Links to keep you busy; Best of the Web as I see it

| July 26, 2007

First, from Don Carl out in California who emailed me this YouTube link. Apparently, our soldiers have more than al Qaeda to worry about in Iraq.

Skye at MidnightBlue (who looks fabulous in her new silk dress, by the way) sends along a link to to her reportage (complete with photos) on the Cindy Sheehan demostration in Philly on Tuesday. Skye and the patriots who live in our nation’s first capitol apparently ran the old bag out of town like our brothers and sisters in Charlotte. Eagles up!

For those of you who are still operating under the misapprehension that the Left still supports our troops, check out this post by Chap at Chapomatic. If the links he posts don’t make you angry, you’re a stronger person than I am. Mred at Invicible Armor berates the Democrats for recreating the fall of Saigon in Baghdad. If that’s not enough to get your blood boiling, read COBDanny’s post about the Demo candidates and the yearly Kos.

By way of Curt at Flopping Aces, I read that  Ace at Ace of Spades thinks he knows who “Scott Thomas” is. More background on “Scott Thomas” from Chickenhawk Express, Gateway Pundit and Laughing Wolf at Blackfive. While you’re at Blackfive, see Uncle Jimbo’s post on Okinawa Jack Murtha’s latest chickenshit plan to surrender to anyone that will accept his portly being. 

And Bill Gertz of the Washington Times reports that the Pentagon claims that al Qaeda is looking for unconventional weapons. Wonder where they’d get ’em from?

GI Jane at The Foxhole has the last word on Ward Churchill.

Mike at Lamplighter has staggering statistics on modern human trafficking.

Scott Thomas Update: Since GI Jane commented, I’ve done some looking around and see I’m faaaaaar behind the proverbial Eight-Ball on this. Powerline  and Michele Malkin are out front.

Wouldn’t you just know it that I was in A Co. 1/18th (Scott Thomas Beauchamps company) when they were part of the 3rd Brigade of the 24th Division (for the old troops that was after they were redesignated from the old Dollar-Ninety-Seven Brigade at Benning). I hope his first sergeant lights his young ass up.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Foreign Policy, Gathering of Eagles, Politics, Society, Terror War

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Thanks for the pingback! By the way, there’s been an update on the New Republic’s ‘man in Iraq’. The worthless little bastard finally stepped forward, and you wouldn’t believe some of the peurile shit he’s put on his website. Here’s the link to his TNR comment: “A statement from Thomas Scott Beauchamp” This is what he had to say for himself: “It’s been maddening, to say the least, to see the plausibility of events that I witnessed questioned by people who have never served in Iraq. I was initially reluctant to take the time out of my already insane schedule fighting an actual war in order to play some role in an ideological battle that I never wanted to join. That being said, my character, my experiences, and those of my comrades in arms have been called into question, and I believe that it is important to stand by my writing under my real name.” –Private Scott Thomas Beauchamp This appeared on his blog: ( “Every morning I get up and I’m a little more liberal than the day before Every morning I get up and wish I was as free as the people that I’m “fighting for” Every morning I get up and think I’m a tool for global corporations Every morning I get up and miss my mother” My response to him: Hey Beauchamp, you want a little cheese with that ‘whine’? My gawd, what pathetic BS. How old are you? Three? Every morning you get up, you are first and foremost a Soldier, sweetpea. I’m an Iraq war Veteran twice over, and your little rant makes me want to vomit. I saw your “diary” in the New Republic and I get the feeling you’ve got a reputation as a whiny problem child. I ran across a few of your type as an NCOIC, and my stock answer for them is this: You were not drafted, you enlisted. You are now a Soldier in the United States Army and your primary mission is to fight and win the nation’s wars. If you cannot handle that, do us… Read more »


Every morning I get up and I’m a little more liberal than the day beforeEvery morning I get up and wish I was as free as the people that I’m “fighting for”

Every morning I get up and think I’m a tool for global corporations

Every morning I get up and miss my mother”

Tool for global corporations? This little ditty has the patina of Medea Benjamin and her ilk all over it. I wonder if he ‘borrowed’ – and I use the term liberally – these ideas from Workers World?


Thanks for the recognition! It is always a pleasure countering moonbats in the City That Loves You Back 🙂
It was interesting to read how the local media downplayed the number of Eagles present at the Constitution Center – just like they attempted to do in DC on March 17th.

Jonn Lilyea wrote: Welcome back, Skye. The media has trouble believing their lyin’ eyes.


Thanks for the link, but more importantly thanks for posting new blogs (for me) to visit!


Jonn Lilyea wrote: No problem at all. I just think of the blogosphere as a huge discussion forum.