Gary Sinise Receives 2014 Eisenhower Award
Somehow we missed this.
Back in February, the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) selected Gary Sinise as the recipient of the 2014 Dwight D. Eisenhower Award. He was selected to receive the award due to his “continued support of America’s service men and women”.
The Eisenhower Award is a prestigious one. it’s normally awarded to elected or appointed officials.
Award to an entertainer is rare. In fact, Sinise is precisely the second entertainer to receive it. The other? A guy named “Bob Hope”.
The award was presented in a black-tie gala at the Ritz-Carlton Tysons Corner in McLean, Virginia, on 11 April 2014.
Mr. Sinise certainly is one of the “good guys”. He’s a helluva deserving recipient.
The official announcement of the award can be found here. It’s worth taking a couple of minutes to read.
NDIA certainly got this one right. A belated congrats, Mr. Sinise.
Postscript – NDIA isn’t the only organization to honor Sinise. In 2012, he was named an Honorary CPO of the US Navy by then-MCPON Rick D. West.
Category: Military issues, Veterans Issues
Gary Sinise…class act all the way!!!
Thank you Gary. Being Lt. Dan brought into the spotlight vets. He went a step further and took that spotlight and made it his cause. You just don’t see that in Hollywood. And to be in the same category as Bob Hope, that’s saying something! Congrats Gary, a very well deserved honor!
Lt. Dan!
Imagine that; Sinise has things that Bernath doesn’t, i.e. class and honorary CPO. Who would a think it?
I’ll just post that in Bernath’s thread.
Hondo … Thanks for mentioning the HCPO designation as well. All Genuine Chiefs were very pleased with MCPON West’s designation.
Rick West and I were in US Navy Senior Enlisted Academy (USN SEA) Class # 94 in 2000.
I took Honor Grad Brown Group and Rick was voted “most likely to be MCPON”.
But Bernath would not know anything abouut what I am talking about because he is not, never was nor will he ever be a Genuine or Honorary CPO. PERIOD!
I met Mr. Sinise while helping setup for a show he did with the Lt Dan Band on Camp Pendleton a few years ago. Very easy going, friendly guy. Congratulations to him on his award.
He is one of the good guys. Doesn’t go around with a press gallery in tow. Just does his stuff.
Oh yeah, Mr. Sinise is an actual Honorary C.P.O. Sorry Birdbath.
He was also named Honorary Marine Aug 29 2013 by CMC Gen Amos.
Keep up the great work, Mr Sinise!