Saving Michael Brown
In 1964, a half-century ago, President Lyndon Banes Johnson (LBJ) declared war on poverty. In his Great Society Speech, LBJ laid out the utopian big government progressive road map for America. Today, we are still living with his utopian ideology. Still following his Great Society road map leading us to our own destruction. He spoke about the importance of leisure time, saving the environment, and changing our education system. For progressives, not much has changed in their quest for a more perfect union. As Nancy Pelosi told us, one does not have to worry about working now. With Obamacare, one can now take the time to write poetry or paint a portrait.
After 50 years, the war on poverty has failed the people it was supposedly meant to help.
The collapse of marriage in low-income communities has played a substantial role in the declining capacity for self-support. In 1963, 6% of American children were born out of wedlock. Today the number stands at 41%. As benefits swelled, welfare increasingly served as a substitute for a bread-winning husband in the home.
According to the Heritage Foundation’s analysis, children raised in the growing number of single-parent homes are four times more likely to be living in poverty than children reared by married parents of the same education level. Children who grow up without a father in the home are also more likely to suffer from a broad array of social and behavioral problems. The consequences continue into adulthood: Children raised by single parents are three times more likely to end up in jail and 50% more likely to be poor as adults. The Heritage Foundation
“The War on Poverty has arguably destroyed the black nuclear family,” said Project 21’s Christopher Arps. “Roughly 75 percent of black children were born to a married two-parent family when the ‘war’ began in 1964. By 2008, the percentage of black babies born out of wedlock numbered over 72 percent. Today, the rate of unwed motherhood in the black community is more than twice as high as among whites — and almost three times higher than before big government’s grand intervention. And all this comes at a steep financial cost. The federal government has spent an estimated $15 trillion dollars to end poverty. Government reportedly spent $20,610 on every poor individual and $61,830 per poor family in 2012.” – Christopher Arps Project 21 Press Release, War on Poverty
We have communities of people, generations of children, trapped in low-income housing neighborhoods. Progressivism effectively placed them on an inner-city reservation and kept them dependent on government handouts giving them no incentive to leave. As statistics document, too many children are growing up in single-mother homes. I grew up watching my Father go to work every day. That is how a child learns a work ethic and responsibility. Without a father figure, whose example does a young man follow? From whom does he learn responsibility, work ethic, how to be a man? Big Mike’s ambition was to be a rapper.
Reverends Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are prominent examples of the people made wealthy by LBJ’s progressive Great Society. These two men hold themselves up to be ministers of the gospel. Reverent men. Men of the cloth. The prey on those who are enslaved to government dependence and reside in those inner city reservations. They are always on the scene whipping up fervor and chanting no justice no peace. Added by outsiders, like Malik Shabazz and his new black panthers, they incite riots and looting. People loot and burn the businesses in their own communities. Al and Jesse ride off into the sunset to their palatial digs, leaving destruction and hatred in the wake of their limos. These men are no more than race charlatans preying on their own people.
If Al and Jesse were true to their titles, Christian ministers, the first time they showed up in Ferguson would not have been after a young man died. If they were true to their titles; if they cared a whit about anyone except Al and Jesse, they would live in those neighborhoods. They would be trying to put families back together, showing young people the pathway out. They would be trying to replace gang banging, looting, dope smoking… with Christian ministry and God. But that is not Al and Jesse. Al and Jesse need victims with straw men enemies. If they really cared and had any courage, they would be in Chicago trying to stop the senseless killings taking place there. Following people such as these is a sure way to remain trapped in the hood. Because this is where they need and want black Americans.
Then there are the Democrats, for who most black Americans vote. It was Democrats who opposed school desegregation, who set dogs and fire hoses on peacefully protesting people. It was Democrats who founded the Klu Klux Klan. It was a Democrat Senator and Klu Klux Klan member Robert C Byrd who filibustered the Civil Rights Act – one of LBJ’s Great Society Democrats. It was the Republicans voting that passed it. Black people vote for Democrats each and every election, and as the statistics clearly show they are no better off for it than they were 50 years ago. With the Great Society’s decimation of the black family, they are arguably worse off.
The white liberal media loves to fan the flames and report misinformation even to the point of editing a recorded 911 call to make George Zimmerman sound racist, and in the Michael Brown case as is typical going to press with the first unverified accounts they heard because they fit with their preconceived story line.
The President and his Attorney General add fuel to these fires and it is most certain that the police officer will be indicted, have his life destroyed in the process and when all the facts are out it will be the same story. Lives destroyed, communities torn apart and nothing will be accomplished that will save the next Michael Brown or the next scourge of looting and rioting. The only thing that will save the future for this lost generation of youth is a U-turn from the past 50 years of progressivism. Progressivism kills in every place and in every situation it is tried.
© 2014 J. D. Pendry American Journal
Category: Politics
“I’ll have those ni**ers voting democrat for a hundred years!”
-Lyndon B. Johnson
AKA racist liberal douche
“Great society” my ass.
The most racist things I’ve read on the internet are from apparently black democrats in response to black republicans.
It is a strange world indeed.
They threw Oreo cookies at Michael Steele, and compared Condi Rice to Aunt Jemima.
“Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.”
William F. Buckley
I remember that quote.
It really is sad that more Black Americans don’t know the truth about the Democrat Party.
This article and your words are absolutely spot on my good friend.
The things that have been done to the black family in the US is a complete sin.
Over 50% of all black babies are aborted and in some cities like New York the number is over 60%.
This is all the dream of Margaret Sanger, a true racist that wanted blacks to stop multiplying and found abortion to be a manner of politically acceptable genocide.
This plus the war on poverty have had run on effects that have completely destroyed everything good that was happening in so many.
The crime rate of blacks upon blacks is never spoken about and liberals will dance all around it to avoid actually talking about it…
Truth of the matter is that LBJ started the War on Poverty, poverty won…
Our resident “
idiotsavant” vwp is gonna blow a gasket when he reads this!Heh, heh, heh…
You’re assuming the moron can read, Hondo. From what I’ve seen, that may be an overly generous assessment.
That is, IF he/it takes a break from sniffing glue and blowing winos behind bus stops!
Still waiting for the “War on Poverty” exit strategy.
50 years, trillions of dollars, thousands of casualties and no end in sight.
Welcome aboard, Command Sergeant Major Pendry. for those here at TAH who are unfamiliar with J.D. Pendry, he’s a retired Army CSM who authored one of the best books on leading troops ever published, “The Three Meter Zone: Common Sense Leadership for NCO’s,” available at Amazon and many other places. For those of you still serving, both NCO’s and officers, if you don’t have it, get it, as it is a book that will serve your careers well.
J.D.’s political writings first came to my attention when he became one of our frequent contributors at the now defunct veterans’ website, Old War Dogs, created by Bill Faith, R.I.P.
A few days ago I surfed into one of J.D.’s essays and it occurred to me that his wisdom and insights would most likely appeal to TAH followers. So I contacted J.D. and Jonn and it’s now a done deal. It’s an addition that we will all benefit from with the possible exception of the few liberal trolls who waft through here periodically. And who knows, J.D. just might be able to enlighten some of them with his well-reasoned insights.
Again, welcome aboard, J.D.
Poetrooper…Thank you for the contact to J.D. Pendry. I too welcome Mr. Pendry’s to the site and look forward to more of his articles. This one was excellent and leaves nothing for me to add except I agree 1000%. Thank you J.D. Pendry.
Very well said!
I don’t mean to sound like an old geezer but when I was in grade school (1972 or thereabouts), I learned that the population of the USA was 110 million. Last week I believe there was an article making the rounds that there are currently 110 million in the USA receiving assistance.
Progressives: redefining progress.
Wow! Since I graduated from grammar school in 1969, now I feel like an old geezer!
Democrats and some republicans have perpetuated the “War on Poverty.” Should we hold republicans responsible for passing it in the first place?
It took 50 years to get about 50% of the people in the Free Shit Army. Now what do we do about it without tearing the country out by the roots and starting over? If that is even possible?
We have painted ourselves into a corner, and I don’t think there is a doable solution.
By my observation, there is neither the testicular fortitude nor the political will to change the very clearly wrong direction LBJ (may his soul be tormented for all Eternity) took the country in.
It will take a literal Act of God to change the direction this country is going, IMO.
Welcome to TAH, Sern’t Major Pendry!
Sharpton and Jackson are carpetbaggers.
They make sure trouble not only gets stirred up but keeps on going.
The only time I have ever seen The Rev. Jackson in person was t a Dallas Cowboys game about 17 years ago. I had pretty good seats and Jerry Jone’s box was up a a few rows behind me. Plainly visible inside the suite was The Rev. in a blue blazer with a drink in his hand. Also in the suite that day was The Donald. This was shortly after The Donald had declared bankruptcy and was paying his creditors 10 cents on the dollar or some bullshit. The Rev. looked very comfortable in his surroundings that day. Hypocrites, all of them.
Rank hypocrisy from the “good Reverend” shouldn’t surprise anyone. Remember the famous “Hymietown” remark 3 decades ago – which he initially denied. Also remember his refusal to denounce Louis Farrakhan for fanning the flames during the brouhaha resulting from same.
Well written piece. I recently retook US History 102 (1865-Present) and had to sit through a liberal toad professor who sang the praises of LBJ’s programs.
The Liberals ( I refuse to call them “progressives” because they are just the opposite)try to tie in the positive progress of the 1960s ( voting reform and civil rights) with the absolute failure of the War of poverty. You cant criticize the WOP without being a racist that opposies civil rights.
The late Senator Patrick Moynihan did.
He was ignored by his own party. Apparently they didn’t want to hear the truth even from one of their own.
Now, it’s so much easier for liberals to ignore the facts of the war on poverty. There is no one left in their party to dissent from the mantra of the welfare state and it’s proponents.
Now the liberal talking heads are claiming that the War on Drugs is responsible for all of rhe black mans ills. No mention of the fact that blacks willing enlisted on the other side in that war. So now we learn that the War on Poverty (won by Poverty) was negated by the War on Drugs( Won by Drugs). At this time I think we need to end the anti-poverty programs and the anti-drug programs and let mother nature sort it out. Stop wasting money on both of those losing programs. Make drugs legal and poverty illegal. The welfare/industrial complex has done untold damage to this country and needs to be stopped. I could see putting large numbers of the lifetime unemployed to work clearing brush and wildfire fuel up within the nation’s forests.
This 100%
Why can’t we fond one brave , articulate conservative/Republican that can make this argument?
This should be the battle cry and be hammered home 24/7.
The comparison to Indian Reservations is apt. I hadn’t thought of it that way.
Thanks CSM Pendry. I’ll be adding that argument to my arsenal.
JD, please forgive me for being a nit picky jerk, but it’s Baines, not Banes.
Thanks for the catch
Welcome to Jonn’s “island of misfit toys”, CSM.
Good article. Hope to see more as your sched permits.
“When you quit hitting yourself in the head with a hammer, it sure feels good.”
Which is what we need to do with these blanket programs.
I think JD needs to be writing over at Salon. And people like JD need to invade the Kos Kids and The Daily Beast and all those other sites, because he’s right, but he’s not going to reach Sharptons audience here and he’s not going to counter the stuttering cluster that is even the conservative media from here.
We’re all holed up in our bunkers of conservative sites and liberal sites with no real engagement and no real debate. And I love debates. Real debates. Long, lengthy debates. And I would very much enjoy seeing someone with a better knowledge of history than I take Sharpton apart in several of them while he’s effectively gagged and unable to speak until his 15 begins.
Rinse, repeat.
We should be having these public policy debates, publicly, on a lot of subjects and utilizing all the talent that’s out there blogging or writing from WUWT to WSJ to Max Boot and Rand Paul.
Enough with the rah rah GOTV bloggers conventions where we again mostly preach to the choir. We’d have a much greater audience and effect if we staged a verbal brawl. We need to bring some of the charm and excitement of a MMA match to this thing.
Although there is some danger of riots. Such is life.
LBJ…the guy who escalated the Vietnam War then quit. LBJ…the guy who wore a Silver Star ribbon on his lapel for riding in the back of an airplane in WWII.
Yeah…a real piece of work he was.
I visited his presidentai library in Austin years ago. I tossed a nickel into the fountain and proclaimed that is what his “Great Society” program was now worth.
If I had to pick one individual who was the most morally corrupt, dishonest, petty, and generally odious man to ever hold the US presidency, for me it would be a hard choice between LBJ and Harding.
However, LBJ gets the nod. And that’s assuming Harding was fully knowledgeable about and/or involved in the corruption in his administration, which history doesn’t clearly show was the case.
Nixon isn’t in the mix as he doesn’t appear to have been personally financially corrupt, nor was he a womanizer who hired paramours and put them on his staff. If you don’t believe the last two items apply to LBJ, I suggest you check out how LBJ made his fortune in radio/TV (with a little “assist” from the FCC) and Google “jumbo LBJ” for confirmation.
“We are losing our Christian culture. America the idea is being replaced by America the place. It is undergoing fundamental transformation into something totally alien to our founding principles.”
CSM J.D. Pendry, USA, ret.