A traffic jam is best described as “three cars at the Four way stop sign”. The only problem we have with overpopulation is having to make sure there are no deer in the backyard when we let the dogs out in the morning. As strange as it might sound most local political races have two republicans running for office. Dems can’t make it through the Top Two primary system. That means we don’t have to put up with Libs, they have to keep their heads down.

farmgirl with a mosin nagant

Similar deal here, but on the west side. Republican county despite the slow ‘creep’ of idiots from the ‘blue’ zones. I like where I live; I can have a conversation with my plumber about bowling pin league shoots, or the same conversation in line in the supermarket, and it’s the out-of-towners who gasp in horror.

Tom Huxton

Wait until race day, you will see traffic. The good news is that everyone is leaving.


Worse than Laconia?


Which is why I don’t live there, thank goodness.

I mean, just the other day, it took me all of 30 minutes to get from Nashua to my work (93/101). Driving up 125, OTOH, is the suck.

Hey, I was born in SoCal, I drove that shit every day. Between that and downtown Boston traffic, Manchvegas? Meh.


I’d love to be back in Manchester traffic. My DC commute – 35 miles, sometimes 2 hours. It didn’t take me 2 hours to get to work when I was living in Concord, NH and commuting to Burlington, MA.

Green Thumb

Old Town, Bitches.

Cougar City.


I pretty much make it a point to avoid going anywhere on holiday weekends if I can avoid it–particularly the Lakes region or up I-95 into Maine.

Call me spoiled, I’m used to a traffic jam being an old guy slowing down before they turn into Dunkin Donuts.

AW1 Tim

We used to make it a point to be headed SOUTH on the Maine Turnpike on the major holidays. There’d be this steady stream of vehicles headed north, while we’d only see sporadic traffic going the other way.

Normally, our foray would be just down the pike into Portsmouth. We’d hit up the liquor store and fill up the trunk, then spend a couple days with friends.

Learned early on that the best time to come into Maine is late at night or before 4am. Much the same for heading through NYC. 🙂

A Proud Infidel®™

I used to be an Over The Road (OTR) Trucker, I’ve driven to or through nearly every major city in the US, and DC was the worst to get caught in during rush hour!


Wienies, you are. Try Lake Shore Drive in a blizzard with a loaded CTA flexbus jacknifed in the northbound lane, gale-force winds blowing off Lake Michigan, and no way to get off the LSD because there are exactly thee exits northbound and they are ALL north of the broken down bus.

I saw that happening in Feb. 2011 and was SO glad I retired three years earlier.


Nascar weekend in N.H is worse. Both sides of the interstate south bound.

That Guy

Leave those posts up as my experts need to
record your daily attempts at defamation with harm that you have

Defamation, legally speaking:
Any statement, whether written or oral, that injures a third party’s reputation. See, e.g. Buckley v. Fitzsimmons, 509 U.S. 259 (1993). The tort of defamation includes both libel and slander.

To establish a prima facie case of defamation, four elements are generally required: a false statement purporting to be fact concerning another person or entity; publication or communication of that statement to a third person; fault on the part of the person making the statement amounting to intent or at least negligence; and some harm caused to the person or entity who is the subject of the statement.

Four elements are needed: A FALSE STATEMENT PURPORTING TO BE FACT being first among them.

That Guy

A congressperson suing you would make ALL of this public in a way that would not be advantageous to them AT ALL. Which would be the funniest shit ever.


Sounds like he’s getting his legal advice from a guy who doesn’t even know how to check the fuel gauge on an airplane.

A Proud Infidel®™

That gaggle of goobs has got to be a world record CITADEL OF STUPIDITY that’s more full of shit than all of the geese in the world put together!

AW1 Tim

Or he’s been spending time with the sea lawyers in the berthing compartments. prolly getting advice from a couple 3rd Class HT’s. THOSE guys know everything about legal proceedings…../sarc

A Proud Infidel®™

That or he has a crack team of Army barracks lawyers, they’ll at least hold a candle to your sea lawyers!


Well now we know what it look like when flatulence becomes self aware and tries to write.

Mr Wolf

Enigma, obviously you haven’t checked out the Wounded Veterans Working info… THAT’S a self-aware flatulent entity attempting to communicate


Psul really needs to get someone with a little better grasp of the English language to write for him. Or maybe lay off the rubbing alcohol.
What a douche rocket, as was made clear by his filing against his Monkeysass he was stalking quite a few people one here. As well as seeking ways to damage their lives in personal and professional ways.
As to as to as to…


TSO always has my sympathy for anything inflicted upon him by Binkie-boiar Psulie-o the Uncoolie-o, who seems to be severaly addicted to letting the entire world know several things about himself:

A – He can’t write for shit.

B – He’s obssessed with looking ridiculous.

C – He hasn’t the faintest grasp of grammar, spelling, or basic coherent sentence structure, never mind coherent thought processes.

D – He’s completely boring, and has left a trail of subliterate scribbles and oral flatulence in his wake to prove it.

E – He’s a gasbag.


I really am looking forward to your astrology readings. Last set was “dead on balls accurate.”

I know, it’s an industry term.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’d love to see Toasty sharpen her claws on that gelatinous blob in soiled spandex, has anyone heard if she’s getting any better lately?


Okay. This covers Psulie-o the Uncoolie-o and ISIL/IS, and to some degree, bodaprez. Right now, Mars is conjunct Saturn in Scorpio and opening the angle. Mars, being the war god, the aggressor, likes to bulldoze his way through things. Saturn, also known as Kronos (Father Time) by the Greeks, represents boundaries and limitations, so you have an aggressive movement that smacked into the wall of unexpected limitations on Aug. 29, when their conjunction was exact. And then you had the new, waxing moon in Aquarius quincunx (irritation) to Mars/Saturn in Scorpio. Now, this applies to ISIL/IS as well as to Psulie-o the Uncoolie-o. It’s basically a battle of force and will, a primary struggle. The message of Leo is ‘we’re gods and goddesses’, and that of Scorpio is ‘until you die’. The Aug. 29 date represented pay up or payment will be extracted. We saw that with Foley and later with Sotloff. It’s the ‘do what you want to if you’re willing to accept the consequences’ state. And the consequences don’t occur right away, in case anyone is wondering. They come AS A RESULT of something being done, and sometimes take time to manifest, but they will come. Keep an eye on the news in regard to how the muslim world is distancing itself from ISIL/IS. Consequences can be good; e.g., you pay off a bill that has been hanging arond your neck like a millstone. This gives you confidence and an excuse to celebreate. Or they can be bad, e.g., you do something obnoxious (Psulie-o) or barbaric (ISIL/IS), and in both cases, they are done for the sole purpose of getting our attention and you may not get what you were hoping for. You see where I’m going with this. The quincunx angle, wide open, is a thorn in someone’s side (Psul at TAH, ISIL/IS at The World). The consequence of arrogance for ISIL/IS is that even al Qaeda is now distancing itself from their barbarity, saying this is not what WE are about. They went too far in their quest to terrorize people. They may become hunted by… Read more »

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder if Psulmer Wickre will ever improve himself to where he could be at least half as coherent as a lobotomized one-eyed baboon on LSD?


No. A baboon on LSD and MD2020 is more coherent.

A Proud Infidel®™

My sentiments exactly, I was wondering if Psulmer would ever improve himself to at least half that level, that’s very unlikely. I’m as certain as you and all else here that he will forever inundate himself in a maelstrom of Thunderbird, MD20/20, Boone’s Farm, and concentrated stupidity!


Personally, if I saw writing that poor on a resume or in his correspondence, I wouldn’t hire the guy to clean out the booths in a gay porn peep show theater.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

I love that his “threats” are about as valid as a lead bus token on the Mass Pike, and count for even less. Seriously, Psulie-boi, didn’t momma ever teach you it’s bad manners to talk when your mouth is full of shit? Frankly, were you a gambling sort of man, I’d love to play poker against you. You overplay your hand, you have no idea what you’re holding, you can’t bluff worth a fuck, and you have so many leaks I hear you’re called “Titanic” in the Dupont Circle tranny bars.


Now go fetch your fucking shine box.


Psul, yes to all 10. You should demand a refund from those third rate colleges you attended. They obviously didn’t teach you anything.

Is your sister bankrolling your latest business failure? It seems that she’s the only one out of the Wickre/Haynes clan who isn’t a crook and has had a modicum of success.

Just an Old Dog

The jokes write themselves with this guy.
He is an unpolished turd hanging out of the ass of humanity, waiting to get pinched off.

Pineywoods NCO

So, in other words, he’s the universe’s shittest Klingon??

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, ‘ol Psulmer kinda grows on you like a wart!

A reoccurring large pimple on the buttocks of humanity!


I ignored Paul in the first go round, I found him pathetic and sad.

Now we find out he is suing APL for the money they owe him for harassing TAH. Then he writes the above bull shit.

Paul you are nothing but a whore, you showed that by being willing to sell your character to support something that you admit in a legal sworn document that you knew to be a lie. Now you are a nothing more than a crack whore crying rape.

You sicken me. You talk about damage to your reputation when you are the one that prostituted yourself to Monkcross. You send a letter that you see as extending an olive branch, where you admit you are now in with Bernath and his band of fools. Then you get offended that it was not accepted. Why in gods name would anyone want to be associated with you at all? What you dont get is that some people still have a belief in things like honor and integrity. By your words and actions you have shown time and again that you have no concept of the meaning of those words.

When the history of mankind is examined you and your cohorts will undoubtedly be seen as nothing more than a shit stain on the underwear of humanity.

You are nothing more than a self admitted prostitute to the dregs of society, do the world a favor and crawl back into your cheap bottle of booze and stay there.

3/17 Air Cav

Apples don’t fall far from the tree. Remember the radio station in Longview Wa? Family way back then showed a lack of honor and integrity. Psul of the ball sack is just following the family line. No honor, no integrity. It’s all about the buck?

FYI, why in the hell anyone would buy a radio station in Longview Wa. Is beyond me. What a dump!

AW1 Tim

I really need to check in more often. I’m missing a lot of the good stuff, apparently.

I’ve had some health issues that are keeping me busy with the VA so I haven’t been around as much as I’d like to.

Ah well, looks like the fun times are starting up again. Seems like Psul here is looking to win a redneck lottery so as to have enough money to tide him over till spring.

Hack Stone

FirstTech, Inc. must be a major player when it comes to securing government contracts, since I cannot find any presence of them on the intertubes using Google or Bing. I heard that their next big contract will be supplying the Federal Government with a copy of Y2K For Dummies.

Hack Stone

I still have few song parodies left over from last year that really need to get publicized. I held off posting them since I was under the (mistaken) impression that we had a truce going on with the Zlucky Smegma.

Hack Stone

This guy is such a genius, that if you look up his name and click on the links with this latest company he has started, half the time he lists it as FirstTech, Inc. and the other half as FirsTech, Inc. And since he is a senior executive at FirstTech/FirsTech , that means that he gets to park his car under the canopy at corporate headquarters on Wilson Lane.


This guy brings new meaning to the words “tool bag”. This came to mind after reading his latest tome . . . .


I love Kentucky Fried Movie…


Me too, I tried hard to bring in Big Jim Slade but couldn’t figure a way to tie it in with this Wickre nitwit.

Hack Stone

Does being hygienically challenged qualify for a government small business set aside?


Aha! I get it now. Paul is the bad guy and Palmer is the good guy.
Probably going to get an email from Palmer tomorrow declaring another truce. Business must really be bad if he worries that much about TAH. He couldn’t take it down when Monkress was paying him (well supposedly paying him), what makes him think he can do it now?
I still don’t like him.


This guy, THIS GUY has a college degree? As Ron Burgundy said…

I don’t believe you.

OIF '06-'07-'08

You would be surprised at how many people today possess a sheepskin, have a literacy/grammar level of a third grader, let alone an IQ barely above retard level.

A Proud Infidel®™

Unfortunately that’s true. Just look at some of them that spent seven or eight years getting a BS Degree in say, Gender Studies and going twice more than ass-deep in debt to do so!!


Actually, there was a guy with a mental retardation in the Creative Writing program at the university I attended. He graduated with honors. So, please be careful with whom you call a retard.

Sorry, I mean… So, please be careful AS TO whom you call a retard.

OIF '06-'07-'08

Actually Flagwaver, your former classmate sounds like he is a Autistic Savant and not retarded.

When I refer to retarded, I am referring to those that can learn but simply refuse to. The average IQ in a lot of Africa’s nations are 65, and people wonder why they can’t crawl out of the third world.


I went to Catholic grade school.
I have a powerful feeling that the ghost of Sister Mary Elmer is waiting to slap the shit outta me with her big-assed wooden ruler just because I tried to read this collection of red ink worthy grammar and spelling.


I get the same feeling from Mrs. Lawrence, God rest her wonderful soul !!!
Not Catholic school but Cardinal Community in Agency Iowa !!!
She was great, I didn’t think so at the time but she did teach me well in spite of the fact that I was an ass !!!

John D

Sticks and Stones may Break my Bones, but Words will Never Hurt………..

Wait a minute… ” Putz”?

What a vile horrible thing for Palmer to say. He must have meant it too- he spelled it correctly.

A Proud Infidel®™

As I see it, if Psulmer actually spelled it correctly, it means the brainless SCHMUCK only had one or two bottles of T-bird before he composed it!!


HEY !!! Thunderbird got me through Arctic Light Infantry in Fairbanks !!!
Go easy on it !!!
And pass the bottle !!!


What’s the word? THUNDERBIRD!


No, it’s copy/paste. He didn’t type it.

Had he typed it himself, the misspellings would have overridden the meaning in to gobbledegook country.


Not only did he spell it correctly, he actually used it correctly in a sentence. This is astounding since it is Yiddish. I wonder if that means Palmer there has some Hebrew blood?


“However we did find damage in FL and will use that to put your income, job, and savings upside down. As complex, we need a little more time on your posts to the Congressman and your intent to diminish his profession and standing. Leave those posts up as my experts need to record your daily attempts at defamation with harm that you have intended.”

I love this part. He’s claiming (I think) that his “experts” (ie the dog? mailbox? bushes? real estate lawyers?) are banking on attempting to accuse you of diminishing the profession and standing of being a Congressman. Ha! This has to be an inside joke amongst Paul & Friends as nobody could actually take this seriously… But what do I know, as I only live a few miles from Bethesda aka apparent center of the Universe and only have more than a decade of legal experience mixed with “mongrel” lineage due to my time in the military.


I thought that he was alluding to the fact that TSO had mentioned that Wickre’s wife’s employer was in a tight race for reelection and mentioned the Representative from Florida’s opponent. I’m going to guess that somehow Psul inferred that TAH readers would somehow support the opponent in hopes that the Representative would lose the race and the wife would be out on her ass. But, I could be wrong.


I just can’t help but chuckle over the fact that the same rocket scientist hired to take down the TAH website (as stated in his lawsuit against Monkress) is for some reason all butt-hurt because of our defensive fires.
I really like the part when he says no one has noticed anything we’ve said about him and that no one cares. Obviously someone has noticed or he wouldn’t be threatening us with his ramblings. September 8 is a day I am now looking forward to.

Nope. Still don’t like the guy.

OIF '06-'07-'08

Sounds like blobfish and his threats about the hurricane of warrants coming from the North Richland Hills PD, yet he is the one under investigation for mental issues regarding his constant complaints that he filed with them due to his butt hurt he suffered from the “Cadre” here.


His experts that are apparently copying the contents of this website on stone tablets. Leave them up…. they need more time. Just a day or two, then they will have it all copied.

FirsTech, your first choice in website content copying services!

OIF '06-'07-'08

Well damn, since I am using Firefox, all I have to do it to go up to the farthest right of my screen and open the menu and then choose print. Takes all but five seconds to accomplish.

OIF '06-'07-'08

Well, maybe that is what Psul’s experts are trying to figure out!


I think they are compiling a statistical model using advanced stochastics and looking for that Black Swan event. But it takes a long time when your most sophisticated tool is a dull chisel and an even duller brain.

Hey Pslmer… how many fingers am I holding up? Can you model it? Don’t eat the playdough!


I found a video of FirsTech Inc. Bethesda, MD experts at work. In this video, they are in their secret Nazi bunker modeling the futures market. I did not see the Black Swan, but that doesn’t mean much. I am not an expert.


Psulmer’s “top men” are probably using Netscape Navigator to view this blog.


Truth is an absolute defense.

Jonn Lilyea

I don’t know why he gets all butt-hurt because we post his own words exclusively. His agents could copy our posts about him by him CCing his email to them. He’s also laboring under the impression that he has a restraining order in place against us – in three different states.

He continues to mention this Judge Creighton person whom I’ve never heard of until she was assaulted and kidnapped by by her twenty-something boyfriend a few months back. But I fail to see why she has anything to do with us.


Well, I think Lou Reed said it best.

Palmer came to Miami, F.L.A.
Gargled balls across the U.S.A.
Plucked his eyebrows on the way
Shaved his legs and then he was a she
She says, “Hey, Phil,
Take a walk on the wild side.”
Said, “Hey, Monk,
Take a walk on the wild side.”

Monkress came from out on the island,
In the backroom he was everybody’s darling,
But he never lost his head
Even when he was giving head
He says, hey Paul, take a walk on the wild side
Said, hey Wick, take a walk on the wild side

And the APL guys go,

Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo

Green Thumb


Green Thumb

Is Palmer (of the BAllsack) still claiming to be an FBI Agent?


It seems to me that if his wife was concerned about “diminishment” she would have never married a brain dead fucktard. But that’s just me.


Damn! You weren’t suspended from that bar with the elk head and $1 Jagger shots on Thurs after 1700 were you? That really sucks


Face-Pslmer/Psul, I’ve stared at this for 5 minutes trying to figure out what would you read and comprehend, but at this point I’m lost for words, so let’s go step by step: 1) Smear our work Dude you sell RedHat, ’nuff said … 2) Disparge our employers I’ll assume you mean disparage, and we mostly wonder how the hell they stick in there after all the problems, lawsuits, and general BS .. if that makes them dumb hell if I know …. BTW are we disparaging them on emotional or mental intelligence? 3) Intend and foment harm to our enterprises You were in a company which sold snake oil, using very ridiculous and libelous means, you then went ahead an created a company which seems nothing more than a VAR, using your wife political leverage to try to go into selling into .gov and make some bucks, while it might not be illegal it does seriously poses an ethical question. 4) Interfere in both husband and wifes work social circles I don’t even …. 5) Create uncertainty and doubt to our names and titles Big claims require big proof, if you call yourself a member of MENSA yeah I’m going to call you on it, if you say you broke a deal I’ll call you on it, sorry but I work in a “show me” industry … 6) Threaten to contact strangers to you in our social and work sphere When you come into someone’s place and verbally attack and threaten them it opens up a can of worms pretty big dude … is called consequences 7) Attempt us monetary harm Did he try to steal from you? impersonate you? you mean posting the truth or what? 8) Attack our corporate entities Marking down a company from a known snake oil seller is a normal and very used procedure, see http://attrition.org/errata/charlatan/ .. be careful the security industry does self regulate, you might endup in there one day if you pull the antics you pulled here with a security person. 9) Follow my corporations orders Your corporations order ppl? and you… Read more »

Patty Cake

I love the fact that he threatens to take all of “use that to put your income, job, and savings upside down”.

Does he not know that you have no trust fund? LOL

HS Junior

Damn school to heck for making me miss stuff like this!

In any case, I’m not the only person who thought of this when I read that misspelled wasteland, am I?

“Why would a Wookiee, an 8-foot-tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of 2-foot-tall Ewoks? That does not make sense! But more important, you have to ask yourself: What does this have to do with this case? Nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case! It does not make sense! Look at me. I’m a lawyer defending a major record company, and I’m talkin’ about Chewbacca! Does that make sense? Ladies and gentlemen, I am not making any sense! None of this makes sense! And so you have to remember, when you’re in that jury room deliberatin’ and conjugatin’ the Emancipation Proclamation, does it make sense? No! Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, it does not make sense! If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit! The defense rests.”

Hack Stone

You are going to have to help this old fart. What movie was that from? It sounds vaguely familiar.

HS Junior

It’s from Southpark; the famous “Chewbacca defense.” It’s satire of the closing arguments of the Simpson trial.

Hack Stone

Well, I sure feel like a Wickre. I watch South Park quite frequently, so that must have seeped into my sub-conscious. I was watching the Breast Cancer Show Ever episode last month, and the parallels between Cartman and Wickre are eerie, especially that episode, where Cartman pisses off Wendy to the point of kicking his ass, so he runs to his mother for protection. Not unlike a resident of Wilson Lane coming here, shitting in our MRE, and when he gets his ass kicked, he goes crying to his wife, the police and the courts.

HS Junior

Yeah, it’s a good show. I only watch it sparingly because of my little sisters, but I like what I see.

A Proud Infidel®™

Psulmer Wickre reminds me of the kid in grade school who would do his damndest to pick a fight and then run bawling to the Teacher and his Mommy when he got his ass kicked!


If someone has the time and inclination, they could consider filing what’s known as a qui tam lawsuit agsinst APL. Although it’s been awhile since I worked on one, it can be filed by someone with evidence of fraud, waste, and abuse of government contracts. If Wickre is somewhat accurate, any of Monkress’ contracts based on fraud that can be tied to specific contracts are subject to the lawsuit. With Qui Tam, DOJ has first crack to take the case from you, but if they don’t and you win, you get awarded the amount of the contract in damages.


As I live and breathe, today is 9/8, September the 8th, 8th of September, the 251st day of 2014. The world hasn’t stopped revolving yet…
If I remember correctly, something earth-shattering is supposed to happen, but dammit if I haven’t forgot what it was supposed to be.

“Do not contact my self, or my wife by any obtuse writings, nor rev up your broke ex-military thugs to assail us. Stop your Internet Contact after 9/8 and cease using our names.”

adjective \äb-ˈtüs, əb-, -ˈtyüs\
: stupid or unintelligent : not able to think clearly or to understand what is obvious or simple

If we can’t use obtuse writings, how else is Mr. Wickerbasket going to understand? Everything else seems to go right over his head…

With love,
Another Broke Ex-Military Thugs

p.s. I really don’t like this guy.


From his syphilitic ramblings above: “No one really cares about your ex-military pitchfork brigade. No one mentions it to me. AT all. NO one. They do not care, …”
Doesn’t that screw his own case?? Nice to know that “NO one” has asked you about the truth we have posted here Psul Pslmer. Golly gee willakers, your attorneys must love you.

I thought 9/8 was the day his FirsTech stonemasons were going to have their copy and paste work completed.


Indeed. If no one cared, why are they so butthurt about it?

If I was going to give a (verbal/figurative) beat down, etc., to phonies, yet they’re so convinced they aren’t why again with the butthurt and fear for their lives?

Bueller? Bueller?


Yeah, well, continuing to have no interest in this clown may be among the easiest things in the world to do. No one cared one miniscule whit about him until he came here demanding attention.

Some folks simply cannot be pleased. Keep throwing the tantrums, silly boy – it has no impact on your importance to us individually or collectively. Your life would probably be much easier if you just tended to your own business and quit insinuating yourself into ours. Then again, you would probably find others to blame for your inadequacies.



Green Thumb

Palmer (of the Ballsack) = Loser.


Hey Paul,

Go F*CK yourself.

You started this you whore. You admitted you knew he was a fraud and you admitted you did it for money. Now you want to bitch and complain.

Cant stand the heat? Go crawl under a rock you fucking snake

Green Thumb

And he got stiffed.

In several ways I suspect.

Open Channel D

Today’s the Day, FacePalmer! Did you get a call from the compliance division of a certain federal agency? The OIG? The investigative reporter from a top DC news outlet?

FacePalmer, you’re chronically stupid and about to be famous for it–we look forward to every incoherent and misspelled missive, so keep ’em coming!!

A Proud Infidel®™

Yes indeed Palmer “Paul” Wickre, where’s this mighty blow your associate says you’re going to deal to us, ditto with the one who jumps out of airplanes? *YAWN*…

Hack Stone

Maybe he thought that he could change the trajectory of that asteroid passing by Earth this week to crash into the TAH server.


No way. Rumor has it that the TAH server is located so deep in the WV mountains that it makes NORAD look like a tollbooth.
When the world ends, two things will survive: cockroaches and the TAH server that will continue to “out” them.

Charlie Foxtrot

Hey Paul/Psul/Palmer/Psulmer – WHATEVER your name is today, we’re NOT the stalkers you and your slovenly idiotic cohorts claim us to be. Who are the ones posting people’s PII on websites, trying all they can to harass folks via any channel possible, as well as another character who posts as many incendiary pictures and comments of people here and elsewhere on his web page with accusations of homosexuality, pet thievery, kept a “death clock” on Jonn, and has accused multiple people of being the same screen name? From whose clique has one person repeatedly posted that he was going to personally visit people? YOU and your cohorts are the ones who have repeatedly thrust yourselves back into the spotlight, just look at others featured on TAH who clammed up and faded away, that could have been you, but hey, like a past mentor once told me “You can’t help a fool.”. You and your cohorts have repeatedly proven yourselves to be weapons grade FOOLS just to put it mildly, enjoy your time in the limelight!

Green Thumb

Maybe All-Points logistics and their CEO Commander Phil Monkress could bring in Palmer (of the Ballsack) and his stolen valor cabal on as consultants and associates.

It would be a damn sight better than those clowns they have now to include the “less than honorable” COL W, Bird Brain, The Bottom Feeder, Drunken Wolf, Sludge, The Legal Eagle and the rest.

All taxpayer-funder consultant fees and salaries, no less.

Hack Stone

I believe that Don Shipley’s hair will also survive the impact.

A Proud Infidel®™

Speakin’ of which, someone in the PNW has taken a fascination with The Hair on his webpage of gibberish and gobbledygook, I wonder what goes on in that septic tank-like mind of his, is he trying to sue The Hair along with everyone else? I’m certain that person will be the butt of many jokes in plenty of State Bar Associations for years to come! My Dad is a retired Judge, and he’s told me about spoofs and skits that sometimes go on in Bar Association conventions, I’m positive that that critter in the PNW will be the subject of more than a few in many States for years to come!

Hack Stone

What is PNW?

gas tank

Pacific Northwest


Yeah, for a guy who is butthurt by rustling bushes and sees “death threats” in someone saying, “Good morning!” to him, talking shit about a former SEAL is real high on the list of weapons grade stupid shit to do.


A Proud Infidel®™

Not one, but TWO. He still accuses another former SEAL of being me!!


So, imagine my utter surprise that when I awoke this fine morning, the world had not ended. Yet another FAIL by Mr. Wickerlounger, but then again it’s probably my bad for assuming that 9/8 meant sometime in this century. Perhaps he was trying to do some complex math like 9/8 = 1 1/8.

According to wiki: “Wicker men are set ablaze during some neopagan festivities.”

I don’t really like this guy.

Charlie Foxtrot

I’m certain that THIS is Psulmer, Witless, Blobfish and whatshisname’s theme song, I’ve heard rumor that Psulmer blasts it on the cassette player in his old jag when he’s cruising DuPont circle.