Gates to remain at DoD?
My fellow Horseman, Famine (otherwise known as LT NIxon), writes that the Obama Administration is considering asking Robert Gates to remain as the Secretary of Defense. Famine thinks it’s a good ideaand shows the world that Obama is reaching across the aisle. of course, Moonbats, Inc. is having nothing of it. That’s of little consequence – they’re the same crowd that wants a Department of Peace.
But I’ve had a few thoughts on the invitation. If Gates does accept the appointment, it’ll mean that there hasn’t been a registered Democrat in the SecDef chair since William Perry resigned in January 1997 and was replaced by Republican William Cohen. A tacit admission that there’s no one in the Democrat Party that is either willing or qualified to occupy the position. So why did we elect them?
It’s Obama’s first “present” vote as President – by sticking with Gates, he’s admitting that President Bush was right on the strategy for the war and Obama is reluctant to make any tough decisions on the war – regardless of his flaming rhetoric to the contrary on the subject during the 21-month campaign. And you can’t say Hillary Clinton didn’t warn us – or Joe Biden for that matter.
The choice gives Obama a scapegoat to blame for every death in the War Against Terror from the first day of his Presidency. He can say that he tried to reach across the aisle and make a non-partisan selection, but that damned Republican screwed him to the wall. Knowing with some measure of certainty that there’ll be an attempt to terrorize us in the next year or so, it gives Obama an out for questions of whether he tried to stop the impending attack.
If I were Gates, I’d have my suitcases packed on the morning of January 20th.
Crossposted at The Talon
Category: Politics
[…] team is planning on asking Sec Def Gates to remain as Sec Def Gates in the new administration. Jonn Lilyea translates this bit of news for us non military […]