Democrats; The party about nothing

| July 30, 2007

The Seinfeld show, that famous TV comedy that claimed to be “a show about nothing” has been gone nearly a decade now. I guess that because that show was such a hit with Americans, the Democrats have decided that they’ll try being the “Party About Nothing”.

How? Well, take John Edwards, the prettiest of all the Democrat candidates, for example. he claims that “they” are trying to shut him up. He doesn’t say which “they” he’s talking about, but he seems pretty upset about it in this video on The Politico. I guess”they” can be applied to any of Edwards’ supporters’ boogeymen/boogeywomen and he can use the speech without edits in perpetuity as the need arises. But to me it sounds a little paranoid – and shallow.

He complained that people making over $100 million dollars don’t want to pay their fair share of taxes. That parents can’t afford to feed their children – that no one is paying any attention to his “poverty tour”.

Maybe because people who make under $100 million don’t want to pay their fair share of taxes, either – at least not the “fair share” that John Edwards wants them to pay. Maybe because Americans are tired of hearing about starving children going to bed hungry everynight – and there’s no such thing. There are so many programs and so much tax money out there, children in poverty-stricken homes are going to bed obese.

Maybe no one is paying attention to Edwards poverty tour because no one wants to see a rich trial lawyer with $400 haircuts sitting in some “poor family’s” home while they watch the latest releases of movies on their DVD while their microwave heats their popcorn. Maybe it’s because their ain’t no poor people suffering anywhere in this country – unless they want to suffer.

Now, let’s go to Barack Obama. This weekend he announced that when he’s elected President, the country will drastically change the moment he takes the oath of office. Why? Because he’s Black, of course. Just because of his skin pigment, the country will change. How? Well, he doesn’t explain that part. He’s now so intellectually vacant, that he’s decided unless we vote for him, we’re all a bunch of bigots. He doesn’t have any new ideas, there’s no new plan. His only qualification worth considering is the level of melanin in his skin. Sounds racist to me.

Now, Hillary Clinton thinks that we need a Public Service University – she claims it’ll be like the service academies. But I don’t think so. Think it’ll turn out leaders like West Point and Annapolis have turned out leaders. I don’t see it. What I see is a big pork barrel project (probably built near Johnstown, PA) that we don’t need and will flop and turn out more hippies than we already have parading out our university system. Has there been a public outcry for MORE universities? Hell, no. We have so many universities and colleges now that it’s almost part of the public education system – and the graduates are dumber than ever.Â

These are the Democrats’ big issues this week – nothing. Not a word about our security, not a word about the economy, not a word about reducing dependence on foreign oil, no immigration solutions. Poverty that doesn’t exist, skin pigment and a boondoggle public service academy.

At this point, Ron Paul should be whipping the dog crap out of any Democrat in the polls. Except that this Party About Nothing is the best one the media can come up with right now.

But, of course, they’re scoring big points with Democrats. Drew Westin of the Washington Post urges Democrats to tug at their voters’ heartstrings;

Now, perhaps you’re sure you’re a rational voter and you think that it’s just uneducated people who vote with their gut. Well, listen over the next few days to your most educated friends’ explanations of why they prefer one candidate over another. “I find him inspiring,” they gush about Sen. Barack Obama. “He tells it like it is,” they say about Edwards. “He’s boring,” they sigh about Gov. Bill Richardson. “She knows her stuff, but I just don’t like her,” they mutter about Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton. Now those are reasonable arguments.-

Category: Politics, Society

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Don Carl

Public Service University? This would teach something like most republicans learned at home?