Boehner explains his stupid strategy
Republicans don’t like being the majority party in Congress. That has to be the answer – because whenever Democrats show the American public how their political solutions are intellectually vacuous, and Americans begin to understand how Democrats have no idea how to lead this country, the Republicans do something stupid to screw up an election. I guess it’s House Speaker John Boehner’s turn to do something stupid. He tried to explain the inexplicable in CNN yesterday;
ater this month, we will bring legislation to the House floor that would authorize the House of Representatives to file suit in an effort to compel President Obama to follow his oath of office and faithfully execute the laws of our country.
What’s disappointing is the President’s flippant dismissal of the Constitution we are both sworn to defend. It is utterly beneath the dignity of the office. I know the President is frustrated. I’m frustrated. The American people are frustrated, too.
Boenher goes on to explain how screwed up the economy, unemployment, our foreign policy, our national security, our energy policy have all suffered under this administration for the last four years. I agree with all of that, but a solution doesn’t reside in the judicial system. It reminds me of the Clinton years when the Republicans, for more than two years focused entirely on impeaching the President instead of taking advantage of their position to return the government to the People.
Basically, Boehner is hoping to pit all three branches of government against each other in a huge power struggle. Actually, the courts put the Obama Administration in it’s place without the legislative branch last week when the president overreached his grasp. Of course, the Obama Administration doubled down on their wrist slapping by looking more ridiculous and announced their intention to use Executive orders to bypass the Constitution.
It’s been my habit, when an intellectual opponent is doing their best to look like an idiot – I stand back and let them go at it. Public opinion of this President is slipping rapidly. Gas prices are soaring, unemployment and the economy seem to be stagnant, pajama-clad goat ropers make fun of our national security, illegal immigrants flaunt our laws. While I feel Mr. Boehner’s frustration, he doesn’t do the President’s opposition any favors by waving his arms and pleading with us to look at his own idiotic antics instead.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Congress sucks
Republicans don’t like being the majority party in Congress.
Duh-when they are conservatives actually expect for our agenda to move forward-can’t have that.
Andrew McCarthy addresses this same subject in his column at NRO this morning-
This country just gets more ridiculous by the day.
May I just throw in here that there are signs that the stock market may take another nosedive?
The worst thing to happen to this country for a while was Obama. The second worst thing is having Boenher lead the opposition. Bong Head Barry and his pals are so bad that getting rid of them should be a task even particularly stupid small lump of moss covered rock should find easy. It does seem to be too much for the current Republicans though.
Congress has a lower approval rating than the President, and stupid stuff like this is part of the reason.
Bonehead and Biden in a debate. Now that I would pay good money to see. The stupid would be palpable.
Prima facie evidence as to why when people ask me if I am Democrat or Republican, I reply, “conservative”, because for about 25 years now, there hasn’t been a dime’s worth of difference between them.
Indeed same coin, two different sides but separated only by a tiny amount of metal…
Clinton is such a corporate toady I suspect the left will crap themselves if she runs…meanwhile we have the likes of Rick Perry on the other side, a man whose record is relatively impressive if he could just learn to shut his mouth and stop sticking his rather large feet in that gaping pie hole….
The next election should prove entertaining…
You are exactly correct. The is NO difference between the two parties. They’re both neck deep in this mess that we call a government. Every. Single. One. Of. Them. Needs. To. Go. Now!
This is how, the Republicans step on their nut sack and then wonder why they can’t win the White House. Boehner, is more the class clown than the leader he is suppose to be. If the Republicans don’t stop this type of worthless crap and start leading, they will not regain ground in Congress this year or the White House in 2016. There are several good, solid candidates for 2016 in the wings. They need to be vetting and preparing 2 or 3 now for the election. Do not show up to the races with 16 people, 13 or 14 of them worthless hacks who throw their hat in the ring for publicity, (you know, the “I was a Presidential Candidate in 2016” for their resumes.) backstabbing each other on the campaign trail and generally detracting from the 2 or 3 solid candidates. Let’s have some sense this election and field a very few solid folks. Folks who have been vetted for skeletons in their closet and come up clean, good solid platforms for progress and moving this nation forward. But, if they do as times before, they will have some more wealthy Ross Perot types gumming up the works and giving the Democrats all the ammo they need to show America how to point and laugh at the Republicans.
Primary candidates have it rough in this country from both sides…
I’ve enjoyed the more liberal sites I visit decrying how Obama is Bush Lite to their eyes and how Hillary should just declare herself a Republican….
The fundies on the right are hell on a conservative and the fundies on the left are just as hard on a progressive….the result is a candidate who personifies this thought: A professional politician is a professionally dishonorable man. In order to get anywhere near high office he has to make so many compromises and submit to so many humiliations that he becomes indistinguishable from a streetwalker.
Your point is well made and, sadly I suspect, will largely go ignored by the party at large because everyone likes to play pretend at campaign time and lend New Hampshire far more say in the process than it ever has deserved.
Something Congress should explain to us is:
If what he is doing/not doing is so bad, why are you funding it? It is impossible for me to believe that Congress does not agree with that which they vote to fund.
“Basically, Boehner is hoping to pit all three branches of government against each other in a huge power struggle.”
That is how it should be. They should gridlock each other nothing is accomplished to erode rights while making up fake ones as a mean for more taxation.
Republicans are not the majority they got 2,000,000 less votes for congress then democrats did in 2012 gerrymandering is why they have more congressmen not votes! In pennsylvania democrats received over 100,000 more votes then did republicans ;but their crooked gerrymandering of districts alowed them to steal 12 seats in congress!
Please look up the word punctuation in the dictionary. Try it – your posts might make sense. Look up the word homonym in the dictionary – then is not the same as than.
Gerrymandering is not what happened. Congressional districts are drawn by State legislatures every ten years after the Census proves that the population changed. When the Republicans hold more seats in a State legislature and if changes are needed, then they draw the boundaries. Same with Democrats. With the same result. There are usually lawsuits about the lines and gerrymandering charges fly. If I recall correctly gerrymandering is fairly rare according to the courts.
If you don’t like the congressional district boundaries, run for public office and try to change them. Or support a legislator who wants to change them and who belongs to the majority party after a census.
It is easy to whine and bitch. It is harder to stand up and actually do something. IIRC, you are proud of your protesting. Why not go out and do some more of that? I’m sure that your fellow travelers will tell you how smart and noble and strong you are for hurling invective and/or poo. You would certainly make many people on TAH happy.
Based on your posts, I’m pretty sure that you aren’t old enough to be a Congressman.
Oh, come on, it’s a giant open secret in Pennsylvania that our districts, both state and federal, are terrifically gerrymandered to give the Republicans an advantage. Even the Republicans can admit as such. But they had help from key Democrats that benefited from the redistricting.
Heavens, all you have to do is look at some of the meandering district lines, which geographically MAKE NO SENSE, until you see the strategic election data. The courts aren’t the only arbiter of the definition, friend.
All that said, to me, it represents balance. I’m running in a rural district that has always had a traditional registration imbalance. Should their voices be drowned out by urban center interests? In a lot of ways, the breakdown between Democrat and Republican in Pennsylvania is about city mouse vs. country mouse, and this way, we can keep Pittsburgh and Philadelphia from running roughshod over everything in between.
I have been saying for some time now, that the moment a guy who couldn’t even make it through Navy bootcamp rose to the top of the Republican party, they lost all credibility.
@ Jonn Lilyea, Et Alii:
“illegal immigrants flaunt our laws.”
You mean “FLOUT” instead of “FLAUNT”.
They have opposite definitions.
Unfortunately, it’s an all too common mistake that I see repeated over and over.
Even Lesley Stahl (who should know better!) of CBS NEWS made that same mistake when reporting from Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia, or whichever Baltic country it was that was flagrantly disobeying United Nations orders to disarm.
Wana know why Boehner is so hyped up about the immigration bill?
Right here is the answer.
Our congress is actually working against regular Americans by attempting to shove more H-1B visa holders into this country…
Boehner is complicit in this strategy as are most of the establishment R’s…
This is why big business is all for this immigration flood. They can get employees at lower wages wtih the illegals than they can with Americans. So both p0arties are guilty of fighting against Americans working in anything but part time hamburger flipping jobs…
I call myself and my friends conservative libertarians and expect that many here find themselves in that political realm.
Both parties suck, the dumbocrats suck more than the republocraps…
And ovomit leads the pack in stupidity…
It will certainly be an entertaining election cycle.
Oops… Forgot the link…
Sucks to get old…
Still better than the alternative though…
At least I think it does…