Mattis: veterans aren’t victims

| May 6, 2014

James Mattis

MCPO Ret. In TN sends us a link to The Leaf Chronicle which reports on a speech at the Marines’ Memorial Club in San Francisco by General James Mattis, arguably the greatest leader of this generation. Mattis rejects the “veterans as victims” myth;

“While victimhood in America is exalted I don’t think our veterans should join those ranks,” Mattis said.


“There is also something called post traumatic growth where you come out of a situation like that and you actually feel kinder toward your fellow man and fellow woman,” Mattis said.


Mattis said the U.S. military must be steeled to fight a fanatical enemy that has a medieval worldview. The enemy must be convinced that it has a warrior class that won’t back down.

“We are going to have to have young people in our country who are willing to go toe to toe with this because two irreconcilable wills exist,” he said.

Of course, I’m sure this won’t resonate well, with the Left who has tried to make us victims so that we can join them. Mattis is especially courageous to stand up to the stank-ass hippies in this regard. As we’ve seen, many of the phonies milk this victimhood label to cover for their own malfeasance and to bilk the government out of the benefits that should, instead go to someone who earned the benefits. These phony victims clog the system, while the real troops bravely stand in line and fight on for what is owed them.

The ones who want to be seen as victims are the phonies While the real deals keep their derring-do to themselves, speaking up only to honor others.

If this Administration is looking for a leader for the Veterans’ Affairs Department, I can give them only one. But you should read the entire article.

Category: Veterans Issues

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Brent Glines

Alas, given what is going on at VA hospitals, veterans are being victimized, but by our own government. I don’t think Democrats are interested in fixing that.


No, it makes Democrats feel good… and that’s all that matters tho them.


“These phony victims clog the system, while the real troops bravely stand in line and fight on for what is owed them.”
They don’t even apply or seek help because of misplaced stigma for seeking help or even worse, the system is clogged with phonies and the hassle is not worth the trouble for the lack of perceived benefit. Veterans are not victims. There is an old saying that whatever does not kill you only makes you stronger, and he is not saying there is no such thing as PTSD or other problems but those problems can be managed.


That’s why I didn’t file until it began really getting bad for me. I saw the phonies, I heard the stories, I didn’t want the hassle.

In many ways, I am stronger than before I went in. In other ways, I am more broken. I wouldn’t change anything about my service, though. Well, except perhaps ducking a little earlier a couple of times.

The Other Whitey

MATTIS 2016!!!


The Other Whitey…I’m voting for that and I’ll contribute to his campaign! Good comment, damn good comment brother.


Sign me up!! The General is a textbook example of a LEADER!


I don’t know him and was not a Marine but to me General James Mattis is the last of a breed. A great breed as well. Lord how I wish the Pentagon were filled with leaders like him. I like his comment about the better side of “post traumatic growth”. The same as I am most every veteran of Vietnam I know experienced. We went on with our lives, thankfully every day I might add, to be good, hard working, leaders and members of society. Did I say it before? If I did, then I’ll say it again. How I wish we had more like him in command today.


Mad Dog Mattis is the GWOT generations Chesty Puller. It’s easy to see why.


I agree one million percent. I think it’s also worthwhile to point out why the “veterans (or military members) as victims” meme is such an attractive one for the media and for a lot of people in public life, especially those on the left. We all know that the burden of defending our country is falling on a smaller and smaller percentage of the population each year. I haven’t seen a statistic (though I’m sure the data is out there) but I’d guess that 85 -95% of the people serving in the armed forces today are the sons and daughters of veterans as well. Put another way, we are breeding a military “caste” that defends the American way of life but is still apart from the mainstream of American life. Those who grow up without that tradition still have a nagging sense of guilt in the back of their minds – they know that their freedoms and prosperity are guarded by people they don’t know, doing things they could never dream of doing, in places that they, the privileged, would have a hard time finding on the map. To assuage this almost subconscious guilt, they perpetuate the “military victim” myth. By characterizing those of us who chose to serve as poor, ignorant victims who were “forced” to join the military either because there were no other jobs in our dumb hick towns, or because we were dumb enough to believe the misguided patriotism of our fathers and grandfathers, means that instead of having to ask themselves “what did I do to help protect America today?” (the answer to which would be “not a damn thing”) they can say “Oh, there but for the grace of a nice, upper-middle class upbringing go I! Those poor SOBs who believed their lying recruiters and signed up only to be used as cannon fodder by our careless leaders! Let me help those poor wretches salvage some remnant of a normal life after their horrible, life destroying experience in the military!” It also allows them to see themselves as compassionate, caring people instead of smug… Read more »


You are exactly right

Pinto Nag

You notice he hasn’t been invited to appear on Oprah, or any other show like it. There’s a reason for that — progressives need victims like fleas need dogs.

Farflung Wanderer

What I wouldn’t give to meet this man. I agree with him 100%, as much as my lack of experience can give. I don’t know what to add other than this man will be in history books as a stalwart guardian of America.

Climb to Glory

If I were ever elected President, General Mattis would be my Secretary of Defense. He says it like it is. He has a very blunt and pragmatic worldview. He understands that America has to have warriors to combat the evil that tests our resolve day in and day out. He would not care about tattoos as long as the warrior was physically fit and their baoynet sharp. He is a throwback. Semper Fi Marine. Good post Jonn.


Read all comments so far.

Ditto. Double ditto.


In my opinion general Mattis is one of the greatest military leaders of our time. I had the pleasure of meeting him once on MSR Michigan in Ramadi and he truly is a bad ass motherfucker.


“I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you f*ck with me, I’ll kill you all.”


“PowerPoint makes us stupid.”

–Gen James N. Mattis, USMC, Ret.

Oorah, again, General!