Code Pink: The Dumb War

| August 9, 2014

Code Pink Iraq

Yesterday we asked where the human shields were for Iraq this time around. Some of you asked where Code Pink was on the whole ISIS thing. If you guessed that Code Pink would want the US to stop the beheadings and executions that ISIS is being accused of perpetrating in their newly founded Islamic Caliphate, well, you’d be wrong. From their email yesterday;

August 8, 2014

Dear Jonn,

After he called years of US military involvement in Iraq “the dumb war,” today President Obama authorized airstrikes on ISIS in Iraq. Our heads are spinning: we’re bombing Iraq –– again.

Tell the President now: Humanitarian aid, yes! Bombing, NO!!!!

Why does our President want to take sides and get involved in a civil war? The US is not the target of ISIS, but if we become involved, we will be. President Obama’s concerns about the Iraqi humanitarian crisis and the safety of US personnel can be solved without dropping bombs. Helping the besieged civilians in Iraq should be an orchestrated international effort, not carried out just by the US–the country that unleashed the sectarian turmoil in the first place. And if American personnel in Irbil or elsewhere in Iraq are in harm’s way, they should be immediately evacuated to a safe location.

Further US involvement will only make the situation worse. Learn more about the situation in Iraq in this Democracy Now segment with Phyllis Bennis of the Institute for Policy Studies. As she points out, it’s up to the Shi’ite Iraqi government ––not the US government–– to create a broad-based coalition that shows it is inclusive of the Sunni population, instead of alienating them and driving them to support ISIS.

This is the way wars are started. It’s a slippery slope where humanitarian missions are the cloak for military intervention. We can be a part of the solution this time, not the problem, but that won’t happen with bombs. We’ve been there, done that, and it didn’t work. The American people are sick of war and the Iraqi people have suffered enough from our military aggression.

Tell President Obama: Bombing is not humanitarian aid! Don’t drag us into another war in Iraq!

With hope for peace in Iraq,

Alli, Anastasia, Ben, Holly, Jodie, Janet, Medea, Nada, Nancy, Sophia, and Tighe

Yeah, see, it’s a civil war. Al Qaeda is busy cutting off the heads of Christian children, raping and kidnapping Yazidi women and girls, so it’s no big deal. While I’m not real happy about American involvement in Iraq, but the humanitarian crisis there requires some leadership from somewhere. We don’t have any real leaders, so we have to go to war with what we have.

But this is not my shocked face that Code Pink is going to bat for the Islamic State. After all, that’s the side they’ve been on since their founding. At least they’re consistent.

Category: Code Pink, Terror War

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A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder how soon we’ll be seeing Cindy Sheehag tap dancing on her Son’s grave for more publicity as well as the usual snotnosed Hollyweird pukes spouting their crap again?

Shit, even Diane Feinschwein is agreeing that those vermin are hell-bent on attacking the USA!

NR Pax

I think Cindy has finally figured out that she was about as useful as a spent baby wipe to the anti-American crowd as soon as Bush was out of office. Kind of a shame that she alienated her kids in the process.

2/17 Air Cav

“We don’t have any real leaders, so we have to go to war with what we have.” Priceless.


Yep, a definite “Like” for that one.


How about we kick the tires and light fires, and send those silly bitches in first? It’s what they want, isn’t it, to be memorialized that way as victims?


It’s sad to say but some people just don’t understand that sometimes use of military force it necessary. Protecting innocent women and children from being raped, beheaded, and such just because they have a different religious belief in my book is one of them. They see the world through rose colored glasses. Sorry ladies but the world doesn’t work that way, there is evil and sometimes that evil needs its but kicked. To think other wise, especially in this case would make one guilty of supporting the evil acts. ‘All that is needed for evil to flurish is for good men to do nothing’. Well trust me, the good men and women in our military while a little fatagued and tired of not having a good NCA, have no problem with this one.

Ex -PH2

Go here:

Read the last sentence of the Reuters article I posted. The rest of it is just a report. And that dam should be bombed out of existence, FWIW.

And these silly bitches? If they think that ‘negotiating’ with people who simply want to kill you for being who you are is the way to go, I sincerely hope they find out some day how completely wrong they are.


“Useful Idiots” is a good term to describe them.


The ‘useful’ part can be debated.


I know EX-PH2. I was trying to temper my vitriol for what’s going on over there.


Substitute ‘f##king’ for ‘useful’ and you’re on to something.

I’m saving my real anger to distribute it over the next two to three weeks, Ish. This morning’s outdoor presser has this going for it now: ‘This will be a long-term project’, straight from the horse’s ass’s mouth.

He still says ‘no troops/boots on the ground’, but since he doesn’t have a clue about anything, we’ll see how long that lasts.

At least the air drops are continuing.

Does anyone know how much the lake behind the dam near Mosul is used by Mosul and would bombing that thing into oblivion cripple IS?

The Other Whitey

“I will not send American boys to Asia (Iraq) to do a job that Asian (Iraqi) boys to be doing for themselves…”

Same shit, different decade.


The problem is that that damn also provides a good amount of the power and fresh water to the region, so yeah bombing it may be a bad iead for now. Sadam also used it in the past to flood out some folks in the past. Haven’t looked at many maps lately but it could cause more problems than its worth to blow the thing.


Okay, then blow the power lines between the dam and Mosul, and take out the transformer stations in towns held by the ISers.

The people who are evacuating themselves don’t have anything but starlight and moonlight, anyway, right now, so depriving the ISers of electricity won’t impact the refugees.


That’s one of the things I would do if I was running the air campaign.


Beating a dead horse, I know, but it needs to be emphasized to these lunatics. Just because Omumbles declares the war is at an end doesn’t necessarily make it so. As you can see, the enemy thinks otherwise.


Very true, Redacted. And, the enemy always gets a vote on when it ends.

The Other Whitey

Vicious goons marauding un opposed is indeed a humanitarian crisis. But that crisis will only get worse unless you get rid of the vicious goons. That means you’re gonna need some violence. Otherwise you’re pissing into the wind, because people like ISIS/L/whatever don’t give a ratfuck about how peaceful you want to be.

To quote Dylan McDermott as Captain Leander McNelly in the underrated western “Texas Rangers,” “The meek will inherit the Earth. But somebody’s gotta make it safe for ’em first.”

Code Pinkos are fucking idiots.


I just read this one and I’m stealing it: apparently we only used two planes to bb ISIS yesterday-we should have used the Enola Gay and Bock’s Car.



The Other Whitey

I like that idea. And if we’re going old-school like that, I say have Memphis Belle, Thunderbird, Sentimental Journey, Nine-O-Nine, Texas Raiders, Swamp Ghost (they can make her fly again), and Homesick Angel (they can fix her up too) soften the hajjis up first. What the hell, have Witchcraft, Strawberry Bitch, and Diamond Lil get some as well. Then have Enola Gay and Bock’s Car deliver the coup de grace. Just because they’re old doesn’t mean they can’t still kick some ass. Get medieval on the fuckers!


Add Puff the Magic Dragon to that mix, will you? I’m up for it.


I’ve been calling for round the clock BUFF visits.


Well, bodaprez’s aim is not to defeat the ISers, but rather to ‘contain’ them, whatever that means.

And if you read that article, you will also find that the Baghdad government did not deliver some $200 million is weapons to the Kurds, which we had given them, as they were supposed to do.

What we have here is a failure to communicate – ‘Cool Hand Luke’

Yes, let’s just see how long this long-term project becomes.


Means he has no fuggin’ clue what he’s doing.

The Other Whitey

If I remember my high school history classes correctly, that’s the same idea democrats fifty-sixty years ago had about communist aggression. And we all know JFK and LBJ’s little Vietnam adventure in pursuance of that policy worked out SO well.


Well, I hate to say this, but the very second the first announcement of an airstrike showed up, the smell of Vietnam came in through my window.

I don’t indulge in flashbacks, but it was pretty close to that. I just don’t like any of this. The flipflop is worrisome.


Round up that surplus going to local LEOs, all that massive ammunition buying the Feds have been doing, and air drop the stuff in.

Dave Hardin

He walks his talk, gotta respect that.

Climb to Glory

That Code Pink letter sounded like a coherent and grammatically correct VWP post. God, those people are stupid. “Bombs aren’t helping the situation”: Says the squawking hags that aren’t getting their heads lopped off. Get bent, you bunch of old hippie dipshits.


Just goes to show how some people don’t ever want to confront evil.

These peacenik suburbanites are so removed from reality they have to be mentally ill.


I’m sure Casey Sheehan would be proud of his mother actively not giving a shit in his name over children being beheaded.


I do not think this will turn out well.

In my younger days, I used to compete in various events like show jumping, point-to-point races and hunter pace events. Then I went to ice skating, and whatever else I could get into, like cat shows. I was in it to win it.

Warfare is a competition at the deadliest level. There is only one winner in warfare. If you aren’t in it to win it, you’re dead.

If those marones in Washington, including the one in the Oval Office, don’t know that basic premise, this will drag on and cost even more than the first time around.

I repeat, I do not think this will turn out well.

Hack Stone

Just watched the latest news from the side of that mountain. Perhaps Code Pink can find the courage to act as human shields for those refugees against ISIL. But I am not holding my breath. We gave peace a chance. Now it is time to give cluster bombs a chance.