Gary L. Fincher, panhandling phony

| August 9, 2014

Gary L. Fincher

Chip sends us a link from The Mansfield Patch which reports that Gary L. Fincher, a homeless fellow in Massachusetts was arrested for fraudulently collecting donations for veterans at a local convenience store when police Sergeant Ellsworth approached Mr. Fincher and asked him for some creds. Fincher said he was raising funds for “Help for Homeless Vets”.

Of course, the policemen discovered that no such organization exists, that’s when plus-sized phony veteran Gary made a break for it. I know, I wish there was dash cam footage that we could play with some Benny Hill music in the background, but alas, none exists as far as we know.

After he was apprehended, police found more than ten grand that he collected stashed in his car.

Fincher told police he was a homeless veteran and felt entitled to collect donations from people. He informed police he was in the Army for 29 days in 1980 and was unable to complete basic training.

Well, at least he didn’t claim PTSD…yet.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Doc Savage

29 days in the Army?….did he spend all 29 days living in the Chow Hall??

A Proud Infidel®™

29 days and no KP RANGER tab to show for it, OH, THE HUMANITY… /sarc

He needs to SQUEEEEAAL for Bubba & Thor, then maybe they’ll let him keep some of his cigarettes and an occasional dessert!!


Another police lie. I enlisted on Feb 26, 1979 & was honorably discharged on Oct 1, 1980, a little over a year and a half in the military.


Really, Gary? Now you have to prove it, don’tcha?

Did you ever give that money back?


Give money BACK? WHY? I am exactly what I advertised myself to be – a homeless vet. No apologies necessary. I even helped out a veterans charity in the process. Everyone not but police were happy.

The Other Whitey

Oh Gary. You fat, lame, lazy lump of shit. It’s no wonder the Army kicked you out after less than a month. You’re not entitled to a Goddamn thing, asshole.

Plus, feeding your morbidly-obese fat ass is not a “good cause,” you gluttonous fuck. Looks to me like you eat enough to feed an entire Central African province on any given day, lardass. When’s the last time you saw your dick in person? Was Carter still President?

Get fucked. I bet your roommates in the hoosegow will LOVE your chubby ass.


I weigh lbs, 5’9″


Say again, Over. How many pounds was that?

Your transmission was broken up and garbled.

Say again, Over.

The Other Whitey

You “weigh lbs,” huh? No shit, fucknuts. How many? Judging by your picture, I’m guessing it’s upwards of 375.

Dave Hardin

Ok, I’ll play your silly game. You were framed by the POLLEEce. I am sure those officers have nothing better to do than frame you with false reports. You failed at your attempt to serve in the military. You could not fullfill your commitment to service. A drop out, wash out, simply a failure. You collecting money in the name of those of us that did serve honorably is unsat. You were not homeless either, you posed as if your were. You played on the compassion of the gulligble for money. You are a parasite, a disease of dishonor, a fraud, you have been making excuses for being a fuck up all of your life. Where did the money go? What charity? Don’t ever beg for money in my name asshole.


I don’t smoke, you moron.

2/17 Air Cav

The lying dishonest police officer found 10K in your car, Gary, and turned it in when you were booked? Is that true? Got a court date? That’s when you get to prove your service, if it’s an issue. But as I understand it, it isn’t an issue. You weren’t arrested for stolen valor, right? You were arrested for fraudulently soliciting and collecting donations for a nonexistent Veterans’ charity. Isn’t that correct?


No and no. I was arrested for asking for a lawyer, to be perfectly accurate. The charity is quite existent, and police knew it. Police have the advertisements for they l that charity. There was only $783 in my car. Thousands also went to the charity, but I only advertised the charity to the right candidates for it. I panhandled mostly, as I expected to have expensive foot surgery and needed money for medical expenses. Police reports do not need to be falsified IF police have a legit case, now do they??

Green Thumb

A fat turd you are.

2/17 Air Cav

Gary. Your “No and no” is answer to which two of the four questions that I asked? Have you a court date? If not, have you appeared in court in answer to the charge for which you were arrested? If yes, what was the outcome?


I don’t think this Fincher guy is getting nearly enough attention.

Anyone want to take up the cause?



Thanks Gary for reminding us of your bullshit from a year ago. I suppose Golden Corral threw you out yesterday so that’s why you’re here today.


How is it bullshit? Panhandling may be freeloading, but it’s not dishonest. I decided to give the overflow to a veterans organization and not get a license for it, which runs afoul of govt regulations, so I realize I should not have tried to spread the wealth. My bad. If I had kept ALL the money, I would not have gotten in trouble. No good deed…


A year and a half in the Army.



This is for you Gary, you FREAK, FRAUD and Lying sack of SHIT!!!


OK,OK, you’ve said that three times now.

Is that some sort of chant you have going? Is that what you do, rocking back and forth and chanting to yourself, while receiving your pre-bedtime warm enema?

Oooom, Oooom, a year and a half in the Army.
Oooom, Oooom, a year and a half in the Army.

John Robert Mallernee

How long does a guy have to be in the Army before he can be treated or compensated by the Department of Veterans Affairs?

There was a guy in my platoon in Basic Training who didn’t make it.

He was a nervous wreck and wet the bed every night, and even lost control while standing in formation, shaking uncontrollably and wetting his pants.

Doesn’t somebody like that get a medical discharge, and doesn’t that entitle him to treatment and/or compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs?

A Proud Infidel®™

Very not likely for what you described. They’ll only compensate for injuries and conditions that resulted from training, TRADOC posts see a lot of con artists, and often they weed out every one they can.


Not exactly. The VA is paying for injuries which occurred prior to enlistment. Am hoping that at least completion of a full term of service is required for that.


His issues were undoubtedly EPTS (existed prior to service) and would not be considered a service-connected condition. So he should not be (I know better than to say “isn’t”) receiving anything from the VA.

John Robert Mallernee

This was in December of 1967, and he was a draftee (we all were) from California.

I don’t know how he ever made it through the AFEES physical to even get accepted into the United States Army, and although I’m trying to remember details from a long time ago, I doubt he lasted even two weeks before being processed out.

Wetting his pants while standing in formation was the last straw.

From that point on, I never saw or heard of him again.

Another guy that didn’t make it through our Basic Combat Training had an asthma attack while in the gas chamber during our Chemical Biological Radiological phase of training, and the ambulance took him away.

I don’t even know if he survived.


It used to be 120 days of service “not in training.” I don’t know what it is today, so if you didn’t have 120 non-training status, you were not eligible.


I hate to say it, but do you think he was faking it? Maybe he heard that bedwetting would get you out, and when that failed he decided to up it by pissing himself in formation?

John Robert Mallernee

Even though probably everybody in my platoon was a draftee, I never saw anybody doing anything other than their level best to accomplish every assignment that was given to us.

However, at the Portland, Oregon AFEES station, there were a bunch of guys who claimed to be homosexual in an effort to avoid military service.

The psychiatrists had a special test for them to help determine whether or not they were lying.

On the bus to Fort Lewis, I overheard a couple of guys talking about someone they knew who succeeded in being rejected by pretending to be homosexual.

In the 1976 movie, “BABY BLUE MARINE”, starring Jan-Michael Vincent, one of the characters deliberately wets the bed every night during Boot Camp in order to finally succeed in being rejected by the United States Marine Corps.

3/17 Air Cav

John…..I took that same bus from Portland. We stopped at every Podunk town along the way, picking up other draftees. It took all day to arrive at FT. Lewis. Dark when we got there.

My first meal in the Army, burnt black chicken. I remember thinking. “I’ve got two years of this” wasn’t real happy at the time.

R Grace Meinhuzen

That’s called trying to get out of the military fakes not shakes. Parents probably pushed him to join because he’s a whiney wimp and needed to man up. No, he gets nothing but a piece of paper stamped “DISHONORABLE DISCHARGE” and a twelve pack of diapers. Wosh…

John Robert Mallernee

It was in December 1967, during the war in the old Republic of Viet Nam.

He didn’t enlist, but was conscripted.

Back in those days, there were long waiting lists of guys who were hoping to avoid being drafted by enlisting in the United States Navy or the United States Air Force.

Almost nobody wanted to be in the United States Army or the United States Marine Corps.

Draftees only had to serve two (02) years, so when guys did get drafted into the United States Army, to avoid being sent to the old Republic of Viet Nam, they often would quickly enlist for a three (03) year active duty obligation to get a guaranteed assignment in Germany, or in order to avoid serving in the Infantry, would enlist for that extra year to obtain guaranteed advanced training in a technical school.

John Robert Mallernee

Since very few National Guard units were activated and sent to the old Republic of Viet Nam, then naturally, there were NO openings available for enlisting in the National Guard.


This report got just about EVERYTHING wrong. I enlisted in the Army in Feb 1979 and was released in Oct 1980. VA classifies me as a veteran, and I have my credentials to prove it. The police are the ones who did the phony report, to screw me over. No false advertising here, and there was NO claim of a “phony charity” by the “name of” Help for Homeless Vets. That was all police bullshit. Cops bear false witness to destroy people’s lives, they do it all the time.

I am eligible for most all VA benefits.


For anyone who enlists prior to Sep 7 1980 there is no minimum service requirement for VA veteran status. My year and 7 months works.


Hi ya Gary, come here …
A lil’ closer …
We bit more …
That’s it …
Listen to me speak …


Dave Hardin

What will happen to the $10,000. Things that make me go…..hmmmmmm.

2/17 Air Cav

Good question. I don’t have the answer but, horrible as it sounds, it may end up being returned to Pig Face.

John "Faker 6" Giduck

29 days? 29 DAYS?!? You guys assured me that my record was safe. *sniff*

If I knew Gary L. Fincher, I’d ask him why he’s panhandling on the street? Why not just form a non-profit (either a law enforcement training non-profit or a halfway house community corrections non-profit). That way, governments just give you large amounts of money for which there is no accountability.

I took state and county grants and sent them to the Sudan, used them to form new non-profits, etc. It’s like pan-handling but with air conditioning and better hotels.

As for my 58 day basic training record still being safe, I’m still sad that from here on that I can’t believe a word that the commenters here say. I’m still better than you guys though….how many of you guys know exactly how many days you served with doing the math? NONE, I say! Winning!


John “Faker 6” Giduck

Cheese Eater McBlobfish

That is nothing. I only did 20 days in the guard. I could count that with my hands and feet. That 20 days includes 0 days at Basic Combat Training.

I was destined to be a scout. Today, I scout for more women to abuse, and for more cheese to eat.

To your cheese eating success,
Cheese Eater McBlobfish


This tool may well qualify for VA benefits if he went to basic in 1980. Prior to 8 September 1980, there was no minimum service requirement to qualify for most VA bennies. Starting on 8 September 1980, serving either 24+ months or the “full period to which called or ordered to active duty” is required. See the section titled “Length of Service” at

He’d also qualify for VA bennies if he (1) incurred a new condition, or (2) aggravated an existing condition enough to result in an early discharge if that was the result of something that happened in basic, regardless of the amount of service time.

Regardless, he appears to be a damned fraud and con man. Hope he does time.

JarHead Pat

Yut.I see this shit everyday outside my trader joe’s and qfc,fake vets playing the wounded vet or ptsd,I call them on it,call the police/store management,they just move elsewhere and play there bullshit games.never give money to people on the street claiming they are working with vets,it is almost always a scam.


It happened in my sister’s town and in this state, probably nothing will happen. I hope they donate the money to an actual veterans charity.

When I see the Panhandling Vets the first thing I ask is, What was your MOS? That usually gets a blank stare.


What a crock, a plain frigging crock…

Just an Old Dog

As far as the length of service, once you take the oath at AFEES you CAN get VA benefits.
Boot camp failures for the most part usually dont get anything but a ticket home.
I was in Charge of the Seps Platoon at MCRD in San Diego. We discharged about 1,500 to 2000 recruits a year. There were perhaps 100 that were discharged with VA benefits.
Generally practically every case of mental instability ( suicidal behavior, failure to adapt) was pegged as Fraudulent Enlistment or Eroneous medical. The same could be said of Asthma, back, knee and foot problems.
The ones who got VA findings were the ones who were involved in serious training accidents, like injuries from falling from obstacles or head injuries from pugil sticks or combat hitting skills.
Then of course there are the occasional deaths in training ( there were 4 in San Diego in 1999) whose families get full benefits.

Clinton Butler

I’m 70% service connected. After I retired I tried to help out several “homeless veterans” and others in need. Most were frauds with OTH discharge or not even veterans. I now use extream caution when helping people.


Well for those who can’t get the link above….
Gary L. Fincher
Gary L. Fincher
Gary L. Fincher

Police in Mansfield, Massachusetts, have arrested a homeless man accused of collecting donations for a fraudulent veteran’s charity.

On Monday at 2:30 p.m., an off-duty sergeant of the Foxborough Police Department told Mansfield Police that there was a man at a Stop and Shop collecting donations for a homeless veteran’s organization.

Due to a recent Plainville arrest for a man fraudulently collecting for veterans and media coverage of similar incidents, the sergeant, a veteran, asked the man what charity he was collecting for.

The man, Gary L. Fincher, 52, allegedly told the official that he represented the National Chapter ‘Help for Homeless Vets’ and was assigned to collect that day by the Charity founder, Mark Pickens.

Fincher was at a table covered in flags with homeless veteran pamphlets and business cards wearing a baseball hat with ‘veteran’ above the bill. Fincher sat quietly as he collected donations.

Following investigation it was determined the charity did not exist.

Fincher allegedly attempted to flee the parking lot but was stopped on Route 140. He was placed under arrest for larceny over $250 by false pretenses and misleading an investigator.

Following further investigation, it was determined that he has fraudulently obtained over $10,000 from this scheme during the recent past.

Fincher told police that he was homeless and that he was in the Army for 29 days in 1980 having been unable to complete basic training.

Fincher was held on $25,000 cash bail and will be arraigned in Attleboro District Court on Tuesday.


Oh lookie everyone….

Gary L. Fincher Gary L. Fincher Gary L. Fincher Gary L. Fincher Gary L. Fincher Gary L. Fincher Gary L. Fincher Gary L. Fincher Gary L. Fincher



Oh GARY??!!!?!?!?

Which is it? 1 year and 7 months or 29 days???

Fincher allegedly attempted to flee the parking lot but was stopped on Route 140. He was placed under arrest for larceny over $250 by false pretenses and misleading an investigator.

Following further investigation, it was determined that he has fraudulently obtained over $10,000 from this scheme during the recent past.

Fincher told police that he was homeless and that he was in the Army for 29 days in 1980 having been unable to complete basic training.

/quote from Gary himself

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Felcher had the $10k IN THE BANK… and assclown himself is claiming that he turned it over to charities!

Let me guess Gary Feltcher… you had it in the bank… for safe keeping…

Fucking assclown x100


Senior, even more than 10K in the bank.

The media articles say when they froze his BoA account, there was $11,275.00 in it. So probably with the money he had already collected on the day of his arrest, I’m betting he was near the 12K mark.

I guess playing the homeless vet card for a 29 day career that happened 35 years ago is indeed lucrative.

2/17 Air Cav

Chip: That article is markedly different from the original report. He is a panhandler. He keeps records of donations. 10K was not found in his car. Some charges were dropped. The org he says he collected for isn’t “licensed” in that state.

OIF '06-'07-'08

It seems we have a necro-thread resurrected by the poser himself. Well guess what fat ass, we will just keep making you famous.