Sometimes there just aren’t any appropriate words. Provided without comment.
T-Shirt With Photo Of His Old Mug Shot
Category: "Teh Stoopid", Dumbass Bullshit
Sometimes there just aren’t any appropriate words. Provided without comment.
Category: "Teh Stoopid", Dumbass Bullshit
Or “Yo dawg, I heard you like mugshots, so I put your mugshot in your mugshot”
Downeast recursion!
In the comments of the article I read yesterday, one commenter said, “Maine, the Florida of the north.”
In the future, when I hear people question how Obama got elected twice, I will relate this story to them…..
I can’t imagine that he actually made the effort to cast a vote himself, but I am confident that a vote was cast in his name.
A little “hard” time inside and this kid would lose the humor of it all. Bet his parents are really proud now. Who am I kidding, his parents probably care less.
His dad is probably saying “Gonna need a few more arrests before you catch up with your old man. But I’m proud of ya son for trying!”
To whoever said you can’t fix stupid: massive understatement.
Who says New England’s gene pool doesn’t have a shallow end?
Maine–the Kentucky of New England. Sorry Tim, you know it’s true.
HEY! My wife’s from Kentucky! Oh wait…….
To be honest, I’m surprised he’s wearing a shirt. Even more surprised he didn’t have that mugshot as a tat.
Sigh. These are my people. There’s a reason that country music and redneck briefcases are so popular up heah. 🙂
Well, now that ya mention it, this comes to mind.
Seems to fit this fool, even if it’s neither KY or ME.
I’m hoping that T-Shirt came with a free vasectomy….that idiotic bastard should never be allowed to reproduce.
You can’t make up shit like this, I couldn’t if I tried!
If it wasn’t for a bad attitude, he’d have no attitude at all.
The most popular alcoholic beverage in Maine–the 1.75 liter bottle of Allen’s Coffee Brandy. The second most popular? The 1-liter bottle of Allen’s Coffee Brandy.
Domestic abuse cases there went down by 50% when Allen’s switched from glass to plastic bottles.
Ayuh. Square in the black. Allen’s and milk. It’s not just for breakfast anymore. 🙂
DUI x 2. Well, he can look forward to a photo in the morgue, too. I just hope no one else gets one because of his sorry ass.
I hope he gets arrested again.
That way, we can see his t-shirt with a picture of a mug shot on it, which has a picture of a mug shot on it.
Totally trippin’, man…