Soldier arrested for attempting sales to cartels

| August 17, 2014

According to the Washington Times, Private First Class Luis Rafael Infantes, 21, and his father, Pedro Luis Infantes, 47 were indicted by Florida grand jury for trying to engineer the sales of night vision devices to Mexican drug dealers in a sting operation. From the Army Times;

The FBI identified the younger Infantes as a Fort Knox, Kentucky, supply sergeant. An Army Human Resources Command spokesman said Infantes is a private first class assigned to 19th Engineer Battalion at Knox — an assignment he began July 28, personnel records show.

The pair allegedly tried to sell 17 thermal-imaging monoculars, rifle-cleaning kits and other stolen military equipment for $153,500 through an intermediary “affiliated with Mexican drug trafficking organizations,” the release states. Their connection, whom the FBI says met with Pedro Infantes, was actually a law enforcement informant.

They’re both facing a few decades of incarceration each and I think that’s being exceptionally generous – the sale, had it happened, probably would have cost a lot of people their lives by giving smugglers a night vision capability along our frontier with Mexico.

Category: Crime

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John Robert Mallernee

I wonder why someone would be so stupid as to risk everything to break the law, when the stuff is available in the Sporting Goods department at the local Wal-Mart, or at Wal-Mart’s web site?

John S.

Maybe a better deal could be had with buying in bulk from the 5-finger discount store.


Yea really, these guys have planes, subs, ships…I 100% guarantee they have night vision. What a couple of turds. Hope they like breaking big rocks into little rocks.


Well, if I read it correctly, they were trying to buy thermal imaging monoculars. I’ve researched this, looking to score one myself and the military-grade versions (high quality, rugged, etc.) typically go for $10K. I guess 17 of them plus some other crap for $150K would be a discount


Disregard…I just woke up and brain not functioning. There weren’t even any cartel involved


However, when you’re dealing in an industry worth hundreds of millions, maybe even billions, of dollars, I don’t see why you would be quibbling over $20K or so.

Club Manager

Wonder why the FBI (e.g. federal bureau of I (your choice of words) referred to the PFC as a Supply Sergeant? Guess that had more impact than a misguided new PFC.


It’s sometimes know as Famous But Incompetent. To answer your question, the Feebs probably don’t hire veterans.

John "Faker 6" Giduck

I sold defense advice without a license to child soldiers in the Sudan.


All I got was this stupid Archangel Group t-shirt.


John “Faker 6” Giduck


My money says if they look into Infantes’ preenlistment records they will find gang activity, membership and/or gang associations. I don’t know how these guys make it through the background checks but I am glad they caught this pair. I hope they both do long time in the federal pen.

Jonn…also, I liked your last comment. The “border” with Mexico has become a “frontier” of lawlessness and peril to life even being near there. It is becoming like the “badlands” of old western movies, only for real.


Probably more likely Holder and Obama don’t like the competition selling to the cartels.


Azygos…You got that right! Follow the money and don’t get in the way of Obama’s and Holder’s after office retirement savings plan.


I don’t know how this kid thought he would be able to get away with it. Night vision or thermal imaging devices are tightly controlled sensitive items just like weapons and require monthly inventory. The supply sergeant isn’t allowed to conduct that inventory. They would have been busted quick fast in a hurry and a 15-6 would have been opened along side the FLIPL after those items were came up missing on the next inventory. Bunch of idiots.

A Proud Infidel®™

I hope they get treated triple shitty while they’re awaiting trial as well as their time in prison, fuck the both of them!!