John McCain for SecDef?

| November 17, 2008

No Quarter USA seems to think so.

A source in Chicago informed me earlier today that John McCain will be meeting with Obama and his handlers tomorrow in Chicago in order to discuss the possibility of a Secretary of Defense appointment. That McCain will be in Chicago tomorrow is corroborated by an article London Times published one hour ago. The Times, however, claims McCain will most probably not be appointed to a Cabinet position. But he will be consulted on topics on which he and Obama have “common ground.” This certainly does not preclude the possibility of an appointment of McCain to Secretary of Defense.

Our source maintains that McCain will visit Chicago tomorrow in order to discuss the Secretary of Defense appointment.

McCain would probably not be a terrible SecDef but I seriously doubt that a Pentagon posting is in this. McCain and Obama couldn’t be further apart on almost every defense issue and the “Maverick” would do nothing but cause division and problems for Obama.

Now a posting at Veterans Affairs? That is certainly a possibility.

Of course any cabinet position would cost Obama his greatest ally in the Senate when it comes to his planned amnesty for 20 million criminals.

And if McCain were to leave the Senate, who would provide the ass for Lindsey Graham to firmly plant his nose?

Category: Politics

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LT Nixon

Not to harp on you COB6, but No Quarter USA is not known for credibility after the whole Michelle Obama whitey video that never existed. I still think it’s gonna be Gates…or possibly Medea Benjamin.