Pentagon pays for research on memory-aid implant
The LA Times writes about a Pentagon-funded program to build a “neuroprosthetics” device that they hope will improve memory functions in folks who have suffered traumatic brain injuries;
Its first beneficiaries may be wounded warriors. But if the effort succeeds, healthy people too may one day clamor for implantable brain gear that can turbocharge human cognition.
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency announced this week that it has contracted with the University of California, Los Angeles and the University of Pennsylvania to lead a four-year effort to develop such a device. Teams of scientists from the two institutions will be aided by neural technology experts at California’s Lawrence Livermore National Lab, and by a pair of giants in the design and manufacture of brain-stimulating devices, Medtronic Inc. and Neuropace Inc.
I think that if they do perfect it, they should test it on flag officers that can’t remember the significance of the terms “Bull Run”, “Task Force Smith” or “Kasserine Pass”, or try and make them remember the Carter years, or even just as far back as the year 2000.
Category: Big Army
This technology can be quite amazing. Listen to this podcast (at least the first part of it). I was really impressed and intrigued.
You want them to remember things that happened before they were born? Ouch! I think that’s expecting a lot of them. All those details….
Ex…You are right. Bone head History is a tough subject for some folks. Especially Flag Officers. There must be something in the water supply for the Pentagon.
Would give whole new meaning to the NCO Academy/SOS lobotomy. But it is a slightly slippery slope if it could also be used for training (ala Neo and the Matrics) and we won’t go into social ‘programming’.
Hey Jonn, how about if the implant just helps them remember they aren’t supposed to steal money or commit adultery and they are supposed to take care of their troops?