US in Iraq

| June 27, 2014

The Washington Times reports that another team of US advisors have arrived in Iraq. Apparently there will be a “north” and a “south” command centers and these folks are establish the “south” command center.

“They’re really going to focus on … assessing the capabilities of the Iraqi army units in and around Baghdad,” he said. “That’s their initial mission. What do we mean by capabilities? Everything from the status of their equipment to the training and readiness levels of their personnel — even their morale.”

The really good news is that they’re carrying their personal weapons. Some of you older guys may remember when advisers were famously sent to El Salvador in an advisory role and were only allowed to carry sidearms. So, I’m hoping when the Pentagon says “personal weapons” they mean long guns.

Meanwhile, our friend Donald Douglas at American Power Blog sends us a link to a story about al-Maliki who blames the Obama Administration for the successes of ISIS against his troops because they moved too slowly delivering the jets that Iraq bought a few months back.

“I’ll be frank and say that we were deluded when we signed the contract,” Maliki told the British broadcaster in his first interview with an international news organization since the insurgents seized Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city, earlier this month.

“We should have sought to buy other jet fighters like British, French and Russian, to secure the air cover for our forces,” he said. “If we had air cover, we would have averted what had happened.”

Yeah, I’ll give it to Maliki that this administration is slow, but I think ISIS wouldn’t have been so successful if Maliki wasn’t such a jerk.

Category: Terror War

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Jesus, like Groundhog Day.

First a few hundred. Then a few thousand. So on and so forth.

What a farce.

John "Faker 6" Giduck

My hands constitute North and South command centers….unless, of course, I’m facing north or south.


John “Faker 6” Giduck


I think Maliki wouldn’t be in this position if he and his army, you know, the one we equipped and trained, weren’t cowards. He’s a jerk and a jack off too but he is a coward first and foremost. Assess the morale of his troops? Give me a break! Any of you who were there think their morale is any different. Good morale is easy to come by when you’re standing behind an American force. Standing and fighting and dying for your country without Americans taking the first bullets, is another story of morale altogether. They have already shown the state of their morale and willingness to fight. They are religious entities first and stand for that first. They are soldiers and citizens of Iraq and those come way down the list of their priorities.


The troops and Maliki just want Americans back to die in their place. So Maliki can stay in power and have his brand of religious government. That is not one that will be all inclusive, with freedom of religion and speech for ALL. On the other side ISIS, doesn’t want freedom of anything except freedom to instill command over a nation under Sharia Law. I say again, let them have the country THEY are willing to fight and die for and no more. It is all we, they or any other nation deserves.


Concur Sparks….couldn’t have said it better.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Edmund Burke

…supposing there are enough good men there to make a difference…I was on a MiTT back in 07-08 with the IGFC so I know there are some good men there….but they were the exception, not the rule.

Climb to Glory

I agree. Maliki can go fuck himself as far as I’m concerned. When you outnumber the enemy 10 to 1 or whatever the numonber is just kick the shit out of them. You don’t need air power, it helps, but you don’t need it with numbers they have. I’m getting so pissed I’m about to break my keyboard.


I think Obama and Maliki can shoulder equal blame for the mess that has developed in Iraq.
I just watched a couple more awesome videos of summary executions, to include the beheading of an Iraqi General.
Good job destroying the stability bought with the Surge you opposed President Obama.


OK, so what happens when the assessment says these units are fucked up as a football bat? We going to send in more troops to train them? We going to send the 3rd Infantry Division back in? The 2nd Marine Division? Fuck no!

This whole farce is Obama doing the bare minimum to try to turn off the heat for pulling out in the middle of the night in the first place!

The last thing we should do is send more of our troops back into Iraq. Those assholes don’t even want their own country. Why should we give a shit any more? I am pissed for my brothers who died over there and for their families but they maintained their legacy and honor. Not one more of our troops should spill blood in that shit hole.


MGySgtRet. I agree 100%. Spot on.

HS Sophomore

I honestly don’t know what the hell to do with this place. One side of me says that we shouldn’t send one more red cent into that shithole. On the other hand…if anybody thinks that ISIS isn’t going to turn Iraq/Syria into what Afghanistan was for al-Quaeda pre-9/11 once they conquer all of it (i.e., a base to launch attacks against the US from), I’ve got a deal for you on oceanfront property in Utah.

3/17 Air Cav

Shitty country; Shitty leadership; Shitty troops.

They don’t seem to care, why should we?



” we were deluded when we signed the contract”

Well, that part is probably true. And still is.


I heard on the radio that they are going to get jets from another source. Putin.