About That “Global Warming” . . . .

| July 28, 2014

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Hat tip to this guy for the graphic. His blog looks to be a good one to frequent.

Oh, and in case you’re wondering: his title for the article accompanying this graphic was “Coolest Summer On Record In The US”.

Category: Global Warming

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Changes in the jetstream, which affects both winter and summer weather, are the byproduct of increasing water temperatures in the Pacific. Last winter (2013-2014), large pool of unusually warm water, several thousand square miles of it, hung around the south coast of Alaska, pushing the jet stream into an unusually loopy form.

It’s still doing that this summer, which is why I have pictures of snow on a tree outside my window from April this year. No bees were out pollinating fruit trees this spring, so there is no fruit (apples, peaches, plums) this year.

There is also research going on regarding the effect of wildfire soot on precipitation, because the soot particles are different from the usual dust in the air.


A lot of this is driven by Solar activity, which seems to be partly driven by the gravitational effect of the giant planets on the sun. This includes magnetic influence on the Earth from the sun, as well as the earth long term rotational and orbital behaviors.

The shifting in jet stream (pushing further south in the northern hemisphere), increase in precipitation, increased volcanic activity and earthquake activity, and other factors on the earth are symptoms of the solar effect on the earth.

Weak solar sunspot activity is associated with increased cosmic ray entry into the earth’s atmosphere, which contributes to increased precipitation.

The last time solar sunspot activity behaved the way it has been behaving in the past few years, we either entered a mini ice age, or were in the beginning of one.

Right now, with the way solar sunspot activity is behaving, we’re due for a long cooling period.

Here’s a video that captures some of the statistics that the above blog utilizes:



You can always go here and get info about the sun.


There is so much about this planet that we don’t know yet. And if we are going into a wet cycle, which is what it appears to be, I don’t think we’re prepared to deal with it at all.


This guy has been pretty accurate in predicting the weather months in advance… he’s an astrophysicist. :mrgreen:

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I was reading some stuff from these guys; http://www.eike-klima-energie.eu/news-cache/lassen-sich-zukuenftige-erdtemperaturen-berechnen/

you might find that interesting as well Hondo with your proclivity to sprechen sie deutsch from time to time


Climate Change… yup, it happens. Why, that is another discussion altogether. Is it man made? I highly doubt that it is, based on all I have read. Not that we are not a bunch of nasty creatures who don’t clean up after ourselves too well.
To say though that it is entirely our doing in regards to climate changes/shifts is just ignoring millions of years of even more violent changes to the earths climate.
Not to mention most of the research into it now is politically motivated, with more emphasis on “proving it is mans fault”. As I told my son, follow the money. It pays to say “man made global warming”…

2/17 Air Cav

I don’t look at or listen to the global warming arguments. I haven’t in, oh, two or so years now. Once I saw the money involved in convincing us of a falsehood, I was done. Hot. Cold. Warm. Cool. Windy. Still air. Hurricanes. Tornadoes. Cyclones. Ice melt. Ice expansion. You name it and it has been attributed to global warming. Tell you what. Find a cure for the common cold. I’ll care.


The real question is why do these ‘experts’ (and I use that term advisedly) ignore the simple fact that manmade pollution of all kinds was much worse during the Industrial Revolution (18th-19th centuries) than it is now?

No one has addressed that at all. It’s all about how bad we are right now, and frankly, whenthe clouds clear out, the sky is a deeper Kodak blue than it ever was when I was 5 or 6 years old. Yes, I still have my funtioning long-term memory intact. And I have my mothers’ garden journal from back in them there Olden Times.


“The real question is why do these ‘experts’ (and I use that term advisedly) ignore the simple fact that manmade pollution of all kinds was much worse during the Industrial Revolution (18th-19th centuries) than it is now?”

IMO, this is nothing more than a carefully camouflaged effort to make folks like Al Gore, and his Chicago Carbon Credits Exchange, wealthy(er). Like he needs any more, but then, for the Greedy, there will NEVER be enough.


Global warming is a fact. Introduce more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, tress cannot process it, which leads to an atmosphere that traps heat. It’s a scientific fact.

Neil degrasse Tyson explains the difference between wheather and climate.


Just thought I’d throw that out there for you all to ponder. Of course big money is behind our climate issues, has been since the industrial revolution and when we started using coal and oil to power our civilization.


Ohhh and in case anyone is wondering, all you have to do is look to Venus to see Global warming on a planetary scale. Venus sits in the “habitable” zone, yet has so much carbon dioxide in its atmosphere that it heats the planet up to intolerable levels of heat and pressure.

Here’s a linky for you all.

George V

Actually, Venus is hot because it has a higher atmospheric pressure than the Earth. See here: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2010/05/06/hyperventilating-on-venus/


I counter your article George V with one from Carl Sagan:


Venus has a rotational period of four days, as opposed to the Earth’s 24 hour rotation period. That has an effect on Venus’s climate and atmosphere.

The Earth has a moon, Venus does not, therefore, the only tidal pull on Venus is the sun and the occasional encounter with Mercury.

Venus does have higher atmospheric pressure than Earth. Sagan’s article is very much out of date. He did not have the data available now. And have you forgotten the ‘snowball Earth’ theory, generated by evidence geological that shows Earth MAY have been briefly covered by ice at some point? And it was only restored to a more temperate climate by tectonic plate ruptures accompanied by volcanism? That’s a theory, not a recorded fact, but the discovery of thermophiles supports it.


I love this place. We all have our opinions and are able to discuss them without the butt hurt of people going ape.

Ahhhh, who am I kidding, I’m just a grunt and not a scientist. I do love the differing opinions posted by everyone though. It allows me to broaden my learning.



Veritas Omnia Vincit

It’s not settled science, there is a clearly increasing temperature and a corresponding increase in atmospheric CO2, depending which data sets you trust there are several potential outcomes.

There is a solar wavelet analysis and CO2 study that suggest even doubling the CO2 content in the atmosphere by 2100 can only create a maximum increase of .1-.2 degrees Celsius. This would indicate that there is another trend in CO2 and temperature that needs study and confirmation.

The reality is you won’t get India, Pakistan, China or other emerging industrialized economies to decide to forego an increase in standard of living for their citizens to meet an international standard of unsettled science. Even settled science will have a hard time convincing industrializing emergent economies to take a hit for the benefit of the wealthier nations.

As this settles out, it will become a politically interesting dynamic on the world stage.


As you point out, ANY effort to control CO2 release into the atmosphere without getting AT LEAST China and India onboard also, is just peeing into the wind, IMO.

2/17 Air Cav

Which one of the following doesn’t belong with the others?

A. Hare Krishnas

B. Moonies

C. Lyndon LaRouchies

D. Ron Paulbots

E. Global Warming Theorists

G. Ants invading a picnic

The correct answer is G. Of the listed items, G is the least annoying and most tolerable.

2/17 Air Cav

By the way, you really don’t want to know what choice F was…


Yes I do. How can I make an informed choice if I am not presented with all choices? Lol

2/17 Air Cav

Well, at least you have a good sense of humor. Answer choice F was “Hussar.”


That’s ‘Ooozer’, 2/17 AirCav.


All can be easily taken care of with a liberal dousing of the same spray.


FYI “Steven Goddard” is actually a lady named Tony Heller: (http://stevengoddard.wordpress.com/who-is-steven-goddard/)

I’ve been reading her blog for a long time. Great stuff.

Cpt. Bob

In my 70 years I have learned 2 things that are true. Settled science isnt, oil didnt come from dinosaurs, there are a lot more than 5 senses, etc., and all experts have one thing in common, they are all wrong.


+++1! and several ******!

The Other Whitey

Well said, sir.


when i was a kid I was told we were heading towards another Ice age. Now the earth is heating up. I have also heard that we are still at the end of the last Ice age.

I believe that weather is cyclic. We haven’t been at this long enough to find the long term pattern. I have no doubt that pollution green house gases ect effect the weather and if it is as bad as they say the damage is collective and took a very long time. The fix will also have to be collective and take equally as long.

For the moment Im glad this summer is not as bad as last. I hate the heat. I hope it snows asshole deep to a giraffe in Daytona this winter. I know a dude down there that needs to chill the fuck out.



Only the arrogance of mankind would presuppose anything like mankinds true effect on the climate…
One volcano coughs out more CO2 in one year than all of mankind has since the beginning of recorded history.
There are probably 20 volcanoes erupting at any given moment in time on Planet Earth.
The Earth is still producing oil and the finds of it of late suggest that even after 240 million years there would not have been enough dinosaurs to make all this oil.
Don’t fall into the arrogance trap that Dr. Tyson puts forth, think for yourself and simply understand that we are but small blips on the screen of the history of this planet, Solar System and universe in total.
I do and that is why I have such a strong belief in God, also because I am constantly amazed at the number of close calls I have had over my lifetime and still not been killed…
It is a big wonderful place we live in Bro’s, enjoy it for the beauty that has been put here for us to enjoy and manipulate to our liking. When God and Earth get tired of us, we won’t stand a snowballs chance in hell…

2/17 Air Cav

Jebeebus. I see that scared up Hussar. Sorry all.


It’s ‘Ooozer’, 2/17 AirCav. Ooozer.

And keep an eye on the ants. If they start showing up in your house in numbers, there’s a storm of some kind coming. Pay attention.


If you want to go deeper, you can look at some of Dr. Roy Spencer’s work on “Global Warming”. Pretty heavy on the science side, but well documented and explained.

Also, he is not biased in the research he does.




In the South Pole, it is a balmy -94 degrees Fahrenheit. With a 12 mph wind from the East (how can they tell which way is East at the South Pole?) the wind chill is only -135 degrees Fahrenheit.

Since the average temperature for this time of year is -75 degrees Fahrenheit, I don’t think we are going to see any polar ice melt any time soon.


Saying that man-caused effects are negatively influencing global climate is like saying a guy peeing into the ocean will cause all marine life to perish.

Variable Solar output is the 800 gigaton gorilla in the global warming room that these folks continue to ignore.

re: Venus. Yes, Venus is a good teaching tool wrt the effect of CO2 concentration in a planets atmosphere. The key word there is “concentration.”

Venus = about 96% CO2.
Earth = about .038% CO2
(source Space.com)

So, would an increase in CO2 concentration cause a warming effect on the Earth? Yes. Should we be alarmed? I doubt it.

There is something to be said about not waiting until all the horses are out of the barn before closing the doors, so prudence would keep a watchful eye.

The better question would seem to me to be, who benefits?

George V

Part of what frustrates me about the debate of how much CO2 affects climate is the constant jiggery that goes on with the data. Another recent article on Anthony Watt’s blog (http://wattsupwiththat.com/2014/07/28/should-you-trust-noaa-claims-about-may-and-june-records/)
discusses the opinion that the May and June temp records are artifacts of adjustments to past data. Another article I read recently (that I can’t find now, dang it) showed data reports from NOAA for June temps two recent years that were higher than 2014, so how can June 2014 be the highest ever?

Part of the problem with the data is that weather stations change – they are removed, moved to new spots, or replaced, buildings and parking lots appear around them, or at airports new runways or taxiways are built that change the local microclimate, so adjustments must be compare current data to the past. But there also seems to be major changes made to past data.

How hard could it be to find a set of weather stations that have not moved or had the environment changed around them. Then plot temp changes over the decades – no adjustments, no jiggery…

George V.


What concerns me is not climate change, which is long-term and not something that humans can control, but rather, what appear to be increasing deep changes in weather, which is short-term. This affects all of us, and here is how it does. In places where there flooding does not normally occur, there is now regular and severe flash flooding every spring. Streets literally cave in, taking cars, trucks, city buses and even houses with them. Rivers regularly rise above their banks because they cannot handle the load of water dumped on them upstream, and even if efforts are made to provide overflow facilities like a restored wetland that can handle 51 million gallons of overflow, it is insufficient because the upstream flow is mixed with the downstream flow, overtaking the river’s banks and flooding neighborhoods. It isn’t old news, it is something new. If you haven’t seen those recent flash floods in Turkey, Greece, the UK and other places that don’t normally get that kind of weather, those can be found now, thanks to the internet. Winters in some areas are becoming more severe and places that have not seen snow before are now seeing it. Jersualem, the Atacama Desert in Chile and Peru are a few of those places. Freakish weather such as regular blizzards is now becoming a routine instead of an odd occurrence. Drought, on the other hand, is turning up in areas that are normally watered and green, such as the state of Oklahoma and the ranching parts of California. My tomatoes usually come from Mexico by way of Canada. They used to come from Florida and California. Potatoes come from Wisconsin, but if the weather isn’t right, they will pick up late blight fungus and rot, and a new source will be required. Same thing with all the other produce that we take for granted at the grocery store. Corn, soybeans and wheat are major grain crops and all three can be use to make ethanol for the oil & gas fuel industry, as well as for foodstuffs. If you think wheat doesn’t turn into… Read more »