Sinh Vinh Ngo Nguyen; Facebook terrorist sentenced

| July 2, 2014

Sinh Vinh Ngo Nguyen

It seems that Sinh Vinh Ngo Nguyen, who we wrote about last year, was sentenced after pleading guilty to trying to join al Qaeda through Facebook. Dude got 13 years in the Federal Pound with 10 years of supervision after that, according to the Washington Times;

In August and October of 2013, Nguyen told an FBI agent who he thought was an al Qaeda recruiter that he would go to Pakistan via Mexico to train with the terrorist organization.

Nguyen’s defense team asserted that he suffers from a personality disorder “on the spectrum of schizophrenia,” and that treatment while in custody has stopped “magical thinking” from inspiring him to jihad, AP reported.

Yeah, well, I just feel a little bit safer with him going through long-term treatment while he’s locked up – so he doesn’t try out his “magical thinking” and becomes a domestic terrorist.

Category: Terror War

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Yeah, “personality disorder”, the catch-all of the DSM stroking mental health community. Smh… This turd wanted to join a group whose sole purpose is to destroy all things western and have humans live out of caves al a 20,000 years ago. Well son, you got your wish to live out of a cave. One with cement and bars. Have fun!

A Proud Infidel®™

Who will he be “married” to first, Bubba or Thor? Yeah, mental illness, is this POS trying to star in a muzzy version of “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”?


He said something important which addresses another topic. If he was heading to Pakistan through Mexico, how easy will it be when the terrorists from, (name of terrorists nation here), enters the U.S. through Mexico. Hell if they do it right and get put in one of those holding buildings, Obama will eventually move the directly onto some military base in the U.S. and there they will be. Right place, right time, their agenda. Get to the armory and start the show in a town, a base or a post near you. Anybody else think it is time to “harden” the border?


It was time to harden the boarder decades ago. I KNOW we can make Bremer walls in bulk to plug the hole. Just watched Act of Valor last night. Kept thinking to myself “What if the humint was bad, if there had been more baddies at the milk factory, helo crash, one well placed RPG?” Those terrorist douchebags just have to be lucky once. And now we are seriously thinking about bringing them all the way to Drum? Isn’t there already a Shuria based community in NY?