Murtha and the mullahs share strategic goals

| July 28, 2007

So how much more do we need to prove we’re at war with Iran? How about this gem from the Washington Time’s Sara Carter;

Four terrorists linked to an Iranian smuggling operation — responsible for targeting coalition forces with powerful bombs — were captured yesterday in Iraq, according to Defense Department officials.

The announcement came as U.S. officials continue to investigate links between Iran and insurgents seeking to destabilize the region and who target U.S. forces on the ground.

“I would say that it’s clear to us that there are networks that are smuggling weapons, both explosive-formed projectiles, IEDs, as well as mortar and other capabilities from Iran into Iraq,” said Lt. Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, the day-to-day commander in Iraq.

“And in fact, we believe some training is also going on inside of Iran. We have seen in the last three months a significant improvement in the capability of mortarmen and rocketeers to provide accurate fires into the [coalition] Green Zone and other places. We think this is directly related to training that was conducted in Iran.”

But there’s a light at the end of the tunnel because the US held “talks” with the Iranians in Bahgdad this week. how’d it turn out?

During the groundbreaking talks, U.S. Ambassador Ryan Crocker accused Iran of spurring the violence in Iraq by arming and training Shi’ite militias. He warned that no progress can be made unless Iranian behavior changes.

Iranian Ambassador Hassan Kazemi Qomi countered that Tehran is trying to help Iraq deal with the security situation, but Iraqis are “victimized by terror and the presence of foreign forces” in their country. 

Of course, John Murtha, that brave and persistent warrior who only thinks about this country and our national security, in response to Iranian intransigence, unilaterally declared war against Iran;

Rep. John P. Murtha, Pennsylvania Democrat and chairman of the defense appropriations subcommittee, said he will introduce a measure next week that would begin pulling out troops within 60 days after its introduction.

Oh. Did I read that wrong? So that’s Murtha’s answer to the possibility that we stand to be cut off from our oil imports from the Gulf – race to the rear. Yeah, that’ll scare the mullahs. As I’ve said before and documented on these pages, Murtha’s persistance to surrender is so the anti-war-at-any-price crowd will run a screen on his ample flank for his corrupt dealings in his own district.

So in effect, Murtha is running a screen for the Iranian mullahs. Murtha is bent on making the world a more dangerous place to line his own pockets in the near future. We can’t stop Murtha and we can’t stop the mullahs.

We’re starting to look a little pathetic.



Category: Antiwar crowd, Foreign Policy, John Murtha, Politics, Terror War

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