YearlyKos loves Edwards

| August 4, 2007

Democrats had better hope that the Kos Kids and those other “progressive” bloggers don’t get to choose their candidate in 2008. According to two Washington Post bloggers, John Edwards, the prettiest girl in presidential field, is their choice – well, this week.

From Jose Vargas;

But it was Edwards that shined in the forum. The former North Carolina senator received two standing ovations, his voice drowned out by applause as he derided special interests in Washington. When the candidates were asked if they’d have a presidential blogger, Edwards said he would – and her name would be Elizabeth Edwards. Edwards’s wife was an early adopter in blogging, and she’s been a crucial, encouraging voice in her husband’s campaign on the Internet.

A trial lawyer deriding special interests. Am I the only one sensing some irony (or hypocrisy) here?

Next is Chris Cillizza;

John EdwardsHigh point: It’s hard to choose just one, as Edwards — in the angry/outraged mode he flashed at the CNN/YouTube debate — was hitting on all cylinders. But, if we must….Edwards’ riff on not “trading our insiders for theirs.” Devastatingly effective as a populist pitch, Edwards nuanced it by calling on all of the candidates to pledge not to accept any money from any Washington lobbyists. By the time he was finished, the crowd was roaring.

Out of the three Democrats leading the field of candidates, I predict that Edwards is the most easily defeatable candidate what with him being such a blatant and unashamed hypocrit and all. He might sucker in all of those Luanne Platter types, but his resume is a two-liner; one term Senator and failed Vice Presidential candidate.

Although, I just learned the other day from the lawyer who counts the Electoral College ballots at the Office of the Federal Register that John Edwards is the only Vice Presidential candidate in history to receive an electoral college vote for President from an obviously confused delegate – so he’s got that going for him.

Category: Media, Politics

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