Weekend Open Thread
No one asked for an open thread, so I thought I’d just give you one anyway, that means I get to choose the picture.
Category: Open thread
No one asked for an open thread, so I thought I’d just give you one anyway, that means I get to choose the picture.
Category: Open thread
taking a big ole Giduck just as the weekend open thread opens up! John Giduck – the turd with a face!
Speaking of the turd with a face. For your viewing pleasure.
Is Russia plagued with Spetznaz imposters?
What? No shovels?
Could have been worse. Could have been a Brony picture.
Speaking of bronies. Not for the faint of heart…
OK, I read it. I did not fall down laughing until I got to this sentence:
As his picture was taken, Kendra had a huge smile on his face and hollered, “I guess I should call my Nana tonight and tell her it was a huge hit.”
Unfortunately, I had a brain fart and read that last bit as ‘tell her I was a big tit’.
And I started giggling, and could not stop.
Dunno, Ex-PH2. Somehow it reminded me of the old lawyer joke.
Question: What’s the difference between a dead brony lying in the road and a dead snake?
Answer: The snake has skid marks in front of it.
Here’s one for ya. Just received an email from the Indyfund. Dirtbag WWP sent out letters to soldiers telling them that Indyfund would give everyone a free 15K dollar track wheelchair. Now Indyfund is inundated with irate vets asking them where their chairs are, even though most of them are able bodied and don’t rate the chair in the first place. Talk about one support group trying to sabotage another. What’s up with WWP lately? They have been giving me some problems aside from this, but I was disgusted when I saw their latest cockup. Enjoy your weekends guys.
While I may not agree with what WWP has become, they could be innocent/result wasn’t what was intended. Could be Indyfund had in fact secured a supply of chairs for people.who needed them. WWP was just trying to help get the word out. Presonaly (in this case at least) I disgusted at the people who were trying to get chairs who didn’t rate/need one.
Wanted an opportunity to vent so good timing. I saw on TV where the Chump in Chief says our bombing of the ISSA was to contain not destroy them. WTF? We would not cross the 38th parallel in Korea and look where that got us. Don’t even get me started on Nam. We didn’t learn anything from Desert Storm and years later and thousands of lost souls we are back to square one. The only freakin way to deal with an Islamist is to kill the sons of bitches. The Israelis know that. What will it take for this asshole to wake up? To make matters worse, they discontinued the A-10 Warthog and can you think of a better mission for them than this one? FUBAR
Oh yeah, the Emperor would love to bomb that Darrell Issa fella ;>)
Wanted an opportunity to vent so good timing. I saw on TV where the Chump in Chief says our bombing of the ISSA was to contain not destroy them. WTF? We would not cross the 38th parallel in Korea and look where that got us. Don’t even get me started on Nam. We didn’t learn anything from Desert Storm and years later and thousands of lost souls we are back to square one. The only freakin way to deal with an Islamist is to kill the sons of bitches. The Israelis know that. What will it take for this asshole to wake up? To make matters worse, they discontinued the A-10 Warthog and can you think of a better mission for them than this one? FUBAR
IMHO, it’s a byproduct of teh idiots in charge that think just talking about things will make all of the problems go away, and when it doesn’t, they blame Bush!
Well, guys, right now, it’s party hearty for the ISers. They are definitely on a roll. Meantime, bodaprez has gone off on vacation to play golf instead of minding the store.
You know as well as I do that there are consequences for both of these kinds of things: for the violence and horrifying slaughter of the innocents by the ISers, and likewise for an immature, disdainful, self-centered showoff. Who has the most to lose in this mess?
I see that whatshisface and DullASS are still accusing THE WRONG MAN of being me (for the second time) despite my telling them that they’ve got the wrong man both times!!
That quartet is “The Four Horsemen of TEH STOOPID™”!!
I just feasted on the tenderest garden raised fresh homemade hand breaded skillet fried okra with some sliced home smoked brisket. Words cannot do it justice. I love fried okra but the frozen prepackaged stuff is pretty rank compared to homemade.
Mama LOVED fried okra, but I hated it!
She also loved fried green tomatoes, and I hated those, too.
I loved catfish, but she told me only Yankees and Poor White Trash would eat catfish.
I don’t know about Yankees and catfish. The Maine Yankees I used to live around did not consider catfish a real fish. I figured an old Scot like you would stick to trout and salmon! Have a great weekend, aye!
When I lived in Utah and Idaho, I loved eating trout that I caught fresh from the river!
When I was a boy, we often had canned salmon, or homemade salmon fish cakes for supper.
In Portland, Oregon, on leave from the war in the old Republic of Viet Nam, I got a room at the Portland Hilton Hotel, where I used to be employed, and went to the rooftop restaurant to dine on a deluxe salmon dinner.
Have you ever been to Salmon, Idaho?
That was one of the places where I used to perform with the Cowboy Poets of Idaho.
Mama was born and raised in Alabama, and, as an “Army brat”, I was raised in North Carolina (just outside the main gate of Fort Bragg).
That area was pioneered and settled by Scots, but having been adopted when I was two years old, I grew up without any knowledge of my wee bit o’ Scottish heritage, and only learned of it a few years ago.
Words and Music by:
Wednesday 13 May 1992
VERSE # 1:
I grew up in
Spring Lake, North Carolina,
A little Army town
Outside Fort Bragg.
A sergeant was my Dad
When I was just a lad
With all the other children
Playing tag.
In the woods
Around our home,
I always loved to roam;
Picked blackberries for
My Mama’s cobbler pie.
Played soldier
With my pals;
Threw pine cones
At the gals.
I never thought those
Happy times would die.
VERSE # 2:
I went back to
Spring Lake, North Carolina
To see how big
The little town had grown.
There’s pollution
And there’s crime
As a consequence of time.
Nothing stays
When changing winds
Have blown.
The woods have
All been paved.
The good times
Were not saved.
There’s buildings
And there’s garbage
All around
The Starlite Drive-in’s gone,
T’weren’t nothing left alone.
Mama’s dead
And buried in the ground.
I never thought those
Happy times would die.
Might I recommend a good book to you about growing up fly fishing,trout, and old men, written by a Vietnam Vet (I think). “The Earth is Enough” by Harry Middleton.
What the hell is all that? Some kind of ghetto rapshit?
WHAT is that photograph?
Are those characters from the novel, “ALICE IN WONDERLAND”?
I’ve never seen anything like that.
I think it’s the world famous San Diego Comic Convention aka The Nerds/Dorks/Geeks Symposium.
I think it is supposed to be a hippo cosplaying as something from Final Fantasy…
I thot only ex-PH2 had any influence on asking for an Open Thread? The new Chevy thread took the wind out of sails with that asshattery.
Thanks Jonn for TAH. Take care of yourself.
Yes, SJ, my powers are vast, but even I have no power over the Bastion of TAH. I can only approach the walls of the Fort and beg on bended kneew for a WOT.
Keep on begging!
After all, it seems like us guys always have to beg you gals!
Seriously though, I do enjoy your WEEKEND OPEN THREAD.
Thank you for doing that.
The Full Moon tonight is the BIGGEST and BRIGHTEST of the year, BUT – – – ,
The skies are currently stormy and overcast here on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi.
So, I ain’t gonna get to see it, bay at it, or SING about it!
Words and Music by:
Sunday 04 July 1993
Salt Lake City, Utah
When the full moon
Climbs over the mountain
Shining cold
And lonesome up above:
Like a lone wolf
Howling through the darkness,
My heart aches
For a woman I can love.
Hear that locomotive
Cross the desert
As it wails
And thunders through the night:
And I know
It’s time to wander onward;
Find the love
Who’ll make my world all right.
VERSE # 1:
Somewhere out there,
Beyond the far horizon,
Lies a destined
Answer to a prayer.
There’s a woman;
Lonely, lost, and looking
For someone to come
And rescue her out there.
VERSE # 2:
In a plane,
I’ll fly across the heavens.
In a ship,
I’ll sail across the sea.
Through hot jungle
And the freezing tundra,
Fight my way
To true love’s victory!
VERSE # 3:
It’s not right
To live without a woman.
No one knows
The lonely tears I’ve cried.
So, I’ll search,
As all the world I wander,
Until at last,
My true love’s by my side.
Apparently, for the video to be visible, the song’s lyrics must be posted separately.
I’m going to fix myself a hot meal of frozen TAI-PEI brand chicken fried rice mixed in a bowl with a microwavable plastic tub of CHEF BOYARDEE brand beef ravioli, washed down with my CLAN HENDERSON large pewter tankard filled with ice cubes and Pepsi-Cola.
Maybe I’ll microwave some buttered popcorn and watch a movie.
Even if I can’t see the Full Moon tonight, maybe there’ll be some spectacular lightning bolts.
I am retired Navy enlisted and and during my career had little contact with all things Army.
Wondering what a tabbed Ranger is, as I’ve read that term in postings here. On that same note, if a Ranger is tabbed, can he also be “un-tabbed?”
Good Luck, it makes my head hurt.
Jim: Army background here. Short version:
Tabbed Ranger = one who has been to and passed US Army Ranger School.
The Ranger Tab can indeed be revoked for cause, but that’s fairly rare. Cdr, US Army Infantry School used to be the authority, but that may have changed in the past 8 years or so with ongoing Army organizational changes. Revocation requires a recommendation of an O6 or higher commander in the individual’s chain of command and has to include justification for the action. See para 1-31.c.(13) of AR 600-8-22 for details.
You’ll also hear reference to the Ranger “scroll”. That’s the unit insignia of the 75th Ranger Regiment. Someone who’s served successfully with the 75th and its historical predecessors is also considered a Ranger, irrespective of whether or not they’ve passed Ranger School. However, passing the school is required for the tab.
Thank you for the explanation!
This is what I’m doing for my weekend, actually my past 3 weekends….as many times as we come here, 29 Palms is still hot and desolate….
Here ya go, CWO5USMC. (smile)
Damn, I miss the southwest.
I was in Kilo 3/3 in Kbay and we went to CAX at 29Plams in 1985. I liked it so much I reenlisted in 1986 for there and ended up in Bravo 1/4. It was only 11 hours away from Albuquerque. Met my wife there on the cattle car talking us to the range. I always had a thermos of coffee with me, she stood next to me mooching coffee and we swapped dirty jokes.
Working a Phony Vietnam POW out of the Omaha area. He went on to become a cop and the little town he worked in has scheduled a big memorial for him on Friday. Is anyone here in the Omaha area? I’d just love to see if they adjust his bio for the ceremony or just ignore all the evidence I’ve sent them.
Been a hell of a week out here. Go camping for a few days, then spend a few days “out west” (rustle rustle, bitch!) before flying/driving home.
Sleep this morning proved fruitless, as I was unmercifully attacked by a 3-lb dog with a 2-lb, 100 mph tongue.
Getting to the point where work is more relaxing than vacation.
Vacations are way too much work and the expectations are usually unattainable. In the end, if a vacation hasn’t made you wish you were back home and back at work yesterday, you have enjoyed the exception to the rule.
MISO no more, PSYOP units are back to officially being called “PSYOP” rather than “MISO.” We didn’t like the “MISO” definition anyway.
No soup for you!
My tomatoes have not been up to my expectations. Plenty of water on them, fertilizer because sunshine has been low, and they look/act like stunted plants – spindly, poor leaf volume and 5 fruits when it should have been 12. Bad year for tomato plants where I live. Maybe next year.
Ater I replaced the pressure tank on our well a few years ago, I cut it in half so my Mrs. could use it as a planting pot. One of our neighbors, a retired USAF Vet, told us that it would make an excellent tomato planter because as the interior rusted, the tomato plants would absorb the iron residue and not only grow bigger and tastier tomatoes, they’d have a higher iron content as well, hope that might help!
Hey Average NCO
Still need a little help with your Omaha Phony POW Nam Vet????
Email me, I think I can help you out, I kinda have a few good friends in Omaha that would be very glad to pitch in.
Sam (Where The Tall Corn Grows)
About that photo, Jonn. Somewhere, a circus is missing its tent. My mind is a terrible thing. I say to myself, “Self, she can’t put on socks. She can’t put on shoes, other than flip-flops that she can slide into. She can’t reach those parts that need care for…um, er, um… personal hygiene. Whatever she drops, stays where it falls. She can’t climb stairs unless they are steel, there are no more than six, and she has an hour to kill.” The mind boggles. At least mine does, anyway.
Maybe she has a service monkey?
You think THAT’s bad? Never, I repeat, NEVER ask Jonn for eye candy for the gals. ROS and I did that one time, and I don’t know about ROS, but I think my eyes melted.
That was the day I told Jonn he was meaner than cat shit — and meant it.
A REAL Navy SEAL attempting to make the football team:
Cool story, Tman. He’s 32, married, with three children. He’s hoping to make special teams. Hoping? If that’s his goal, and he says that it is, they may as well just issue him a game jersey right now. A guy like that does not fail.
Sitting here in Coronado, I’m doing something old scruff face will never be able to do again – having a beer at McP’s.
That’s pretty cool. I went there a couple of times. There’s a Mexican place called Miguel’s a couple of doors down that does a damn good cheviche.
Mexican food here, OTOH, ugh. People here eat lobster rolls, but explain a fish taco (or cheviche) to them, they think you’re insane.
This afternoon, I saw a bush rustling outside where I am working. I figured it was calling to me, so I took a leak on it to provide it with water and a few nutrients. But as I was walking away, I swore I could have heard something that sounded very much like a drunk slurring something like, “Damn those valor vultures…HIC!”
Suit yourself, NHSparky. Personally, I think any form of seafood taco is an abomination and a culinary crime against nature. But whatever floats yer boat. (smile)
Had a swordfish taco at the Brigantine after we flew in yesterday. Good fresh seafood is hard to come by in Tucson, so I get as much as I can when I’m near the coasts. Having some drinks at Miguels now Sparky.
Nice picture at the top.
It appears to be an All-Points Logistics company sponsored (taxpayer-funded) picnic.
As I was scooping out my cat’s litter box today I thought of Commander Phil Monkress and his senior staff at All-Points Logistics.