Burning Washington 200 years ago

| August 24, 2014


So, today marks the 200th Anniversary of the burning of our nation’s Capitol by invading British forces. On August 24th, 1814, a brief skirmish occurred between British and poorly trained and equipped Americans at Bladensburg, Maryland, a few miles from Washington. When the Americans broke, it was a clear path to the Capitol;

Reaching Washington on the evening of August 24, the British found a city largely deserted, with the only resistance being ineffective sniper fire from one house. The first order of business for the British was to attack the navy yard, but retreating Americans had already set fires to destroy it.

British troops arrived at the US Capitol, which was still unfinished. According to later accounts, the British were impressed by the fine architecture of the building, and some of the officers had qualms about burning it.

According to legend, Admiral Cockburn sat in the chair belonging to the Speaker of the House and asked, “Shall this harbor of Yankee democracy be burned?” The British Marines with him yelled “Aye!” Orders were given to torch the building.

The British troops worked diligently to set fires inside the Capitol, destroying years of work by artisans brought from Europe. With the burning Capitol lighting the sky, troops also marched to burn an armory.

At about 10:30 p.m., approximately 150 Royal Marines formed up in columns and began marching westward on Pennsylvania Avenue, following the route used in modern times for inauguration day parades. The British troops moved quickly, with a particular destination in mind.

By that time President James Madison had fled to safety in Virginia, where he would meet up with his wife and servants from the president’s house.

Arriving at the president’s mansion, Admiral Cockburn reveled in his triumph. He entered the building with his men, and the British began picking up souvenirs. Cockburn took one of Madison’s hats, and a cushion from Dolley Madison’s chair. The troops also drank some of Madison’s wine and helped themselves to food.

With the frivolity ended, the British Marines systematically set fire to the mansion by standing on the lawn and hurling torches through the windows. The house began to burn.

The British troops next turned their attention to the adjacent Treasury Department building, which was also set on fire.

The fires burned so brightly that observers many miles away recalled seeing a glow in the night sky.

More on the story from the Washington Post.

Category: Historical

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Jonn, Thank for the story. I forget my 4th grade history sometimes but remember studying this. If Obama doesn’t change IS will be doing the same thing. Or the American people will.

The Other Whitey

“Or the American people will.”

Nice! Like that last line from the Wolverine movie, “Nobody kills you except me!”

All kidding aside, DC seriously needs to be deloused, but I think torching it may be a bit excessive.


Yeah, but we’re still here. 😛


“Toto, we’re not in Europe!” Taking out our federal seat of government’s locations didn’t phase our ancestors. They kept on fighting. :mrgreen:

My great great great great grandfather was a militiaman that was mustered to fight the British back in 1812. :mrgreen:


My family also served in the war of 1812 and many others way back when.
My family has served in every major conflict this country has seen, including the present ones.
History is fascinating.
Someone else said it best, ” If you don’t remember where you have been, you will never know where you are going now.


Same here, our families have similar histories, especially with family members serving in every, or almost every, major conflict down to the present. One of my direct ancestors’ name is third down on Hartford Connecticut’s founders memorial. :mrgreen:


While my family didn’t serve in many major conflicts, the were responsible for a few…


Some could argue Washington is burning today … Set ablaze by foreign invaders.