So, How’s That “Economic Recovery” Coming These Days?
In blunt terms: it isn’t.
Revised economic figures were just released. They show that the US economy shrank during the 1st quarter of this year.
Welcome back to the “good times” of 2011. The first quarter of that year was the last time we saw that. And we all remember how good 2011 and 2012 were, economically.
Fox News has an article giving more details on the economy’s performance last quarter. “The details ain’t good, either.”
But don’t forget – those good times we’ve been hearing about for 5+ years now are just around the corner. The current Administration will have things humming again “real soon now”.
Category: Economy
Hondo…Thanks for this. Now as I review my retirement savings I will feel lots better. 😀 My problem is, like a lot of people, I am not a financial wizard. I have to rely on someone, I do trust, for his knowledge of such things and he has done a great job so far and is very proactive, thankfully. But short of cash under the mattress I am stuck in the same market choices as everyone else. I can only hope and pray to stave off inflation and maybe, maybe see some growth. To me financial matters are like legal matters. It is a system so complex, you have to have the services of a financial “expert”, the same as in legal dealings, I would have to have a legal “expert” to work on my behalf. Both systems are far, far too complex for an average guy like me to keep up on and do on my own. Even the so called, “financial expert Phds” quite often disagree on what a regular Joe American should do.
Some things never change……
Do you reckon that Obama is Michael, all grown up, who decided “yeah, that whole Supreme Court Justice thing is not going to be enough for me.”
Don’t forget, it’s all the evil Republicans and Kock brothers who want to keep the economy down. That’s why Hairy Read won’t pass any of their evil budgets. He knows what the people want and a budget is just another form of control.
Two more quarters of negative growth and it recession time!
November 2014 can’t come soon enough.
The Glorious Leader keeps telling us that the economy is “recovering” and will be back to normal any day now.
I say to him, “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means!”