Jesse James Jamnik; phony Ranger

| August 15, 2014

Jesse James Jamnik

Scotty sent us his work on this phony Ranger dude who felt a need to make up a phony military career for his apparel store on Facebook.

Jamnik Facebook bio

Jamnik retired

Jesse James Jamnik bling

Jamnik was active duty and an 11M for an entire year and 7 months and got out for some reason as an E-1;

Jesse James Jamnik FOIA

Jesse James Jamnik 2-1

I guess we had already started our own investigation on the dude, but Scotty beat us to the punch.

Category: Phony soldiers

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OIF '06-'07-'08

Well, he is at least in good shape unlike the other poser’s busted here as of late, but with his stolen valor claims, his business may not make it off the ground floor. He, like every one else that has embellished for the sake of money have no one to blame but them selves.

This tool still deserves a hearty handshake and a warm cup of soup.


He does have that “lean and hungry” look, now that you mention it.

I bet he could eat a big bowl of cocks and come back for more.

Club Manager

Sure like to know who his barber is so I can avoid that shop.

That Guy

Why look, it’s his ‘athlete’ page:
And look, his ‘store’ page:


I almost want to light up his Facebok pages but he looks like a ‘roided out pinhead yhat just isn’t worth the time.

I would like to see him get all butthurt and try with the “WHARRGARRBL”


He’s closing down all his pages. Both of those Facebook pages are down now.

That Guy

I declare this a win for my people.


Splash. Out.


Last line on the 2-1 – on the same day as his discharge, 4 Aug 1999 – is IMO quite telling. It appears to read “UOTHC”.

I believe that’s short for “Under Other Than Honorable Conditions”.


You are undoubtedly correct, sir. Having that short of a career, and leaving as an E-1 – the pieces all fit. Even if he’d previously made E-2 or higher, getting an OTH would have resulted in an administrative reduction to E-1.


I’m sure Jesse will be along any second now to explain.

Or threaten to get a “laser.”

Uh, Jesse? I know of one who’d be happy for the work. He’s a real high flyer, I tell ya.


Laser…lawer. Fucking autocorrect.

Just an Old Dog

Laser, Lawer, you know we are getting cult-like in our communications on this page when we complain about auto-correct not mis-spelling a word for us.


It’s just nice to see there are still some hard charging phony Rangers left. Seems lately with all the movies out, every one went off to become phony SEALs

Green Thumb


Combat Historian

Woooh, a Ranger badass…nah, just a phony sadass…

John "Faker 6" Giduck

Just the photo of Jesse James Jamnik brings posing as a fake Ranger to a new low – he looks famished. If I wasn’t so busy bringing order to Planet Earth and responding to this blog post (not necessarily in that order), I’d report this guy myself.


John “Faker 6” Giduck


Airborne, Ranger, Air Assault, NCO Academy, EIB… that’s a lot of training and testing to pack into 19 months of active duty! (15 months or so after finishing OSUT). Color me impressed.


I actually know a guy who got their EIB with less than a year of service. He was a college graduate and had a lot of motivation. He ended up never going to OCS and instead deployed to Afghanistan. Left as a SSG after 5 years.

505th PIR Grunt

A SSGT after five years? That’s a hard fucker. I tip my hat to him.


What about this tidbit from the BBA about page

In real life The Outlaw serves President and CEO of Devgru Fitness and Devgru Apparel

John "Faker 6" Giduck

Can’t this guy decide if he’s a SEAL or a Ranger? SEALS get the attention of Mr. Shipley. Qualified Russian Spetsnaz anti-SEALs like myself get no such attention.

You can tell I’m a real fake Ranger because of my ample waistline, beard full of corn muffin crumbs, and breath still smelling of my warmed soup of Sum Yung Gai.


John “Faker 6” Giduck


I actually worked for Jessie Jamnik when he ran Level 1 Enterprises in Redlands CA. He was a complete douche towards his employees and always through out that he was a retired army ranger.


You should go over to scottys page. There is a picture showing somekind of displaycase.

In it?

All the above claimed, plus a SF tab, Senior Jump Wings, Pathfinder and Rigger Badge…

Too bad for him the local Army surplus store doesn’t offer more cool badges…

Anyway… No HALO and diver bubble? Pitiful career in the phony career path. Seriously makesome effort.


Jesse James Jamnik; phony Ranger, Kicked out of the Army as a LOSER, E-1, FRAUD, FAKE, Beyond Bad Ass STOLEN VALOR LIAR


Goooggglllee HITS

Jesse James Jamnik; phony Ranger, Kicked out of the Army as a LOSER, E-1, FRAUD, FAKE, Beyond Bad Ass STOLEN VALOR LIAR
Jesse James Jamnik; phony Ranger, Kicked out of the Army as a LOSER, E-1, FRAUD, FAKE, Beyond Bad Ass STOLEN VALOR LIAR
Jesse James Jamnik; phony Ranger, Kicked out of the Army as a LOSER, E-1, FRAUD, FAKE, Beyond Bad Ass STOLEN VALOR LIAR

Green Thumb

Goooggglllee HITS

Jesse James Jamnik; phony Ranger, Kicked out of the Army as a LOSER, E-1, FRAUD, FAKE, Beyond Bad Ass STOLEN VALOR LIAR
Jesse James Jamnik; phony Ranger, Kicked out of the Army as a LOSER, E-1, FRAUD, FAKE, Beyond Bad Ass STOLEN VALOR LIAR
Jesse James Jamnik; phony Ranger, Kicked out of the Army as a LOSER, E-1, FRAUD, FAKE, Beyond Bad Ass STOLEN VALOR LIAR

JarHead Pat

Dick. It would be nice to know if you got a bad conduct discharge.


JarHead Pat: 2-1 seems to indicated General-OTH vice BCD. But both involved getting thrown out on your azz.



Airborne Ranger
US Army
September 1997 – March 2003 (5 years 7 months)

Special Ops for 81/2 yrs out of 3rd 75th Ranger Reg, Ft Benning, GA



Saved !


High Five! (SLAP)

That Guy

You can screencap by using the print screen button, then opening ms paint and pasting.


Oh Jessie,

I grew up in the little old state of Rhode Island. Graduated high school early at 17 and joined the Army where I went on to serve almost 8 years as an Airborne Ranger in 3rd/75th. While in, I also obtained my airborne wings, pathfinder badge, air assault badge, expert infantry badge, and Para rigger badge. HOOOAH! (It’s an Army thing)

/please to be screen capping this as well.


I left him a nice little message.


Ha! The assclown closed that one down also.


He actually claimed to be from Florida when I worked with him at Level 1 Enterprises in Redlands CA.


The Internet never forgets

I decided early on in my senior year, that I was going to join the ARMY and see what kind of things I could make happen for myself. Man oh Man, what an adventure I had. I left for basic training at the ripe age of 17, and never looked back at my “old life” since. After completing basic training and A.I.T. school as an 11B (infantryman ground soldier), I got the chance to go to airborne school. I passed airborne school with flying colors, got my jump wings, and went onto my unit. Once in, I was awarded the chance to try out for Ranger School. To me, this was my chance to be different. This was my chance to prove to those people wrong from my childhood that I wouldn’t amount to anything. This was the chance to prove my guidance counselor wrong for telling me that I would pretty much amount to nothing because I didn’t want to go to college. I was one of the 10% (might be a little less) of the people who try out for Rangers that actually make it through!

Combat Historian

Turns out his guidance counselor was correct…

Not That Chuck

Well, he’s not a total liar – he did “obtain” those neat badges. It’s not his fault if his civilian audience jumps to the conclusion that he did the work to earn them.

As Bugs would say, “What a maroon!!!”

505th PIR Grunt

You sir, are correct.


All 3 printed to PDF, ChipNASA.


One for you too

High Five! (SLAP)


Jesse James Jamnik; phony Ranger, Kicked out of the Army as a LOSER, E-1, FRAUD, FAKE, Beyond Bad Ass STOLEN VALOR LIAR
Jesse James Jamnik; phony Ranger, Kicked out of the Army as a LOSER, E-1, FRAUD, FAKE, Beyond Bad Ass STOLEN VALOR LIAR
Jesse James Jamnik; phony Ranger, Kicked out of the Army as a LOSER, E-1, FRAUD, FAKE, Beyond Bad Ass STOLEN VALOR LIAR

Green Thumb


Jesse James Jamnik; phony Ranger, Kicked out of the Army as a LOSER, E-1, FRAUD, FAKE, Beyond Bad Ass STOLEN VALOR LIAR
Jesse James Jamnik; phony Ranger, Kicked out of the Army as a LOSER, E-1, FRAUD, FAKE, Beyond Bad Ass STOLEN VALOR LIAR
Jesse James Jamnik; phony Ranger, Kicked out of the Army as a LOSER, E-1, FRAUD, FAKE, Beyond Bad Ass STOLEN VALOR LIAR


10% that make it through? LOL, and a school guidance counselor saying, “you wont amount to anything”… well I guess that counselor was right!


His F/B page has gone ” Poof “

A Proud Infidel®™

Lying and cheating are obviously a way of life for him, I still think he looks like a meth head!

Green Thumb

Straight up dildo. Truly a “Phildosical” dude.

Hack Stone

I guess that this means that he is All Pounts Logistics material.


Looks like his facebook pages are down when you google his name….

TAH should move to the top spot shortly.



What. A. Shitlord.


Shitlord? I just found my newest insult to use on people. Thank you so much!


He should probably check his privilege while he’s at it.

Delilah T.

He looks like he might handle a cupcake with no effort, but a Ranger?

Excuse me (snort/giggle), but, no.

These people are so tiresome.

Green Thumb

I bet he works out with Jay Kerwin and James Mooney.


Gay Jay and Looney Mooney? Now we need to come up with a nickname for this douche…….we could have a trifecta of asshattery!

RGR 4-78

I’ll go for the obvious.

“”jerkoff jessee””


Naaaah, TOO obvious. I’m thinking Toejamb Jamnik. We need to come to a consensus here and establish our nickname for this clown.

Green Thumb

How about “Power Ranger” being that is the closest he ever got.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

How about “rump ridin’ ranger”… you know the type that takes their orders from the head of Special Feces… Top Secret Agent Orange!

Green Thumb


You mean Commander Phil Monkress as All-Points Logistics.

I get it.

Good call.


I’m thinkin’ “Sad Sack” kinda fits him:

A Proud Infidel®™

He looks like a meth freak to me!


Karma – that’s all I can say. Hope he has a good indentity theft protection program. I never was a fan of putting ssn’s on dog tags…
Hey, and he’s Baptist too, so maybe we can send some of the anti-bible thumpers from the other thread his way.

Green Thumb



This fucking clown is so full of himself. Check this shit out, “The Outlaw brings a wild man’s mentality to the Elite Pro Team. His deeds and actions are those of epic proportion and have baffled modern scientists and scholars for years.”

I guess maybe those scientists and scholars must be wondering how he managed to live so long without a brain.


The chess master he’s likened to must be the pigeon chess master, because clearly he’s strutted around like he won something while shitting everywhere. I’m surprised he hasn’t claimed he won an Antarctic marathon by clubbing baby seals for nourishment yet.


This guy doesn’t even have the balls to claim a driver’s badge when he joined up as a 11M? Being a Bradley driver sucked donkey balls, but not enough to get kicked out over.

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder if this gaylord-looking smurf-raping Sparkle Pony will “spazz out” and threaten to “lawer up” on us for his being exposed? I still think he looks like a meth freak, and he also looks like he’s his own cousin, knowhutimean?


Where the sockpuppets at?


They’re probably all laying around his bed, all crusted up.

Not that I would know anything about that…

Green Thumb

This maggot looks like that alien in “Men In Black” that regrows his head.






How do u know that the info provided is real?is there any way that maybe this is a mistake ?just curious cuz it’s sad

Green Thumb

This guy is a turd.

Its real.

That Guy

…are you kidding? The federal government doesn’t doctor the 214s of nobodies.
It’s real. He’s a piece of shit.

Green Thumb

I was in 1/50 shortly after this shitbag.

I wonder is he has bullshitted his wife?


Green Thumb

Ranger Danger to Chimney Sweep?

Ranger that!

Fucking maggot.


His Myspace is still up with the Ranger patch on it.

Damn near everything else has been shut down.



Someone still uses Myspace? Or maybe he burned out the brain cells that stored that password during some meth bender (allegedly.)

That Guy

Did anyone screenshot, by any chance, on his facebook or his store website (both now removed), the name of the team he sponsors in those ‘Spartan Races’?
I meant to alert the members that they’re wearing gear sold to them by a phony Ranger, but alas, I was distracted during my day and now I can’t find the name of the team.

That Guy

Also, look what I found


Yeah, this guy deserves a hymn sung in his honor:

Him Him
Him Him
Him Him

Please feel free to join in…..

Just an Old FA Sgt

Just got an answer from one of his friends.. This is what she wrote.

“I don’t believe I do. Jesse is one of the most upstanding people I know. While I thank you for your concern, I don’t believe everything I read on the internet. It states in the letter, that they released information that they are allowed to release, that implies there is plenty they are not allowed to release.

There are plenty of imposters out there. Jesse is not one of them. I do not take kindly to people, who do not know me and do not know my friends, make claims that have incredibly flimsy backup.”

Apparently, his missions were classified and they can’t release his “TRUE” records. So it’s OK for him to talk about stuff that they can’t release, because it’s classified. Wait a sec??? If it’s classified, they why are you talking about it??


Well yep-that makes him legit. End of this story. Move along folks, nothing to see here.

If he’s one of the “most upstanding” people she knows, I’d hate to meet some of the not-so-upstanding friends of hers.

Fire mission!…

Green Thumb


She sounds like a complete idiot.

But by looking at this turd, he probably is surrounded by idiots being they are the only ones that would believe his bullshit.


Just an Old FA Sgt

Just checked and she wrote back

“You believe what you want. I know what I know and I stand behind Jesse 100%”

I guess since he is a physical fitness nut now, getting you in shape is more important than stealing valor..

Also found out that there are many complaints about this jerk on Ripoff Report. He was the CEO of Triple J Promotions.

Green Thumb

He is getting in shape for his date with Gay Jay Kerwin.


I just recently opened a message written by someone telling me that Jesse has made false statements about being a ranger. I myself have no military background what so ever but I have many close friends currently serving, are veterans, and some who no longer are able to walk among us. I have only heard stories about how grueling training is for rangers and other special forces and I can’t possibly imagine what it would take to get through it. With that being said I can understand why “if” Jesse was falsifying being a ranger, many who have gone through such training, and those who haven’t, would be upset. I’m sure that those who are able to call themselves rangers, consider themselves as being strong, honorable, and like a family. I give each and every soldier out their my praise for what you have given me, my friends, family, and all others. You have risked your lives and I am forever grateful. But… I have only known Jesse for a short period of time. In that short period of time I have gone through some of the best and some of the worst moments of my life with him around. I have gotten to know him over that short period of time and only a few times has he spoken about being in the military. I have never once thought of him as being dishonest in any way.I have raced several races with him, the worst of which was the Death Race. Without his support, I don’t know that I would have been able to be one of those 8 women to finish this year. No I don’t hang out with him everyday, know his life story, or know every ounce of what he has done in his life, but I don’t have to. I apologize for the rant but my point is this… I can see why many would be upset to find that someone may possibly be falsifying that they were a Ranger. What I don’t understand is that by the sounds of it none of you posting… Read more »


Uh, sweetie, there IS proof he’s lying. It’s called an FOIA request. Look at the top of the page. It contains all his assignments, none of which involves Ranger training.

Bottom line, he’s lying to you. NOBODY spends 19 months in, gets out as an E-1, and didn’t screw up in a major way. So take that for what it’s worth.


You really should read the post before making comments. it’s a proven fact that Jamnik lied about his military service. To make matters worse, until recently he used those lies to further his career. By calling him out on his lies we are doing something positive. I feel sorry for you. You feel the need to defend a known and proven liar and appear to see nothing wrong with it. If I had a “friend” like Jamnik who lied through is teeth, he wouldn’t be a friend long. Jamnik is an opportunist, a liar, and a fraud. The evidence shows that he’s screwed over a number of people for his own personal gain and gratification. If that’s the sort of friends you have, then I pity you.


You are all entitled to your opinions but it’s the 21st century and those pictures of documents above don’t have much credibility for me… Anyone and photoshop and make stuff up pretty easily. Now I understand why those stupid celebrity magazines sell so well… Doesn’t take much to make people believe stuff when there is “proof”. Thanks so much for your concerns about who I’m friends with and please don’t pity me… Pity yourselves.

the Al

Well, then- file a FOIA request yourself, and see what you get. Make sure to post an apology if/WHEN it turns out that what was posted here was correct.

Just An Old Dog

Suit yourself cupcake. How about you spend a few hours learning about how military records work, then file your own FOIA requests. Something tells me you dont really give a shit that the twatwaffle lied about his service, you just are fixated on him.
I personaly would love to throw a party where Jessie, you and some of his buddies were half of the guest list, and the other guests were all bonafide Rangers.
I wonder how you would feel after they exposed his assfor being the lying sack of shit he is.


Whatever. If you prefer lies over proof, it’s your life. Wy would anyone forge federal documents (a federal crime) just to call out a turd like Jamnik? Hopefully Jamnik won’t screw you over like he’s done to others. Again, I do pity you your poor choice of “friends,” and I truly feel sorry for you that you would so completely close your eyes to the truth. You dishonor those you claim are friends actively serving, and especially those who can no longer speak for themselves.


One thing you are all forgetting which I learned a long time ago… Always make sure you have a credible source. Without that… You really have nothing to stand on.

the Al

So, the official repository for military records isn’t a credible source in your mind?

HS Junior

Ashley, that source is the US Government; the National Personnel Records Center, specifically. A very reliable source. And fortunately for you, there is a very easy way to verify that those records are real. Take the information listed on the FOIA and file your own request for his records from the NPRC, using the instructions at the top of the blog under “military records” (you’ll need his birthday and place of birth, but you can just ask him that). When you file that request, you will get back exactly the same information posted by Jonn on this article. And you will see your friend for the liar that he is.


Being a mechanized infantry guy(11M) IS NOT being a Ranger. What part of that are you too stupid to understand?


So you’re saying the United States government, in the form of the National Personnel Records Center is not a credible source? If you are so willing to close your eyes to the truth and facts, then why are you even bothering posting? Go back to Jamnik, give him a big smooch, and tell those friends of yours who are serving, especially those in a war zone, that truth and facts don’t matter to you. Proof of jankin’s lies has been posted here. What has Jamnik shown to prove that he actually served in the capacity he claims? Nothing. When challenged, he simply removes all references to his lies. But, it’s a free country. You and Jamnik can continue to piss on those who served honorably.

A Proud Infidel®™

It’s obvious that you have an infatuation with him that is clouding your common sense and better judgement. Look up his name on the ripoff report website and see what you get. Here it is: Also, ask him what his Army Ranger School class number was, ANY and every real Ranger would forget his own birthday before he forgot his class number!

Just An Old Dog

Let me break it down for you. Its called The Freedom of Information Act.
With a few exceptions all federal docyments and records are subject to be examined by the public. Military Service and records are public information. A serviceman’s dates of service, rank at discharge, schools attended, unit assignments and awards are all releasable.
If you read through the stolen valor section of this blog you will find 100s of cases. Not once did this site ever have to retract a post about phonies. Your little sparkle pony will be on here for years to come.


Haven’t forgot anything sweetheart. Our sources are legit before the whistle gets blown. Unlike you and others like you, we don’t take someone’s word, we use documentation provided by the source – Uncle Sugar. He’s been pretty good at the paperwork thing for a long time.
Go back and tell Triple J he needs to stop sending girls out to do his dirty work.


Well, being an enlighten American female of the 21st century, and educated no less-

1- Jonn ,makes sure that what he post is factual. As he is concerned with the truth.

2- if you have become a star on this page- you have brought it on your own head: with ones lies and injury to our honored corps

3- people like you are an insult to what ever source of education you hail from and claim. (Note- you can verify anything that Jonn posts on this site on your own- through the NPRC St Louis)

Burry your head in sand, lie to your self- what ever makes you feel good. Do not lie to us.

But know this- YOU walked into our home- you challenged our way of life- and question our judgment when it comes to policing our own. Tread lightly if you have not borne our scars and mantle.


Ashley, you’re kidding yourself.

Listen to what the rest of the active-duty and veteran service members are telling you. The documents at the top of this page are authentic and pretty clear for anyone with some G-2 (intelligence).

You want to continue defending him based on his “generosity” in helping you run a race? Fine, but you’re in for a hell of a letdown when you find out just how much of a liar he is.

You don’t have any basis for questioning the validity of those documents posted here. Read other posts on this blog about posers who have been “outed”, and you’ll see that Jonn and the other admins know what they’re talking about. Either take the above documents at face value, or file your own FOIA and find out yourself. If you’re too lazy or too gullible to do that, then it’ll be your loss when you find out he’s been bullshitting you.

By the way, ask him to explain why he was discharged as an E-1 (private) after 19 months of active duty.



HS Junior

Ashley, I would advise googling “Jonn Lilyea” and hunting around a bit. You’ll see he’s a well respected member of the veterans’ community and that many of the phonies that have been outed at TAH have also been mentioned in the mainstream media as phony. He’s considered a reliable source. You don’t get to that position by forging federal records to bully random people.

Green Thumb

I wonder if this loser is still sniffing balls?

Big Steve

Jamnik, you total load. How dare you insult my beloved air assault wings by buying them, without earning them, to put in that absurd display case of yours?

You are one effed up unit.

Green Thumb


This dude is a semen-sampling scuzzy shitbag.

No more. No less.