Campaigner flyer fail

| August 5, 2014


The Daily Caller reports that incumbent congresswoman Julia Brownley sent the above flyer to her constituents to show them who she is concerned about – apparently she’s concerned about female members of the German Luftwaffe;

That photograph shows a young woman in a white, open-collared military uniform, wearing a white cap displaying a gold insignia and blue-and-gold trim.

Although it bears a fleeting resemblance to official attire worn by the U.S. Navy, no branch of the United States military wears a uniform like the one in the mailer. And the insignia on the cap is the symbol of the Bundeswehr Luftwaffe, Germany’s air force.

There was a Star Trek episode that stands out in my mind about a kid who wanted to mimic the life he saw on Earth. He cooked a meal with sumptuous food that he saw through his telescope, but when the crew of the Enterprise bit into the food, it had no taste, because the kid couldn’t know how the food tasted by looking at it. That’s how Congress interacts with the military – they see uniforms and they all look alike, so even a German Air Force uniform is suitable for campaign literature.

“Washington is packed with politicians who love to pay lip service, to use our military veterans as props around election time,” Jessie Jane Duff, a retired Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant and advisor to Concerned Veterans for America, told The Daily Caller. “You would think that Rep. Brownley, who serves on the House Veterans Affairs Committee, would at least be able to do so correctly.”

13 years of war and they still can’t get it right.

Category: Congress sucks

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This is my shocked face.

That is all.


“serves on the House Veterans Affairs Committee”

I’m shocked the VA doesn’t have very good oversight. Totally shocked.


I’m sure she’ll be able to schedule a follow up to review her remarks in 6-9 months…


What a DemCluck. And yes, the spelling is intentional.


I was going to send an email to Brownly, detailing what a dumb ass she is. As well as her campaign staff, printers and pretty much everyone who works in her organization. But then I saw where she is running and thought, they’ll never get it and the few that do will give it the big California…”What…Ever!!!” So, to hell with her. Just another dumb ass too stupid to care about anything except a Congressional salary and benefits package, junkets, bonus trips for research and observation, pretty much, screwing off her whole term on the tax payers dime.

The Other Whitey

I am so fucking sick of my state’s democrats…


I reckon if illegal immigrants are to have representation, members of the German Air Force should have it too. Our elected officials seem to care about everyone BUT American citizens, so what the hell.


She’s a great congresswoman. She’s not just reaching across the aisle, she’s reaching across the ocean and half of Europe too!


Not to mention her district is home to a large naval base at Port Hueneme which she has probably never driven by let alone enter in order to educate herself in some way about the military. I’d bet a months retirement pay she has spent a lot of time at the labor camps and Strawberry fields amongst the “migrant Workers” feeling their pain.

CC Senor

Wow, almost as bad as using pictures of Russian ships in a tribute to US vets.


Even the Luftwaffe needs love.


Well, you have to admit a cute brunette with a flirty smile is much better for PR than a screaming Stuka dive bombing Polish cavalry, which is what I always think of when I hear the word “Luftwaffe.”

The Other Whitey

For me, “Luftwaffe” immediately call to mind four things: plus-sized nazis, Colonel Klink, B-17’s speed bumps, and RAF’s bitch.

Yes, I know there’s actually a whole lot more to it than that. I’m enough of a history nerd to quote chapter & verse on a lot of it. But those four things are what pop into my head immediately when I hear the word.


well, if her district was in El Paso or Alamogordo, NM where we actually have Luftwaffe stationed here, she’d have a point. Other than the one under her hair.


When ask for a comment on the mistake the congress woman’s reply was”I know nothing,nothing” and was then heard to ask if anyone had seen col Klink


We actually have video of her press conference discussing the printing.

The Other Whitey



Heil Kongressabgeordnete Brownley! Sie unterstützt die deutschen Truppen!


Informal, but proper to my eyes


Here is proof that everyone gets to vote!!


Was die Bümsen? Was ist diese dumme Politiker jetzt tun?


LOL, Stock photos. They’ll bite you in the butt every time.


That’s because she can’t be bothered to get down from her lofty perch @ the Capital to spend time with the troops to get actual photos. Or none of them want to be seen with her. Maybe a bit of both??


Lemme guess, she’s a Democrat trying to court favor with “bitter clingers” ’cause healthcare reform has sucked so bad…


Yup, just checked… a big “D” (no studying!)


As Lt. CPL Chevy lit off #4, crossed the threshold, and trundled down the runway in his EC 130 H Compass Call on his way to Dusseldorf, he was heard to say, “Hey those Luftwaffe chicks need love too!”


Fox news has the story now…


Jonn are you sure that’s from Star Trek? I’ve seen every episode of every series but that is not ringing a bell


Yeah, there was a guy who called himself General Trelane who turned out to be spoiled brat of a child. I can’t remember the name of the episode though.

Don H.

“The Squire of Gothos.” There are some fans who think that “Q” in Next Generation was actually Trelane grown up.


Thank you for bringing Jessie Jane Duff to my attention. Smoke show.

A Proud Infidel®™

Typical dildocat…

Pinto Nag

How quaint. Another fish with a bicycle.


More Democrat war on women in action.

Democrats once again out sourcing their supposed patriotism.


More like Reach Across The Ocean not Reach Across The Aisle. What a tool.


Two words: laughing stock.

John D

Actually, she’s probably well-informed after all:
German Brigadier General Markus Laubenthal to be Chief of Staff at USAREUR


You folks nead to give her a break! Given her district location and her party affiliation, she is more likely to feel affinity and desire to represent a femal Luftwaffe officer than an American military member. After all, the democratic party pretty much gave up on anything military when they became the party of peace in seventy two with McGovern. To a modern dem rep from California we are literally as alien as a being from Mars. just ask Nancy “Scrape a uteris for Jesus” Pelosi.


I am sure she was just using it as an apology to German immigrants for our illegal invasion of Germany in 1944/45. /sarcasm