More Intimidation in Philly (Updated)

| November 4, 2008

Fox News’ Rick Levanthal in Philly is reporting that the police had to be called to remove two Black Panthers standing at the entrance to the polling station, one with a billy club, and refusing entry to anyone who weren’t going to vote their way. One witness reported that the men said “A Black man is going to win today”. No links yet.

Do I think Obama had anything to do with it? Nope. But, he sure attracted some unsavory folks – just like a certain Republican from Texas with two first names.
UPDATED with video below the jump (sent by TSO by way of Michelle Malkin)

Category: Politics

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I would be interested to know if polling places are weapon prohibited areas. As we learned from our USO Girl Lindsay carrying a night stick is a third degree felony and they should be arrested ASAP no matter how wholesome the look or how many tears they cry!

The Sniper

Oh noooo. YOu can’t lock them up. The riots would start several hours early and the police wouldn’t be ready. I’m pretty sure that they’ve got a ready time of about 7:30 EST… locking up even one weapon-wielding Black Panther would make then scream “racism” and “poll tax” or other some such nonsense and then that would sparks things up far too early.


Hey! I went to vote today at my polling place. I consider myself pretty independant and politically savvy: not the kind to be indimidated.
I was run off by the pollworker and the observer (who isn’t supposed to even talk to the voters) and told to go vote where I moved from ( a republican enclave amongst the uber-liberal…) I argued that this was immoral and illegal and they would not let me- no matter what. I had to fight not to cry!! I called my parents ( don’t laugh, they work the polls every year) they told me to vote there…. I was still turned away.
I went to the Board of Elections and raised hell. I was able to vote a paper ballot at the boe and file a complaint.

Well, a long boring story to say: ohio sucks and the pollworkers are crooked. (except my parents… LOL)

Jonn wrote: Boo kicks ass in Ohio.

concerned american

Welcome to the new socialist society. Ignorance is bliss. It is amazing how many uninformed people that we have in the world. Am I the only one who feels that there is something pretty shady going on here? Lets spread the wealth to the lazy, unmotivated, non-contributing members of society. Oh wait they have a name VICTIMS OF WELFARE……..

Don Carl

Come on, you should know this type of thing is only a crime if committed by white people or republicans, or *gasp* White republicans.


Amy, I’m in Upper Arlington. Where is your neck of the nape?