Friday morning feel good story

| June 27, 2014

Chief Tango sends us our feel good story for the morning this time it’s from Chino Hills, California where eighteen-year-old Raiveon Reenay Wooden bumped into on of the last gun owners in the state;

The confrontation happened when the homeowner learned that the intruder had forced his way into the house and was hiding in the garage, deputies said in a written statement.

“As (the homeowner) was approaching the garage, he was attacked by the suspect and stabbed multiple times,” according to the statement. “The victim was armed and … fired at the suspect, striking him twice.”

Both men were hospitalized for treatment of what were described as non life-threatening wounds.

In Walnut Creek, California, Ahmad Jodeh heard 51-year old James Murdaugh break into Jodeh’s neighbor’s house and sprang into action;

“I ran after him and I tackled him and then he tried to tase me. And I got the taser away from him. And then he tried to stab me, well he did stab me with a screwdriver in my leg.” Jodeh told KTVU.

Jodeh suffered a minor injury to his thigh, but managed to pin Murdaugh until police arrived. He says he was just trying to do the right thing.

“The way I measure it is, I hope somebody would do that for me,” he said.

The jewelry was recovered and Murdaugh, who was on parole for burglary, is now back behind bars.

Category: Politics

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Way to go, way to be Ahmad Jodeh! It is folks looking out for neighbors we need more of!


I was a Senior Assistant Superintendent working in a Maximum Security Prison a year or two back and one of the Heavies we had was a real bad bloke. Big guy of Islander descendant about 18 stone all muscle no brains. And his story goes, (from his warrant) he had broken into this house to acquire a few items of value. Whilst moving through the basement towards the stairs his face came into contact with a heavy spider web. Being petrified of spiders he was unable to move, or to stifle his scream of fear. The lady of the house hearing his scream called the police, then went to investigate the scream. She found this hulk of a man on his knees shaking with fear. He told her he was sorry he broke into her home, but he was petrified of spiders, and he feared he had one on him which could bight and kill him. Being quick on her feet she told him not to move as there was a Black Huntsman on his shoulder just near his neck. The criminal nearly fainted, but just then the police arrived. The Senior Officer after hearing the story from the little old lady, removed the spider with his ball point pen (which was about the size of a 5 cent piece) and showed it to the criminal. They reckon he fainted at the sight of the spider. But the word went out how this game and deceitful little old lady conned a con with a story about deadly spiders. By the way Black Huntsmen spiders aren’t poisonous, and eat fly’s and mosquitoes. But don’t tell the con’s that.