Hillary disappears from Benghazi story
Our buddy, Rowan Scarborough at the Washington Times writes that as the Benghazi story is being written, Hillary Clinton’s name gets harder to find.
Mrs. Clinton testified that she was never informed about how susceptible the Benghazi diplomatic mission was to attack or about requests for more security officers. On the infamous Benghazi talking points, that process was carried out below her level, she said.
P.J. Crowley, who was Mrs. Clinton’s top spokesman at State in her first year, said Republicans have tried to nail her but there simply is no evidence.
“Benghazi happened on her watch, so she will always have a connection to the attack,” Mr. Crowley said. “There have been some efforts to make it about her, which I suspect will continue despite the lack of evidence.”
Lawyer Victoria Toensing has another view. She said members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence displayed incompetence while questioning Mr. Morell.
“Nobody from the House committee asked about her,” said Mrs. Toensing, who represents Gregory Hicks, the chief of mission in Tripoli that day who was among the first to blow the whistle on lax security in Benghazi and a lack of help from Washington during the crisis. “Was that hearing somewhat incompetent? Yes.”
Gee, I wonder why. As you read the rest of the article, you’ll get a sense of the tension between Washington and Benghazi. You might remember that the Pentagon was hesitant to send troops into Benghazi without knowing the situation on the ground, and yet the folks in Tripoli got forces that they had available into Benghazi without knowing the situation on the ground and those scant elements got to the consulate compound.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden
Try as they might, Hillary and the POTUS cannot make Benghazi go away. The genie is definitely out of the bottle on this. I can’t wait for election time to watch them squirm.
Oh it will “go away”. The big three networks and CNN just won’t talk about it because we already know who they are pulling for in the next election.
They can’t get out of this one. This so-called “lack of evidence” is Liberal tomfoolery.
We all know that Hillary received multiple reports that the guards needed more Marines, and that there was an up-shoot in hostile activity towards the embassy. I’m pretty sure she was tipped off on the coming attack a few days in advance.
Never mind the fact that she did nothing to try to assist once the attack had started.
All in the name of politics. It was an election year, after all.
As her too spokesman said, “Benghazi happened on her watch.” She can destroy evidence and manipulate the story, but she can’t change time. Hillary Clinton is responsible for the murder of the ambassador and his staff.
Drew…well said. +1
Of course they’re trying to distance her from Benghazi- they know it WILL hurt her chances at a run for the White House, so they need to nip that in the bud prior to starting her run in 2016
Someone pointed out on the local news Friday night that Hillary is the only person on the Democrat list, period.
They have no other ducks to line up. Of course they want her name to be as distant from it as possible.
But none of their efforts will get rid of that arm-waving video clip of her saying ‘What difference does it make?’ or Jay Carney’s lame ‘that was a LONG time ago’ a few months after the Benghazi events.
Stupid is as stupid does.
There is something else that none of you are bringing up and may not have noticed, but I have. Hillary looks like she’s got some sort of spinal compression going on. This happens as you get older; your spinal column collapses. In her case, you can’t lay it all to dowager’s hump, which is common in older women who have had children. It’s a definite change.
The accumulated weight of all her lies is slowly breaking her back.
And for a lot of us, at this point, it still makes a difference.
Hillary is the chosen one amongst Democrats and the media. She is far more progressive than Obama ever thought to be. And unlike the amateur that is currently in office, she knows how to get shit done. Having her as president would likely mean the end of the United States as we know it. It would surely mean the end of the military as we know it.
Benghazi must be on the front burner every day. She has to be made to pay for uttering the “what difference does it make” comment. That has to be shoved back in her face until people realize what a fraud and liar she is.
Obama has been a disaster for this country. Pile Hillary on top of that, and we are done.
The left and the media (but I repeat myself) will ignore it and the American Idol electorate will vote for the shiny unless the stupid party can manage to find its collective cojones and go for the throat.
Thankfully I can drop my retirement papers before she ever takes office.
The media doesn’t care about Benghazi anymore than they care about the BLM stealing cows….
What they care about is whether or not Bieber or the Kardashians took a dump today and what people are wearing on the red carpet…unless there’s a republican in the white house then they suddenly pretend to be all concerned about real news…
The number of wounded or dead Americans was a nightly topic on the news during the Bush years, it’s rarely reported now unless to state how much better it is with Obama because fewer Americans were killed.
The clear slant in the media is not clear to anyone apparently but those of us cranks who are ridiculously obsessed with the truth…a great many people can’t understand why everyone on this site gets all worked up over a few lies about military service…
We’ve become a nation that accepts lies as a normal function of our daily lives, nations of liars aren’t all that concerned when their history becomes full of lies either.
More’s the pity.
Veritas Omnia Vincit…Again, thank you Sir and well said. I always enjoy reading your comments. I wish I had your abilities to formulate thoughts and put them to paper. Kudos. A well stated report of the current American mindset.
Thank you for the kind words bro…
Her big 2008 campaign commercial was about a 3 AM phone call. I believe she got a 6 PM phone call and ignored it.
No ifs, ands, or buts, the liberal media is going to do all it can to grease the skids for the Hildebeast!
The simple reality is that she is not nor has she ever been part of the story because the official version of what happened was a fairy tale. As VoV alluded to, we who are more concerned with the truth than we are about who gets hurt by the truth politically will be the only ones to make and keep the truth relevant. If we don’t, it isn’t going to happen.
We must keep the truth out here by whatever means necessary. There are too many alternative ways of communicating to keep us all silent.