Fake Ranger in Texas

| April 18, 2014

The Houston Chronicle reports that a fake Ranger, Daniel Lee Marshall Jr., insinuated himself into the circle of friends around Marcus Luttrell, and now Marshall’s circle of friends includes Bubba and Tiny;

Marshall first got close to Luttrell’s family back in 2005 when the sailor was temporarily missing as the only survivor among a group of SEALs in Afghanistan who were overwhelmed by a far larger number of Taliban fighters.

Marshall’s friendship with Luttrell soured in 2010 when Marshall was accused of taking a pistol from Luttrell’s Texas ranch.

At about the same time, a group of real Rangers, who knew Luttrell and were at a Houston-area gala marking the anniversary of Luttrell’s ordeal smoked out Marshall as a fake, and his felonious past came to light.

ATF Agent Christopher Wilhite testified Thursday about his dealings with Marshall in which he had at least twice obtained several military-style guns despite laws that prohibit him from buying them.

Marshall has had several run-ins with the law, including arrests for forgery and credit card fraud.

So, now Marshall is cooling his heels in the local hoosegow on weapons charges. But his shit is splashed over everyone with whom he comes in contact, because stolen valor is a victimless crime.

Category: Phony soldiers

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What a douchebag. I hope he does every day of his sentence.

OIF '06-'07-'08

Please, please, please tell me that Mr. Marshall received a good ‘ol fashioned ass whoopin’ by ther real Rangers.

A Proud Infidel®™

As part of his sentence he ought to be forced to attend an Annual Ranger rendezvous on Fort Benning wearing his uniform with the Ranger tab around real Rangers when and where there are no outside witnesses or cameras around!!


The Ranger Rendezvous isn’t an annual event. It normally coincides with Regimental change of command, roughly every two years.

For the record, I’ve never been a part of the Regiment, but have bro’s that were.


Yep, It is sad, I said in another post somewhere.

When I meet a vet these days, and they start telling stories, I am almost forced to do a double take on them in my head. It used to be that I could take them at face value.

Especially if those stories or the vet claim to be a part of something like the Rangers, Marine Recon, or any of the specialized schools.

That old SSG Medzyk guy

I’m with you on that.

I’ve met a Legion member, and Legion Rider, who claims SEAL, has the Trident on his cut and on his bike. But this guy couldn’t be more than 5’2″ tops…and that’s WITH riding boots on.. At no time would he have been able to touch the log or boat while it was being carried around Coronado with his fellow candidates. He has all the requisite stories of daring do and close calls, which is what focused my attention.

I’m still working on getting his name, so I can wing it past Don’s data list.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

This case and so many others like it are clear indicators that the stolen valor component in these perpetrators behavior is another sign of their basic criminal conduct.

Fraud in their past is almost always present along with any current fraudulent schemes. Lying is the stock in trade of the con man, and those who steal valor are well versed liars. It appears the better ones know enough to go quite some distance before being found out. Much like the con men who claim to be investment bankers or money managers and are able to go years before being found out.

Being a liar may not be in and of itself a crime, but clearly the types of lies that one tells are indicative of the crimes being committed or about to be committed.

Preying on the raw emotions of families suffering loss or potential loss is also nothing new for the con man…the military angle just gives them another tier of potential victims.

It’s good Jonn, and Scotty, that you guys do what you do. I continue to hope that your message eventually permeates the greater public consciousness so that more people become aware of what to think about when someone lies about military service.

But scammers get ever more clever, 20,000 people have been tricked into sending money(about a million dollars in total) to scammers pretending to be IRS agents this year asking for money to be sent to cover a tax underpayment and avoid an audit…..I guess there really is one born every minute.

Green Thumb


Maybe Bernath could defend him.


Sounds like a match made in heaven.


Green Thumb took Maggot so I’ll take,


Yea I hope Bernath does defend him. He’ll do bug time for sure then. In the meanwhile, Bubba and Thor will be enjoying his stay very, very, very much.

James in Gulf Breeze

Yeah – the Ranger and Texas words in the title made me think he was impersonating a Texas Ranger… Stupid me… Maybe we should start pushing for State Laws for stolen valor since the feds are incompetent…


“ATF Agent Christopher Wilhite testified Thursday about his dealings with Marshall in which he had at least twice obtained several military-style guns despite laws that prohibit him from buying them.”

‘military-style guns’…. nice try at insinuating ‘machine guns’. What a fuck-turd of a reporter.

Why do they ALWAYS have to push an agenda?


PavePusher…that way the liberal reporter and media can keep “all assault type looking weapons” in the forefront of the American media as scary ugly thingies that go bang. Including my M1A w/Bayonet Lug.


@Sean Murphy, FaceBook comment (above), who says:

Hoosgow etymology:

Hoosgow < Mexican Spanish jusgado jail
(Spanish: court of justice, orig. past participle of juzgar to judge) < Latin jūdicātum, equivalent to jūdic- (stem of jūdex ) judge + -ātum -ate1

Thus endeth the lesson.


That’s the trouble with the youth of today, no cowboy movies to learn the words like kemo sabe, hoosgow, adios, etc. BZ


Ironice how he was one of the first to find out about Billy Shelton and was so disgusted. He told me he was in Mogadishu in 93 and that he was even going to reunite with those guys in Georgia or wherever one weekend. He also had everyone believing that he had suffered severe internal stomach injuries in an IED in Iraq. Hence, the Purple Heart license plate. That could be true, but hard to believe. I could go on and on. Oh that karma. She really is a bitch.



Brad V.

Look I know this guy and the article is ripe with false accusations and inaccurate information passed down by the Federal Agents involved. Mr. Marshall never stole any weapons from Mr Luttrell. I was in fact there when the weapon was returned by Mr. Marshall and Mr. Luttrell’s mother hugged Mr. Marshall and talked for awhile before we both headed back to El Paso Tx. It was an innocent ordeal regarding the weapon. Mr. Marshall mistakenly took the weapon when he gathered up his clothes after his stay with Mr. Luttrell’s mom after she called out to Mr. Marshall to come help her after recieving some threatening phone calls and attacks by an unknown assailants. After the ordeal was settled, Mr. Marshall gathered up his belongings and shoved them into a deployment bag he brought and left for El Paso and returned to his job. The weapon was not found until a month later when Mr. Marshall was headed home to Houston and he emptied the bag of its contents from a month ago and Mr. Luttrell’s weapon fell out. I was there and heard the phone call to Mr. Luttrell and a meeting was discussed to return the weapon when he made it back to the Hunstville area without a second thought. Infact Mr. Luttrell and LEO thought the weapon was taken by the perpetrators that had harrassed the Luttrell family a month before. So after this issue, Mr. Marshall was invited to the Ranch several times after the gun was returned for get togethers. When Mr. Marshall was arrested on April 2014 he did not have in his possession Mr. Luttrells’ weapon. The weapon was returned in good faith in 2010. Mr. Marshall did infact serve in the military and was honorably discharged in 1996. I know because we served together in Va in the 1980’s. As for the prior convictions yes Mr. Marshall made some bone headed mistakes and paid for them. He paid his dues to society and never looked back. He has been a great friend to me for over 35 years and to countless… Read more »