I Wanna See the Environmental Impact Statement on THIS

| June 26, 2014

Talk about yer “stank-ass hippies”!  Provided without further comment.

EPA deals with a stinky situation in Denver



Category: "Teh Stoopid", Dumbass Bullshit, Shitbags, WTF?

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What in the ever-loving name of Christ almighty! And I haven’t read past the second paragraph.


Well … ok, then.

Your TAX dollars at work …


Thanks OBAMA!!!!

/it’s a tribute.


OldSoldier54…Your tax dollars…at rest.

2/17 Air Cav

“lean up in aisle 6…Bring the pooper scooper and bleach.”


It should surprise no one. We have a president and administration that has been shitting on the American people for years now. Why would anyone expect less from this bunch?

Pinto Nag

You don’t ignore something like this. This is a sign of suppressed rage, and there is a danger of escalation. This employee needs to be identified and committed, involuntarily if necessary.


If I was working there, I would be taking a whole lot of time off… even without pay. They need to find the person doing this like yesterday. They are not sane, and they are definitely a threat to their fellow employees.


Pinto – you know aas well as I that if this happened in the private sector, the individual would have been found and terminated. Since this is the Federal Government, he or she will have to be counseled (with union rep present) and allowed to attend therapy sessions (to help the employ “deal” with the workplace situation). Plus, the entire workforce will have to attend a mandatory 2 hour PowerPoint presentation on why the individual in question has these issues and how the entire workplace has to “accommodate” them.

Nothing will happen to the employee… the union will guarantee that.

AW1 Tim

Wouldn’t be at all surprised to find out the culprits are muzzies.

When I was at NAS Millington, before the Iranian Revolution, we were training a ton of Iranian aircrew. They had their own barracks.

Well, these stone-age reprobates would just take a dump in the shower, in the sink, in their trash cans in their rooms, even in the frikkin’ passageway. They had barracks support to do all the cleaning and they’d leave that crap for those sailors assigned to the duty to clean up.

It got so bad that some sailors would rather face Captain’s Mast than go to duty there.

Finally, all those guys were pulled out. The condition they left that barracks in was so bad that the Navy condemned it and tore it down.

Pinto Nag

Hmmmm. I didn’t think about that. I lived near an apartment building where some of them tried to roast a goat in the hallway. They almost burned the building down.


I don’t believe it was actually feces, but rather just an Obummer white house official that stopped by.

A Proud Infidel®™

WHAT A BUNCH OF SHIT!! I have to wholeheartedly agree with Pinto Nag as well, the EPA does have armed SWAT-like Enforcement teams, and if there’s that much suppressed rage in their offices, what’s to say it doesn’t exist elsewhere in that agency’s workplaces or if this is the handiwork (or butt-work) of more than one employee in that office? Good luck getting past their AFGE local if they ever try to catch and fire the culprit(s)!


Phantom shitter, this guy has been around for hundreds of years


Damn…beat me to it.


E4y, there’s nothing Phantom about it. Isn’t Giduck in Colorado somewhere? This kind of thing seems to be his MO.


This is a shitty situation. Nothing good is gonna come out of this! 😀

Green Thumb

Maybe Phil Monkress and All-Points Logistics can pick up the contract to clean it up.

But that would quadruple the amount of shit already there.


I remember the local Federal Building sending out an all points memo several years ago. It seemed the Muslims working in the building were using the urinals and toilets to wash their feet before prayers. No kidding folks! Some people just have no manners and they apparently don’t take to house breaking very well either.

A Proud Infidel®™

Some people just cannot become civilized!


Proud…You got that right. I would blame the parents except they’re who taught to live that way.


During my stint @ Khobar, I got to go to one of the local shopping districts. Near the end, I had to pee. Found the restroom, which wasn’t setup anything like a normal restroom. Had two troughs, one long L shaped one and one about 6 ft long and a foot lower on the opposite wall. The long one was full, so I used the kiddie one. Or so I thought. All of a sudden, the group of them are hooting and hollering, so I beat a hasty retreat. When I got back to my group I found out what my faux pax was.

Don’t ever piss in the foot washing sink.

Kinda old ET1

Heh… Ooops.

A Proud Infidel®™

Seadog, if I ever get the pleasure of meeting you in person. lemme buy you a shot and a beer for doing that!!


I’ll have to take you up on that.

Green Thumb

Do not sweat it.

Phil Monkress and All-Points Logistics can provide that service.

With Phildo cleaning the two-holes.

The Other Whitey

So it’s okay for them to do it to us, but not vice versa, eh?

Pinto Nag



There are no security cameras in that building?


That would be me up above. FFS, or fat finger syndrome.

Roger in Republic

Well, at least when the Phantom Shitter trips offline and starts shooting, no one of any importance to the functioning of government will be killed or injured. The EPA could be disbanded and almost nobody would notice. The EPA is the poster child for government drones. We are all happier if they do nothing. They are a drain on the economy and a major block to progress in america.

A Proud Infidel®™

The EPA and IRS are JUST LIKE condoms. They halt production, cover up a BUNCH of pricks, and you can see right through them!

B Woodman

And don’t forget the BATFEces (pronounced bat-fee-cees)

A Proud Infidel®™

OF COURSE, I decided to keep it KISS with just those two, and there are dozens of other USFG entities that belong on that list as well!


the mexicans down here in S.Texas wipe there asses and throw the T.P. in the trash can’s at work and in public establishments.

The Other Whitey

I once had to take a piss at a gas station in the California Central Valley. The shitty asswipe was just piled on the floor.


Hate to say it, that’s them trying to be clean – most plumbing south of here has 50mm pipe (we use larger, 100mm pipe.) If you wipe your ass and throw it in the toilet you WILL plug it up. So you use the trashcan provided. They come here, they don’t know the difference in custom. They do what they are raised to do.


Hondo – when I went to one of our plants in Brazil it was even printed in the company introduction passage. (And lest anyone comment about poor plumbing down there, the absolute greatest shower in the world is in a hotel outside Sao Paolo. Water flow like the tunnel Bruce Willis got blown out of….marvelous!


We were just talking about the Office Linebacker commercials at work yesterday. Here would be another good example of needing to hire someone for the position. “You crap on the floor and I’ll stomp the crap out of you! Here comes the PAIN TRAIN!!”


The original uncensored (as in a lot of F-bombs) version of the Office Linebacker commercial.


Just to let you guys know, this is not the only government agency with this problem. I’m not at liberty to say more, but let’s just say there’s more than one government employee at more than one agency that is doing this.

Worse yet, the one that was caught couldn’t be fired, and had to be given a performance improvement plan instead. That’s right. Performance improvement plan.

So, basically, “This counseling is to inform you that you’re being placed on a performance improvement plan. We will need you to not defecate in the hallway of our agency. If you need professional counseling to address your unhealthy relationship with feces, the agency will be happy to assist you.”

Your tax dollars at work.

Pinto Nag

Maybe they should be housebroken like puppies, and have their noses rubbed in it when they poop somewhere other than a toilet.

It makes me sick that our society has come to this.

A Proud Infidel®™

With a good hard paddling after their noses are rubbed in it!! BTW, when has anyone EVER heard about Government bureaucrats being fired due to incompetence?


It does happen, but a whole LOT of paperwork needs to be filed before that takes place.

I would think leaving turds in hallways would be a fireable offense, but apparently, it’s a disability or something.


He he… shithead.

Pun intended?


Counseling, from what I understand. No poop meds. LOL