Crybaby on a cross

| April 22, 2014

Cry baby

Scotty sent this picture to us last night and I put in on our Facebook page, hoping it would disappear, but apparently it hasn’t. Bird sent it to us this morning, too. It’s former Private Joshua Klohr who is protesting his discharge from the Marine Corps. The folks at Americans Against the Tea Party have a big document dump of his serious whining about being tossed from the Corps. I didn’t read it, because just looking at the picture, I know why they booted his ass.

Category: Shitbags

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2/17 Air Cav

He is certainly disrespecting the uniform in that pose but I see no discredit reflected upon the USMC. He’s a whack job and the USMC 86ed him. That’s to the USMC’s credit.

charles w

He probably got lots of sympathy from all the stoners out and about last weekend. He is hanging in Civic Center Park in downtown Denver. Go for the weed, stay for the crucifixion.

Just an Old Dog

I tried sorting through this mess,,,, what a wack-job.
What I can gather is he was assigned recruiting duty in Boulder, Co area. He was having a hard time making mission. He pulled a bit of shady crap to meet quota, then tried to say he was being given an “impossible” mission beause it was a “defeated” area.
After working with him they decided to shitcan him. He raised such a stink they decided he needed to be NJPed to justify his relief.
He refused NJP and took a Special Court Martial.
He went full Wickre-Birdbath-Chevy and tried to play Perry Mason at his trial.
He got it broken off in his ass.
He whined about it.

Taurus USMC 0302

Excellent analysis. I could not have stated more clearly. Thank you.

SFC Holland


Just Plain Jason

I thought that the jarheads never had a problem meeting quota. If worse comes to worse they can always woo someone with the uniforms.

Just an Old Dog

Very few people volunteer for recruiting, at least not from my experience. I went D.I. and I will honestly admit I think I took the easy one.
My Bro In Law did two tours recruiting as an officer. His first tour was Texas as a first Lt and Captain. He did well there, worked hard, but things were ok.
His last tour, and where he retired from was Colorado. He was glad to get out of there with his head still attached. Not an easy area to recruit in. All that aside, crucifix guy is still a shitbag


He’s not making a very strong argument for the legalization of pot in other states. Look what happened to him in Colorado….

A Proud Infidel®™

Could it be he came up with this idea after partaking of some “good shit”?


I’m pretty sure the regulations say that you wear ribbons when being crucified.


I tried reading thru some of his BS. After a couple of pages, all I could see was blah blah blah. The guy is a total whack job, even without the cross hanging display.


Whats funny is if you look at his facebook…gotta back to this once again. You will see people on there defending him and then say “What is going on here?”

Or idiots say “I am with ya brother, what is this all about?”

Way to be informed…defending a guy you have no idea what he is about.

Just an Old Dog

All this talk of crucifiction reminds me of something that I may… or may not….have done as a DI.
My favorite way to correct a recruit was to tell them I was going to torture their ass,,, or crucfy them.
There was one little trick I may,,, or may not have did while administering Incentive Training (IT)
Id have a recruit lay on his back with his arms out stiff and legs locked. Then I would have him raise his hands and feet 10 inches off the deck and hold it.

Kinda old ET1

That would suck, my abs started cringing just reading that.


If I was his momma, I’d be beating his dumb ass right about now.

Ryan P

SHITBAG – that is all.

B Woodman

Hell, he wants to bitch and moan about being “crucified”? Then I say lets put in some fer-real spikes into those pretty hands, and bloody the shine on those polished shoes.


Holy crap on a cracker!!!! I tried to read his documents and all I got form this is that he wanted to do something other than be a recruiter. What a punk. In my 25 years in the Army, I’ve dealt with countless shitbags just like him. He thinks he’s smarter than everyone else and will go to the extreme to prove it. He lost and now he’s just being a HUGE cry baby. I wonder how long it will be until he pops up here for claiming to be a Recon Sniper/Seal/Ranger/etc. What an idiot.


Holy 86’ed Marine on a cross! I am still trying to read through all his crazy. I’m an hour in and I believe my brain has cramped, send beer!


Are you telling me he erected a cross in a public area?


I tried to read his “movement” and all I could glean is him trying to sell some fist shaped drink holders. I noticed he never talked about what he was charged and convicted of (busted from e5 to e1). I think he’s disturbed and needs help. It’s not a big leap from tying yourself to a cross in dress blues to siting in on a crowd from a clock tower.


From the Marine Corps Times website…

“Klohr admits that he hid information about himself in order to join the Marine Corps. He enlisted despite having been expelled from school, having physical problems — including asthma — and a criminal record. According to reports from the time, Klohr was charged by Denver police in 2005 with setting a cat on fire and throwing it off a roof. He was 18 at the time.

Klohr, who was demoted to private, sentenced to a month in the brig, and discharged from the Corps last year after being convicted at special court-martial of insubordinate conduct, disobeying a superior officer, and failure to obey an order, said he believes he was railroaded out of the Corps, and his crucifixion stunt was the only way to bring attention to his case.”

I consider this turd officially flushed.


Splash. OUT.


“I don’t want people to talk me up on websites as this disrespectful person,” he said. “I wasn’t trying to be disrespectful or anything … To get people to see how serious I am I had to do something extreme.”

Too late asshole. You disrespected the Uniform and Christ.

“Klohr said his use of the Marine Corps uniform and a widely revered religious symbol were not intended to be sacrilegious or insulting to anyone.”

But here’s the best part…..

“Ultimately, he said, he hopes to secure a presidential pardon and to expose unrealistic standards and unethical practices within Marine Corps recruiting.”

Wow. He admitted to being unethical in his own enlistment practices, but pulls this crap.
Bitch-slap on aisle one please.