And The Cover-Up Continues . . . .
Title says it all:
Eric Holder: No Plans at DOJ to Investigate Secret Waiting Lists and Veteran Deaths at VA Hospitals
Is anyone surprised? God knows how Holder can look at himself in the mirror.
Holder would do well IMO to remember one thing, though. It wasn’t the Watergate break-in that ended Nixon’s Administration.
It was the cover-up afterwards that nailed them. And John Mitchell was one of those who ended up doing time.
Category: Crime, Legal, Politics, Veteran Health Care, Veterans Issues
You can’t see it right now, but I’m giving you my “shocked, shocked I say” face.
Speechless here…..why this must be a first for this administration. So any investigation will just be some bluster in congress…. a few VA administrators will get promotions and a bonus….and maybe Hillary will jump in to champion Vets……well stranger things have happened.
Since I live in a totalitarian democrat state (Massachusetts) I am not even a little surprised.
Even when the democrats conduct an investigation they never discover they’ve done anything wrong. Our last three presidents of the senate were all indicted by outside investigations after the in state democratically led investigation found nothing.
Even if Holder pursues any of the numerous scandals involving this administration there will be no evidence of wrongdoing discovered.
And on the off chance that someone did something irresponsible the dems will use their catch-phrase, “I take full responsibility” which really means: “I did it, I am an incompetent buffoon but I’m not quitting and no one will make me so fuck you and everybody who looks like you!”
Of course that’s just my opinion, I could be wrong.
I guess it’s safe to assume now that this goes beyond Shinseki and implicates someone in The Won’s inner circle.
Fucking assholes.
We have an out-of-control chief executive with no respect for the law, a self-serving Congress that is as spineless as it is moronic, and a Federal appellate courts system that routinely tramples on the Constitution. It’s not that the sky has fallen: It has all ready fallen. What really is important? Who won Amerrican Idol and some senile old guy who owns a basketball team and said something or other that people didn’t like.
Anyone wanna bet that if it was allegations of delaying or denying health care to illegal aliens and/or welfare flunkies, B. Hussein 0bama & Company as well as the liberal media would be all over it like stink on summertime roadkill?
“God knows how Holder can look at himself in the mirror.”
I’m certain He does, but I sure don’t. How Holder can sleep at night remains a mystery to me.
Oh, wait … that would require a conscience, and it’s crystal clear that he, and everyone else in this administration, past and present, have none.
The president calls the tune, and boy, are they a bunch of dancin’ fools.
This is the same AG that refused to prosecute members of the Black Panthers for intimidating voters. This is the same AG that refused to disclose anything about Fast and Furious. This is the same AG that can’t be bothered to do anything about the IRS scandal (but he had time to jump on the Trayvon bandwagon). I’m sure there’s a few scandals in there that I’m missing. I’m not surprised. I’m not shocked. I can tell you I’m not shocked that no one will do anything about Warren’s political fundraiser she held inside the Los Angeles VA center, either.
Old Trooper. The ones you mentioned are just the ones that floated to the top of the pond they were sunk deep into. So they are not just corrupt, but incompetent as well. Were it not for a lapdog media…
Eric Holder is a lying sack of shit, a power-addicted petty tyrant, an elitist assdouche, and a dickless sycophant towards anyone who gives him any power. Snidely fucking Whiplash had more integrity than this shameless fuckwit. He is an utter disgrace to our nation and our justice system, and he can suck a cock in hell.
Sorry, just needed to get that off my chest.
Get what off your chest? That description should be in Wikipedia.
No surprise.
It would be a huge conflict of interest.
The DOJ is too bust DEFENDING them.
I am not trying to defend the DOJ or the administration here, but are we sure that the DOJ is the correct group for this investigation at this time to begin with?
In other words, does the VA or the military have an investigative / criminal complaint division that would have jurisdiction over this prior to or in place of DOJ involvement?
According to the article Holder said:
“This is something on our radar screen at this point, but there is an investigation being done by the [VA] inspector general, and we’ll see what happens as a result of that inquiry and other information that comes to light in some form or fashion,” Holder added.
So maybe the protocol / law requires that the Inspector General investigate first, and then pass their findings onto the DOJ or prosecute themselves.
Once again, I am not defending, just speculating that there may be a reason for the refusal to investigate at this time.
And of course, what bothers me is that the people who initiated and participated in this (alleged) violation of laws in records management and reporting will leave the VA like rats jumping off of a sinking ship. There will be no criminal penalties and if there are civil lawsuits, the people that actually broke the laws will get off without having to pay a cent while the taxpayer and more specifically the VA will pay for any damages. That means that the judgement would further harm money allocated for care to vets.
I hate that part of our justice system. I really do. I hate the idea that illegal actions by workers in government are paid for by taxpayers without any direct costs to the people who were corrupt and who did the actions to begin with.
Well, here’s another little beauty that is beginning to make the rounds, thanks to a report released Monday. Another of The Emperor’s department’s–Homeland Security–is releasing illegal immigrants from detention by the shitload. It appears that the poor immigrants, here for a better life for their families, of course, aren’t quite aware of our laws against murder, rape, robbery, assault, auto theft, manslaughter, and so on. ICE released some 36,000 of them while they were awaiting deportation hearings. The poor, undocumented immigrants (I’m sure most were from Canada) had a total of about 88,000 CONVICTIONS for the crimes I listed, as well as others.
Here’s a link to the study, if you want to become enraged.
What did you expect from the Clinton’s bag man? This guy proved a long time ago that he is is a diversity hire with no integrity, no morals, and no conscience. Without Democratic politics he would be shining shoes down at the Greyhound Station.
Hey, Jerry Springer is an attorney. I say he’d do a better job than Holder…and that my friends, is saying a lot.