This is why I hate the pompous scum on the Left

| June 30, 2007

Someone tell Elizabeth Edwards that it’s numbnuts like this Larry C. Johnson who “lowers the political dialogue at precisely the time we need to raise it” not Ann Coulter;

Preliminary, unconfirmed reports indicate a nuclear blast has occurred at Glasgow’s international airport.  No one has seen the mushroom cloud or heard the blast, but something by God is happening and it must be terrible.  There is smoke and fire.  In fact, a car is on fire.  It must be Al Qaeda.  Only Al Qaeda knows how to set themselves on fire inside a car.  Please.  Flee to the hills (leave you doors unlocked).  Oh the humanity!

I found the link at Little Green Footballs because I don’t usually venture into the slime that call themselves the great thinkers on the Left. I found this, with a helpful assist from The Conservative Article Annals who trolled the depths of The Daily Kos;

The Al Qeida or Real IRA wannabes failed.  Chemistry and physics were not on their side.  They did succeed in getting the inept press led by Faux News to to characterize the cars “as bombs that would have killed hundreds of people.”  

The press managed to scare and terrorize people again.

Of course, it’s the press that’s terrorizing Britons, not “asians”. I thought the whole idea of terrorism is to frighten people – successful in attaining a large body count of innocents or not, that’s what crashing a flaming car into a crowded airport achieves.

Yeah, so far UKers have been lucky this year – but the thing about amateur terrorists is that the ones who live, learn from those who didn’t. The intent is just as dangerous with or without the skill.

John Edwards said the global war on terror is a bumpersticker slogan, Michael Moore repeats “there is no terrorist threat” every chance he gets. The Democrat presidential candidates think that fighting terror is a spigot we can turn off whenever  we want. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi think that the war on terror is just something that gets in the way of their social agenda.

I’m pretty sure this idiot Larry C. Johnson, on September 10th, 2001, would’ve scoffed at 19 Arabs trying to crash four airplanes into buildings armed only with boxcutters, too. Or a couple of rednecks who parked a truckload of manure in front of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma.

Just like the bozos on the Left who scoffed at the Dix Six and all of the other cells the feds have rolled up in the last five years. Yeah, Richard Reid was a dope – but he got explosives on a plane. If he hadn’t sweat so much that his matches didn’t light on the first strike, he would have taken that plane out, too.

Yeah, these terrorists are incompetent morons- somehow the profession of suicidal maniacs doesn’t attract those who might otherwise become rocket scientists – until they get successful, and it only takes once. 

At least this Canadian fellow, Red Tory, admits it’s a real terrorist attack, but somehow the fact that it happened in the UK, proves that Bush is wrong about fighting terrorists in their own backyards;

…if nothing else, they point out yet again the fallacy of the Big Fib© still being trotted out by Bush-Cheney about the importance of “fighting the terrorists there so we don’t have to fight them here” or as Stephen Harper put it last month when speaking at Petawawa, “the risk of terrorism here if we do not confront it there.” As has been demonstrated by the al Qaeda-related London bombings of 2005 that killed 52 and the Madrid train bombings that killed 191, and by numerous failed or thwarted plots in recent years, involvement in the conflicts of Iraq and Afghanistan provide absolutely no defense from terrorism at home. Nothing could be further from the truth in fact and its time the government stopped indulging itself in this fractured fairy tale when attempting to drum up support for the war in Afghanistan.

So we should just sit there and take it, I suppose, cowering in our basements until the next strike. So, Leftists, which is it? Are they not a serious threat or are they proof that we can’t take pre-emptive measures to stop their attacks? Or are ya’all just so damned smart that any excuse will suffice?

Mr. Red Tory should take the time read Sergeant Grumpy;

The Islamists do not simply want us to leave them alone, to live and let live. They want us to submit to the will of Islam, to abandon enlightenment and reason, humanity and civility. To live according to the tribal arabian cruelty that subjugates women, crushes dissent and dialogue, and takes away every freedom we have fought so hard to enjoy.

Where do they learn such hate? Is it from the American and Israeli gunships? No, it is from two of the most powerful institutions in any culture for shaping the minds of it’s people – religion and education.

I guess we’ve all forgotten about the bomb in the airport at Ibiza, Spain, earlier today haven’t we? The best details are at Spanish Pundit. It serves to remind us that we need to fight all terrorists, whether they’re al Qaeda or ETA or FARC or whoever.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Foreign Policy, Politics, Society

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