Hezbollah lowers age for enlistment
The Christian Science Monitor reports that the terrorist group Hezbollah has lowered the age that they’ll now accept for folks shipping out from Lebanon to Syria. That new age “limit” is 16 years old.
Lebanon’s militant Shiite Hezbollah organization has begun sending fighters as young as 16 to the battlefields of Syria, an indication that the Shiite army is being stretched between fighting Sunni jihadis in Syria and a desire to keep a cutting edge in reserve for a possible future showdown with Israel.
Until now, Hezbollah had required fighters to be at least 18 years of age. The lowering of the age restriction could indicate that the Iran-backed party is feeling hard pressed as its cadres fight from Aleppo in north Syria to Deraa Province in the south, as well as dispatching advisers and trainers to the new battlegrounds of Iraq.
Pretty despicable, huh? Even more so when you realize that they’re holding back their more experienced fighters in order to fight the Israelis. So many enemies, so small a pool of enlistees.
That flag in the picture at the top of the post is a Hezbollah flag that I saw at an ANSWER protest back in 2009 in DC. I wonder how proud the hippies are of Hezbollah now.
Category: Terror War
Well, if a girl is old enough to marry at 6 (but don’t consulate until 9), why are the holding back the young men and boys?
Consulate = consummate.
…why are THEY holding back…
That’s it; no more posting from my cell phone.
See, you just had to screw it all up by bringing logic and common sense into the discussion
Darwin in action….
Being a terrorist organization with world wide reach really puts a drain on your manpower reserves! Good to hear that these assholes are feeling the pinch. Guess their training program is not having the desired effect down range. Sounds like they are losing them faster than they are producing them. Good. Die you gravy sucking pigs.
Let em go. The more that get killed off the less we and the the Israelis will have to deal with latter. Since I imagine boot camp for them is, this is an AK-47, here’s how you load it, fire it and clean it. This…is the company goat. Once per month in the field, everyone gets a turn with him in the bushes. Well, that’s about it and now BAM!!! Hey you, did Abdul tell you not to point the gun and pull trigger until you are aiming at infidel? No. Well see, now Abdul is dead, you shot him. So…Allah be praised! more company goat time for us!!! We never liked Abdul anyway, he was, lying recruiter.
Wonder if they’ll lower to 14 before the end of the year?
Exactly, although I would add that part of their training is, “This is a vest of explosives…you go boom.” A little muzzy on muzzy violence. Good for them. Kill each other you bunch of idiots. I’m sure most of us are heartbroken over Hezbollah’s little dilemma.
See, what they need is a corporate recruiter to go out and find them the talent they need.
You know, some glossy promotion materials, good benefits with maybe free dental…
I thought boys over there were ‘men’ at the age of 14. When did they raise it to 16?
Perhaps it won’t take thirty years to kill two whole generations of them.