Dems try to enforce policy on Iraq

| November 15, 2006

With nary a moment of military service, Democrats suddenly think they’re commanding generals (the only civilian with “commander” in his title is the President). They want to convince the real generals that they need to buck the administration’s policies in Iraq. Isn’t that tantamount to mutiny? Have the Democrats finally crossed the line and taken up the banner of sedition along with everything else they’ve done to this country?

From the FNC story;

“I would hope and expect that we’re going to be given some indication at that hearing that they see the need to change direction,” said Sen. Carl Levin, who will take control of the Senate Armed Services Committee next year.

Why should Levin think that the uniformed services commanders are going to have different opinions suddenly? They’re the people who’ve been advising Rumsfeld and the President all these years.

And they’re not going to change their minds just because a whole boatload of people voted. An election doesn’t change the tactical situation – just the political situation. Its clear to me that Democrats haven’t read Von Clauswitz, Tsun Tsu or the Constitution lately.

“My displeasure with the president, he doesn’t understand the urgency of this,” incoming Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told The Washington Post. “It’s all victory for him, but I don’t know what that means anymore in Iraq. I do know what we are doing now doesn’t work.”

Harry Reid is right on both counts – he doesn’t know what victory means since he’s a defeatist crybaby. And what he is indeed doing isn’t working. Talking down the US troops in the media, calling our mission in Iraq wrong-headed isn’t working.

Maybe Democrats should yank their heads from their fourth-points-of-contact and give our troops a little support with their words and deeds and take away the hope the Islamofacists have won in our last election that we’re going to cut and run. That’s the only reason those thugs have maintained their violence and, well…thuggery. The Democrats have given them their only chance for victory.

In the end, it’s not the generals who have to be convinced, it’s the President. And given the continuing anti-Bush rhetoric in the past week, they better come up with some better methods instead of their crybaby whining and feet-stomping.

UPDATE: In response to General John Abzaid’s remark that he is confident that the US military can stabilize Iraq and warning against timetable withdrawals, Carl Levin remarks  reported by FNC;

“We cannot save the Iraqis from themselves. The only way for Iraqi leaders to squarely face that reality is for President Bush to tell them that the United States will begin a phased redeployment of our forces within four to six months.”

So Levin is encouraging the commanders to mutiny against their commander-in-chief. Will they purge the ranks until they get some Shinsekis in charge?

Despite the word from experts, Democrats are pushing forward with their cut and run strategy – surrender at all costs. 2008 is only two years away. When Iraq falls into the abyss of Islamofacism, will the Democrats admit their failures?

Category: Politics, Terror War

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