Haditha story wrapping up

| June 19, 2007

I’ve wanted to write about all of the good news coming out of the Haditha investigation, but there’s no way I could do as good a job at it as Robin, my bestest new buddy, at Chickenhawk Express (who recently added me to her Blogroll – thanks, Robin).

Robin, who also writes at Newsbusters, has been churning out really good updates on the Haditha Article 32 investigation (equivalent to a grand jury) of Lance Corporal Justin Sharrat over the last week or so here, here and here.

For my part, I’ve been diligently calling John Murtha’s office every morning to ask when Murtha is going to apologize for calling LCpl Sharrat and his fellow Marines cold-blooded murderers. Every morning, I get the same answer – Representative Murtha hasn’t heard anything about the investigation.

I think that’s funny because he was so sure about the information he had before the investigation began;

Murtha, a vocal opponent of the war in Iraq, said at a news conference Wednesday that sources within the military have told him that an internal investigation will show that “there was no firefight, there was no IED (improvised explosive device) that killed these innocent people. Our troops overreacted because of the pressure on them, and they killed innocent civilians in cold blood.”

So, why doesn’t he have information that been publicly available? A year ago, he told ABC News;

Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., told “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” in an exclusive appearance that reports a group of U.S. Marines may have killed 24 Iraqi civilians following an IED explosion in Haditha, Iraq, was “worse than Abu Ghraib,” calling their actions war crimes committed “in cold blood.”

Murtha, a Marine veteran who six months ago called for the complete withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, added, “There has to have been a cover-up. There’s no question about it.”

Wouldn’t a rational person, who staked their reputation on such an damning statement, want to keep up with the story? I guess we’re not talking about a rational person here, though, are we? We’re talking about a hateful little pussbag, fatass who gives not a moment’s thought to this nation’s security or the lives of the people who defend it. I think it’s time Murtha signed his Form 180, too. I have trouble believing that this coward spent even a minute in the Marine Corps.

And where are the headlines in the New York Times, the Washington Post and the LA Times admitting they were wrong in their initial accusations?

Category: Antiwar crowd, John Murtha, Media, Politics, Support the troops, Terror War

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I read someplace that he spent his time as a REMF, in supply or something like that. Don’t know how much truth is in it tho.

Jonn Lilyea wrote: I’d read somewhere that his combat time was spent as the Battalion S-3 in Viet Nam – nothing wrong with that, if he was any good. But that doesn’t explain why he’s such an idiot now, though. 


Found this on Murtha. Sounds a bit like Kerry.

Cybercast News Service attempted to contact Fox for this article, but learned that the health of the 81-year-old was too poor to allow him to communicate. But in a 1996 newspaper article, Fox questioned whether Murtha deserved his Purple Hearts, alleging that there was insufficient evidence of injuries and that Murtha was never confined to a hospital.



Jonn Lilyea wrote: Thanks, Gramps. I read that last year. I’m a bit of a skeptic when it comes to military records, anyway. Ask Crotchety Old Bastard – we’ve seen some medals handed out for weird stuff. Like the guy that got a Purple Heart when an MRE box fell on his head.



First time I’ve seen your blog. Great to see you’re writing about Haditha.

Did you know that Darryl Sharratt (father of LCpl Sharratt) has been trying to meet with Murtha for a year now and the man refuses to speak to him?

BTW, I gave you a shout-out here…


Many thanks for your blog!

Jonn Lilyea wrote: Thanks for the link-up and thanks for reading. I hope you come back often. Freepers are always welcomed here.


[…] on June 19th last year I recounted some of Murtha’s quotes on Haditha; [H]e was so sure about the information he had before the […]

509th Bob

Because the allegations of illegal Command Influence have surfaced, and apparently been proven true for the Haditha Marines, I predict a very troublesome future for further prosecutions. That is the MOST that I am able to say, given my position and role in Government.

As to my PERSONAL beliefs? Kick ASS! Take NAMES! IMPEACH MURTHA! Bring criminal charges against his sorry ASS. Hmmm, Sedition sounds about right.