Iran nukes
In probably the least shocking item I have seen since hostages confirmed Hamas was using hospitals to hold them Fox News, or that UNRWA workers were actively working with Hmas BBC , or even that Hamas was skimming UN funds NY Times , we see from Iran:
A covert agency within Iran’s Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL) tasked with the development of Iran’s nuclear program has been found to be operating out of top sites used by Iran’s space program.
Fox News Digital has learned that according to information obtained by sources embedded in the Iranian regime, evidence collected over several months shows that Iran’s chief nuclear development agency, the Organization of Defensive Innovation and Research (SPDN), has been operating out two locations previously recognized as space development and launch sites.
These reports, compiled from dozens of sources and thoroughly validated, indicate that in recent months, SPND has intensified its efforts to construct nuclear warheads at both the Shahrud and Semnan sites,” the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) said in a report exclusively obtained by Fox News Digital.
One of the sites, the Shahroud Space Center, which has been suspected of being used by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) to develop intermediate-range ballistic missiles, is also now reported to have “large-scale” SPND personnel operating out of it – a move Jafarzadeh described as a “significant red flag.”
The Shahroud Space Center caught global attention in 2022 when Iran announced it had developed the Ghaem-100 rocket – which could be used to send low-orbit satellites into space, but also as a ballistic missile with a range of nearly 1,400 miles, greater that what was previously achieved with the Qased rocket.
But according to sources familiar with activity at the Shahroud Space Center “SPND’s experts are working on a nuclear warhead for the Ghaem100 solid-fuel missile with a range of more than 3,000 kilometers [more than 1,800 miles] and a mobile launch pad.”
The second site, located in the northern city of Semnan, the Imam Khomeini Spaceport – Iran’s first spaceport – made international headlines just last month when Tehran launched its heaviest-ever rocket into space carrying a payload of roughly 660 pounds, relying on a liquid propellant. Fox News via MSN
And all this time we have been told Iran is not working on nuclear weapons and delivery systems. According to that last article, they have over 400 pounds of 60% pure processed uranium. Takes about 92 pounds for a nuke according to the article.
Category: Iran
Hey Hack,
Can you check the magic 8 ball and see what it says about an IDF strike on these targets after Netanyahu meets with President Trump?
Just a wild guess..
We totally need to be leading with the most awful idea I have heard of instead. Its like the Good Idea Fairy got mixed up with that dude Good Intentions and now she is knocked up with triplets out of wedlock.
So tell us more about how the US will take ownership of Gaza and rebuild it. Because if that isn’t a slow moving 2000 rail cars full of noxious chemicals train wreck I don’t know what is.
Hopefully it was just Trump poking the dims again to watch em spin. Way more pressing priorities than taking over that shithole full of terrorists..
I have doubts we could build it faster than they could blow it up.
Agreed. They’ve proven that the only thing they care about is destroying Israel. If they knocked that shit off, they’d have a beautiful piece of beachfront property, but they don’t give a shit about being decent, civilized human beings..
It would be epic beach front. Probably skip building sand castles though, lots of UXO.
Did you note it was predicated on depopulating it first?
It’s a hundred billion dollar tourist attraction, waiting to happen.
It’s a place where the -sane- locals might form a non-tribal polyethnic state.
It’s a last chance for the sane to show that, unburdened by the loons, they can make a go of it.
It is the final example that some folks make themselves unsalvageable, and will only destroy, despite better options.
With desalination, one might host world-class golf courses. Universities. Tourist villas. Banking havens.
First he takes the sorting-hat to the Pally’s. The receiving Arab states pacify them in Arab ways. Then they build a “two state” that isn’t a “two hole”. People get back in by invitation.
Not “nation building”. It’s a US protectorate, maybe territory. Perhaps someday a state. Or, we walk away and they make their own way. Without all the lovely gravy?
Last chance, folks. You are the example. Good, or evil, choose.
Nobody’s ever going to take in the Palestinians. They’ve historically shanked every Arab nation that took them in.
Depopulation and send them where? Nobody and I mean nobody will take them. Every country they go to they kill or try to kill the leader and take over the country.
When you have a reputation for attacking anyone trying to help you, people stop helping pretty fast.
Just saying
5JC, What you said, “Every country they go to they kill or try to kill the leader and take over the country.”
Now, consider what Pres. Trump had said:
…On Egypt and Jordan’s refusal to take in Gazans: “Mexico also said no at first and then agreed.”
I really don’t those crazed-rag-heads coming over the border. Besides, left-minded peeps coming to Texas -who want to make it little kalifuck-up#2…
11B I’ll grant you that Trump is a business man and he knows a good opportunity when he sees it. I think what he doesn’t know is the true cruelty and violence of humans when they are motivated.
He is, blessedly, thinking “this has to change”.
So, none of the endless re-fail. If this fails, it kinda will prove that some folks make themselves unsalvageable. That could be a truly ugly FAFO. Note that the highly successful Abraham Accords also ignored the Paleostinians.
He is essentially offering to create Mar-a-Lago mideast, probably for a cut of the take to a US Sovereign Wealth fund. The skim for the locals would be … yuge. Half a dozen Arab countries are probably already privately wailing “why not -here-, Mr Trump?”
If they eff this up, no one ever again has to take seriously “palestinians” as anything other than scorpions for stomping.
They have to choose. Now. Jihad, or a future.
Because I think I forsee how the wrong choice gets handled. Islamicly.
Let’s not underestimate the left in this country. They are plenty dumb enough to keep taking them seriously.
I say that if the mad mullahs want some nukes…we send them some. Delivery by any one of our Triad Forces.
Send along Brian Williams,
as a disgraced journalist,
who can then invent for himself a 21st century Major Kong tale.
USAF guarantees delivery of your Minuteman Special in 30 minutes or less, or your next one is free!
10 years ago today….
Brian Williams CAUGHT AGAIN telling phony war tales.
He got away with it from 2006, but not in 2015.
This time, he was suspended, and taken off the air.
And now in 2025,
Williams thinks he can lecture others, about “accuracy”.
Triple Ugh.
I am surprised the Mullahs didn’t light off a test warhead in December 2024. They are probably assuming they can finess a deployment of a strategic deterrent, then announce.
Bad bet, I think.
But understand they can truck, plane, or ship deliver a “little boy” gun-type warhead anytime. No one is likely to bitch about how crude a bomb wrecked their neighborhood.
The sooner those weirdbeards are overthrown by their people, the better.
Sorry, no warm-fuzzies for the “poor, oppressed” Iranians… or Palestinians…or <fill in the blank>. These leaders are what they and their culture chose, and will again choose, every time. No matter how much money the CIA funnels to these “poor, oppressed” peoples through USAID.
Let’s stop pretending and save a whole bunch of money. How much would it cost to station a geosynchronous nuclear armed satellite over these places, with the simple, fair warning – “do whatever you want to yourselves and each other. Threaten us, ours or anyone else and cease to exist”.
Not a nuke. A “God Rod”. Simpler, not so twitchy, non radioactive, same devastating effect.
I like it. It could stay up there forever without a regular service. I think the effects are overstated but it would still give pause.
Essentially, flecchette loads using the long rod penetrator from 120mm tank rounds. Coming down at orbital speeds, they would tend to wreck anything short of a top-notch hardened silo. Scale up about 3x and even those die.
And there is an option to make them smart/guided.
Turns out the Depleted Uranium is refractory, so survives reentry intact.
We can expect a catastrophic explosion at these locations within the coming weeks, and Mossad will confirm that they knew nothing about it.
If anybody asks… they were at grandmas…
If it is Grandma Susie I would believe it.
Oy vey, the Almighty was annoyed with you!
First look at that photo and I swear it says Crayola on the side.
“Estes” or “Centuri”.
I cannot convey in this forum how meaningless the Iranian program is.
I follow it for a living.
Everything in the FOX article is so atrociously inaccurate it hurt to read.
Iran has a Space Programe?
Maybe they want to be the first to fuck a goat in zero g