Phonies I have known

| April 17, 2014

TSO and I were having a conversation the other day about the phonies I’ve chatted with over the years and I thought maybe some of those discussions might be of interest to some of you.

For example, there was Bob King, known as “Spooky 8”, he wrote a book about his adventures by that title several years back. Of course, the book was total bullshit. He told tales about being stationed in Fort Sill, Oklahoma and when the Army needed him for a mission they’d fly him all the way to Vietnam for ten minutes of delivering cash to a Vietnamese general, because there was no one else between Oklahoma and Vietnam who could do that shit.

When I confronted King about his fantasies, he hinted that the records we had had been altered by the government to cover for his secret squirrel activities. I guess that’s what he told the folks back home, because without his Spooky persona, he was nothing but a high school janitor who had a bad conduct discharge for going AWOL.

Then there was Joseph Cryer, my white whale. Joseph told how he was recruited by SEALs out of a video arcade and didn’t have to bother going to BUD/S because of his mad Donkey Kong skills. Then they dropped him off in Libya in 1986 and he had to fight his way out. He tried to shop that story as the reason that he has PTSD at the VA. The first doctor he went to called BS on his tales and denied his application. The next doctor he went to fell for it, though, and awarded him 100% disability, for something that never happened.

Cryer called me when we began posting about him. At first he came out with the threats about kicking my ass (ho-hum) so I emailed him driving directions from his apartment to my house. His tone changed and he became apologetic, not for lying, mind you, but for telling his top secret stories on Facebook. In his mind, he thought he could still convince me, like he’d convinced some gullible doctor that he was who says he was. I guess because without his stolen valor, he was just some sad-assed male stripper shaking his booty for pensioners in Ocean City, Maryland.

Early on in the history of this blog, we were focused on taking apart the Iraq Veterans Against the War. TSO and I met at their Winter Soldier theater in Maryland. The night after the event, I started getting hate mail from some of them. One in particular, Zachary Findley-Maddox was particularly up set that I would rag on troops who were obviously racked with PTSD, like him. The more I questioned him, the more retarded he’d sounded. He claimed that he had PTSD from seeing the smoke rising from the Pentagon from the Marine Barracks at 8th & I Streets in DC. Actually, I was a few miles closer to the Pentagon than he was that day and all I felt was rage.

But he claimed that he had PTSD from that experience as well as the fact that the local pizza delivery guy looked like bin Laden. And the gun fire from drive bys there in Northeast DC. He was eventually booted from the Marines when he pissed hot – he was probably self-medicating from letting the pizza guy through the gates with his greasy wares.

But you can’t talk about PTSD and IVAW without mentioning Jeremy Bergren, who had PTSD because his unit had deployed to Iraq without him. I understand about survivors’ guilt, but he was in a mortuary unit, so I doubt any of his unit were lost during their operations.

Then there was Jim Ferris, the president of the Korean War veterans’ Association who claimed service in the Korean War when it didn’t happen. He wanted me to drive to Syracuse and have lunch with him – for what? He thought he could convince me with words that I should let it all go. To what end? He still claimed service and awards he didn’t earn. A friendly little talk wouldn’t change that.

And there was Ward Reilly who never said that he was a Ranger in Vietnam (he was a mortarman in Germany during the Vietnam War), but he signed all of his email with (Ranger), walked around with a Ranger tab on his boonie hat and wore tiger stripe fatigues and just gave the impression that he had been in Vietnam, though he probably hasn’t even seen pictures of the country. Reilly actually had the nerve to ask me how I could, in good conscience wear a CIB for the Gulf War while he was wearing a Ranger tab that he didn’t earn.

And that brings us full circle to last week’s Christopher David Duke (by the way, what were his parents thinking when they gave him that name?). In my 25 minute phone call to him, Duke spent most of it convincing me that stolen valor isn’t a big deal. He was a good father, a good member of the community and a successful businessman, so we should give him a pass on his lies that he was a Marine Scout Sniper – without a day in uniform. He wasn’t wearing medals or uniforms, so we should just let him go. He said that he was just our “flavor of the week”. No, the internet is forever. Ask Nick Androsky or Michael Patrick McManus. Their posts have outlived them.

In the comments the other day, someone asked what statute these people have violated. Actually they asked what “statue” was broken. The short answer is “none”. The longer answer they’ll probably never understand. A lot of them claim that they earned Bronze Stars and Purple Hearts. The only time my friend Tim “Griz” Martin wore his Bronze Star and his Purple Heart were on his marker at Arlington.

A lot of people have died earning their medals and their titles that these ass-monkeys just pin on without the least bit of effort. People like Chris Duke and Joe Teti walk right up to the line of lying without crossing it and just leaving the impression with people that are something they aren’t. And when do walk up to that line, they’ll find us and our friends standing guard on that line.

Then there are the Angelo Otchys of the world who will only tell tall tales for admiration from their friends and family while they shit on honorable service. They don’t all wear stolen medals and uniforms, but they still steal the deeds and accomplishments of our own brothers and sisters when they have not a single drop of the same stuff in them that real soldiers sailors, airmen and Marines are made of.

I do this for the people who can’t speak now. I’ve been blessed with life that they were denied, so this is my life’s mission. If you don’t like that I do it, stop being a phony.

Category: Phony soldiers

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One phrase comes to mind…..

“Fucking A Right Bubba”.


Well written! A tip of the k-pot to you!

Doc Savage



Well said. Carry on.

A Proud Infidel®™



Thanks for the trip down Memory Lane. So many assholes, so little time.

Ranger Pat

Was that a Bernath quote, or one from Freddy Mercury?

A Proud Infidel®™

Or from a workaholic Proctologist?


Talk about a guy with a shitty outlook on life.

Old Tanker

I love these write-ups……I’m so glad I get to come here and read this stuff because it was the highlight of a not-so-stellar week!!



On a personal note, there’s a headstone in PA that reads “Korea” on it – something I’d like to investigate since the POS 6 feet under lied about everything else.


Good post, Jonn. You need to distill the essence of it down to a mission statement that is at the head of the opening page. That way those who come to the site and don’t comprehend the harm in Stolen Valor fraud can have a better appreciation of what the site is all about. Something like this:

For those who have served honorably in combat, most without special distinction or valorous awards, no person is more despised than one who has not served honorably yet publicly claims special honors and awards for heroism under fire, etc, etc.

TSO, being the lawyer, could probably do it up fine.


Thank you Jonn.


The worst offenders to me are the Joseph Cryers. They are taking VA benefits from a money strapped system meant to help truly hurting veterans. They stick in my craw the worst.


“All the Way” Jonn !


Hooah! Airborne!


Bingo Jonn.

Whether they realize it or not, by falsely claiming decorations they don’t rate or service they never performed these lying bastards are doing nothing less than p!issing on the graves of those who served honorably.

Yeah, I got a problem with that.


You keep doing what you do so well and we’ll keep coming here supporting you and being the comic relief.


The idiots don’t realize that their lies can alter History.

And I’m sure Jonn & TSO will agree. Just when you think you’ve heard every story imaginable. Another one will come along that’s even more bizarre.


Sitting here watching TV surfing the web before bed here in PACAF. At the moment I was reading the paragraph about Jeremy Bergren, and AFN commercial came featuring MOH recipient SSG Ty Carter and how he dealt with mental health issues following his deployment. No one on this blog has ever said PTSD was not real. We all know it is. That is why we get so angry when these posers try to claim PTSD from their imaginary adventures. Scumbags.



Apparently my mad keyboard skillz are lacking this morning, you guys are too quick.:)

Tom Huxton

I remember a hippie wearing a field jacket with a 7th Army patch, telling “Nam” stories, with the 7th Army. I told his drunk chickie that he was a phony. She became irate and wanted to see *MY* draft card. I told he that I had never had a draft card, having been in service for a year on my 18th b’day. Drunk Chickie turned me in to the draft board and they wrote me a nice letter to appear, yada, yada.
A stern old lady softened when I pulled out my DD214, and asked if she could make a copy, I told her to keep the one in her hand. She was really polite asking me about the drunk chickie and her “witness” I hope she dragged them in for a talk.

Draft board issued my first draft card at age 30, classified 1Y.

I had asked the First Shirt about registering on my 18th birthday. Only time anyone had ever heard him laugh……big old belly laugh went on for a whole minute.


I registered for the Selective Service when I was 17 1/2 in High school as I was supposed to do.

Imagine the laugh we had with my MTI at Lackland AFB when I get a nastygram from the Selective Service telling me I had to register lest I be prosecuted for failing to do so…..amusingly enough this was mailed to my BMTS address at Lackland!!!


When I applied for my first gummit job (posted as Vets preference) after my first two enlistments.

I was asked, “did you register for Selective Service?” I answered “no, I don’t have to”. I was told, “you have to”. I said, “no, I don’t have to and I am too old to register now”. Then I was told, “you can go to jail for not registering”. I said, “I think it is time you stop talking and go get your supervisor … You have done enough damage for today”.

I joined the Navy just after turning 17 and was discharged just after turning 28.

Then I explained, “I am exempted and I don’t have to register”.

The supervisor then asked, “what is your disability?”

So rather than make fun of the highly intelligent clutch of monkeys sent to recruit me I decided the CIA was not for me and walked out!


Mine is too and I didn’t register either since I joined when I was 17.

Just An Old Dog

I never filled out anything but they have me as registered in August of 1985.
I distinctly remember When I was 19 getting a call at my moms house from Fred Schools, a member of our local draft board.
He asked why I hadnt registered and I gave him my address to send the registration form. Apparently my address being Echo Battery, 2nd Battalion, 10th Marines, Camp Lejuene North Carolina gave him a clue.


Mine IS not in there …

Here is search result:

Based on the information you submitted (information listed below), a registration record cannot be found for this individual.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

The site told me I’m too fucking old to be in their silly little computer system…


Yah, me too.

But I got mine in 1971, then used it as a piece of art work in college in 1972 (partially burned). Heck, I wasn’t a protester … I knew I’d go in the service. I was the only one in the Student Union who liked Nixon!



Mine said stone tablets were not searchable.


Mine’s in there as well, and I didn’t register either. Joined on my 17th birthday, spent the entire day from sun-up to sun-down in the MEPS center.


I tried it. It said “No records in the database before January 1, 1960” So I guess I’m good to go.

Green Thumb

Great article.

It must have been tough to choose, though.


Three words to describe Jonn’s comments above:


BTW: Bernath is not, never was nor will he ever be a Genuine or Honorary CPO. PERIOD!


This just in from Weekend News Update!

Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.”

Maybe one of the digital whiz-kids can overdub it replacing it with MCPO’s catch phrase:

Bernath is not, never was nor will he ever be a Genuine or Honorary CPO. PERIOD!


A Proud Infidel®™

What about Elvis and Jimi Hendrix?


Elvis was a DAT and Hendrix was a chapter case from the 101st.


Heh he hehehehehehehe … he said “DAT”… heh ehehehehe [/Beavis]



Well done, Jonn; well done.


Very well put. Keep up the awesome work of exposing these despicable phonies.


I want to see “Forrest Gump…The Director’s Cut”

You know the one that has the deleted scene where Forrest and Lt. Dan meet this poser. The poser says, “Yea there I was in this pitched battle in ‘Nam. All my buddies were shot up. I went back and pulled a bunch of them out. I remember my best buddy, Bubba, dying in my arms, right there by that river in Vietnam”.

Forrest proceeds to curb stomp the ass hole into the Twilight Zone while Lt. Dan holds him down. Then the scene ends with Forrest shoving the guys ribbon rack up his ass, then holding him down so Lt. Dan can shove the guy’s CIB up his dick. Probably why it didn’t make the final cut for the movie. But I’m hoping for the day they release it.

HS Sophomore

Great article, sir. You hit the nail on the head.

I suppose I might as well share another one of my phony SEAL stories. One of my dad’s best friends was a CFO in Silicon Valley who had struggled with cocaine and alcohol for years, went through a nasty, nasty divorce (his wife, in fairness, was no saint, what with her seducing the guy’s best friend out of spite, etc.). He told everyone he was an ex-Navy SEAL who fought in Vietnam and who, while he was there, was part of an elite team doing secret-squirrel forays into Cambodia (Sound familiar?). One of the stories he told was of how when his team was compromised by a couple of Cambodian kids walking through the woods, the team ended up killing them to maintain OPSEC. He died a couple months ago, and I sent his info in to Don Shipley. Yup, he wasn’t a real SEAL. I haven’t turned the guy in because I don’t have written proof of his claims except a private obituary his ex-wife sent around (they did eventually become friends again, I’m happy to say) that isn’t really proof since she wrote it. Man though, that really burns me up, and I’m not even a vet. Compare what that fuckwad claimed to do to what real SEALs did in almost exactly the same situation during Operation Red Wings. When guys like that run around and talk about their PTSD and excuse their problems by talking about all the stuff they saw in war and the baby killer stories they tell to establish authenticity, it seriously damages the reputations of the units they claimed to have served, and indeed that of veteran in general. That’s why I hunt phonies. Story over.


Thank you, Jonn, for all you do and the wonderful way you write about it.


Proud and humbled to have been able to serve in the same military with you Jonn, and all the others who post here and still give a damn. It means a lot to me.

Thanks for affording all of us the opportunity to get our opinions heard, to rail against the liars and thieves and to just hang out with like minded people who have served this great country in both war and peace.

Semper Fidelis!


MGySgtRet…+1 Sir.




I wish we had a Weekend Open Thread. I hate to upset the demeanor of this poignant topic with the following. So, if anyone takes offense, please accept my apologies. We’re talking phonies here so that’s it then. I’m claiming mine now! Yep, I got a Purple Heart in Iraq. It was in Operation Ensuring Iraqi’s Their Freedom if I remember right. Anyway, there we were, two days deep in the bush. I was the oldest troop in the platoon at 58 and I was the Top’s bitch. I had to wash his skivvies by hand in the field for him. I hated it. So one night after patrol, I wash his skivvies with a bar of Lava Soap. The really gritty stuff and let them air dry. Next morning he puts them on. After walking around a while and scratching his ass and nads like he had the crabs real bad, he yells over at me, “Hey you cock sucking, son of a bitch! I’m gonna kill you!” He runs over, pulls his bayonet and jabs me in the thigh with it! It was in full view of the platoon too so there were witnesses. Since we were down range, I asked after the medic bandaged me what to tell the hospital about my leg. Top said, “Hey son, I kinda over reacted. How bout I put you in for a Purple Heart and we’ll call it square. What do ya say ole trooper?” I said hey that’s good with me Top. He said, “But, you’re STILL my bitch out here and if you EVER wash my skivvies with Lava again, I’m going for your fucking heart next time, you got that!” I said, you da man Top. So that’s how I got my Purple Heart in Iraq. My leg still hurts to this day too! I think he hit the bone. (I am hand writing out a Purple Heart Citation as I type, on a 3X5 card and will be submitting it to the NPRC for a DD-215. Need some help though. Anybody got any ideas? Should it… Read more »


Upper leg, below the knee.


LebbenB. Thank you. I felt like I really fucked up the thread with my comment. By the way “Upper leg, below the knee” sounds good to you? Cause I am running out of space on the 3X5 card and I don’t want NPRC to have to turn it over to read the back. 😀


You should put “Front Upper/ Calf Knee, (while in) Uniform”. Or if that’s too long, just use the often used abbreviation.


Michael…LMAO thank you. I was slow but I got it!



I reread you post. If the FUCKU was meant for me personally because of my comments, then as I wrote in the original post, I apologize to you and any others I might have offended. I hope if that is the case, you will accept my apology. Just not reading things clearly this morning.



God no. Of course not. I thought it was an ingenious abbreviation for the “poser” trying to update his records using the index card. I thought your post was hilarious and was adding to the comedy gold.


Thank you Michael. I feel better now. Just wanted to be sure I offended no one. 😀


See, this is one of the things I like about the posters at this blog – If a poster thinks someone might take something written the wrong way, he/she is quick and up front about clarifying the comment. Good on ya, Brother Sparks.


This post made me revisit Don’s old Phoney SEAL videos. Classic.


Thank you and all that help and support you in putting these losers on blast.

Pave Low John

One of the more bizarre stories I heard about phonies came from a SEAL I met back in 2002. I was in Djibouti (when it was still just some old French Foreign Legion barracks) and this guy with ST3-A was chatting with me and some of the other rotorheads and we started talking about phonies for some reason. Apparently, when this SEAL was growing up in Mississippi, there was a local navy vet who told the future SEAL all about his exploits as a SEAL in Vietnam. Inspired by all the cool stories, this guy ran to the Navy recruiter, enlisted, made it through BUD/S and became a no-shit SEAL. However, when he was back home, the old Vietnam vet kept avoiding him. Finally, when the new SEAL finally cornered the old “SEAL” to talk to a fellow frogman–you guessed it, the guy admitted that he was never a SEAL and was never in Vietnam (he was in the Navy, however.)

The SEAL wasn’t mad at the old guy, more bemused by the weird way in which the lies about a fictional past actually inspired him to choose his particular career. I’ve always wondered how many vets wound up in the military from listening to bullshit stories from old phonies in their home towns…


Funny you should mention that, Pave Low John. Something similar also happened to another now very famous SEAL.

Taurus USMC 0302

Great article. Hard to top the one I shared in a comment on another phony. My buddy and I listened to a guy tell a group that he had been a ‘hang glider sniper’ in Viet Nam. We had so much fun humiliating him at the time that we never followed up. It was at least 20 years ago. Looking back I guess we should have at least broken his thumbs so he couldn’t hold a beer bottle while telling his bullshit. He probably would have made the broken thumbs into a bullshit story too. I haven’t seen him for years so there’s not much I can do. If anyone runs into him let me know.

A Proud Infidel®™

My favorite poser bust was when I was an OTR Trucker. I was stuck in Arm Pit, NJ waiting until Monday to unload, and found a bar about a block from the truck stop. I went in and was having my second beer when I overheard this jackass running his mouth to God and everyone who made eye contact that he was Special Forces this, SF that,… I went over and asked him “Really? Did you train at Camp Tanner or Fort Ticonderoga?” (Camp Tanner exists in the State of Fiction!) The poser ranted on about the badassed training he did at Camp Tanner, and I let him rant, then said “YOU’RE FULL OF SHIT, Camp Tanner doesn’t even exist, I made that place up!” He then tried some half-assed takedown move on me which I easily resisted, and he quickly slithered out of the place. I returned to my place at the bar with a smiling Bartender (who was laughing his ass off when I busted the phony) grinning and giving me “One on the House”.

Just An Old Dog

I think the most interesting, surprising and sad stories about posers is the search for and eventual discovery of the “Round Marine”.
From his history and photos one would have expected Mark Wayne Tieman to be an absolute and complete waste of space.
In the end he was a real Marine/Veteran/ Desert Storm guy that got out on an honorable.
I’m sure his medical/mental state had a large part to do with his embelishment. He ended up being more of someone to feel sorry for rather than to harp on. I hope his famiy keeps him out of troube and takes away his play things.