David Hogg elected as DNC Vice Chair

| February 4, 2025 | 98 Comments

David Hogg, who received Tim Walz’s backing, was elected to serve as the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) vice chairman. In the same election, Ken Martin, Minnesota state party chairman, was elected to serve as the DNC’s chairman. In his victory speech, Hogg presented his views on gun control and his intent to fight for this and other issues important to the Democrats.

From Breitbart:

“Who’s ready to take the fight to the Republicans and win this thing? Are you guys ready to fight?” Hogg asked during his victory speech. “It’s been a long day, but guess what? We have a long road ahead. Let’s go and kick some a**. Let’s go win our young people back, and let’s stop sending just our thoughts and prayers to address gun violence, and do something. Are you ready to do that? Because together, we can make school shooter drills history, and not headlines. Are you ready to do that?”

Breitbart News’s AWR Hawkins reported in December 2024 that Hogg was running to be the vice chair of the DNC, expressing that the role was “a great way of, for one, bringing newer voices into the Democratic Party,” and adding that he wanted to “be one of several of those voices to help represent young people.”

“Congratulations to our new DNC Vice Chair, David Hogg,” Nikki Fried, the chair of the Florida Democrat Pary said in a statement. “David Hogg’s journey is truly remarkable — from Parkland survivor to national gun violence prevention advocate to now, the first member of Gen Z to serve as Vice Chair of the DNC. David’s unique life experiences and skills will transform the way Democrats engage with young voters and elevate how we run campaigns.”

Additional Reading:

Weibel, E. (2025, February 1). Gun control activist David Hogg elected vice chair of DNC. Breitbart. Link.



Category: Democrats

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You know that Tim Walz guy did a good job carrying the water for Harris. He should run for president in 2028. Can I get a second on that motion?

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal


Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal

A throat punchable face if there ever was one.

The “Manliest Man” in the the Diddycrat Party is…

Green Thumb

GOP should be pumped.

The DNC did not learn a damn thing.

Mark L.

As long as they keep Bernie Sanders’ worthless ass away from anything more than his shitty Vermont seat.

A Proud Infidel®™

WHY interrupt an enemy when they’re constantly cutting their own throat?


With all their identity politics, I don’t see them running a straight-white man any time soon. I look them for them to go Harris-Newsome the California Gruesome Twosome in 2028.

I know, I know technically Newsome is a snake, but I see him lithering up next to mattress-back Harris.

A Terminal Lance Coolie

Props to his speech writer, I suppose. There’s a compelling undertone to what he said.

Shame the message sucks and the whiny little twerp lacks the authoritative voice to deliver it effectively…or not. Better for us they continue to step all over their unmentionables while making asses of themselves.

One more brick towards Vance in 2028.

Slow Joe

The 2028 GOP primary is going to interesting, to say the least.


Its funny but Trump had his son and his buddies as advisors to get the feel of what todays kids are into. The Dims get David Hogg whom no one likes…. You cant make this shit up.

Mark L.

Its funny but Trump had his son and his buddies as advisors to get the feel of what todays kids are into

You mean his 40-something year old sons? Because Baron was in high school during the entirety of his first term.


Boy, you are really on top of things aren’t you? We just had an election dipshit and Trump won big with the younger males, or did you jackoff all through it thinking of Cumallahs stank? Go corn hole your boy Commisar.

Mark L.

Hey, I’m glad Trump won. I’m pro-war and pro-Israel. He’s going to fuck up our enemies and hopefully finish off Gaza and the West Bank for good.


Sorry to disappoint on the pro war thing. You should have voted for the other guy. It was more his thing.


You do realize Barron is now an 18 year old college student and was instrumental in steering his dad to podcasts and media popular with younger voters? No, you wouldn’t.

Get back on the buffer.

Mark L.

Was Barron behind the Trump Coin? If so, good for him. Happy to see him help his dad fleece his idiot supporters.


It’s fun listening to the lamentations of liberals while filling our drinking glasses with their tears.

Stay hydrated my friends.


Grow up goofball. I still think you live in mommy’s basement and play video games all day. If so, then you are just an immature shitstain, but if not…….if you actually buy your own groceries and have a real job aside from working at your local movie theater, you are unbelievably fucked up. Either way, no one on this site gives a rotten fart what you think.


It’s not smart enough to run a buffer, permanent cigarette butt patrol is about they/thems speed.

A Proud Infidel®™

Hell, maybe he’s out and got free internet from whatever homeless shelter he’s crashing out at?


And this is how the DNC self-immolates.


Oh yeah, he “survived” alright… 🙄

They need to quit making it sound like the arrogant fuck landed on Tarawa.

Last edited 14 days ago by Deckie

You’re not “A Survivor” if you weren’t there.




Someone told him that he couldn’t play the victim his whole life. He said; “hold my beer”.


Bud Light?

A Proud Infidel®™

Purchased from TARGET.

Last edited 14 days ago by A Proud Infidel®™
Slow Joe

Hey, Bud Light wasn’t that bad…🥲


C’mon man, it was bad wayyy before that pretty boy torpedoed it! There’s much better cheap beer out there!

Hack Stone

“Hold my White Claw.”

Fixed it for you.


So… Hogg is a basic white girl. Minus the Ugg boots.


Was this ever in doubt?


I just like seeing the proof.

Slow Joe

My AI says:

A “basic white girl” is a stereotype used to describe a young woman who follows popular trends and enjoys mainstream culture, often associated with brands like Starbucks and UGG boots. This term is typically used in a lighthearted or pejorative way to suggest a lack of originality or depth.


See also “Basic Bitch”.


That’s funny!

Forest Bondurant

Just more living proof that places like Harvard continue to churn out dipshit morons with ZERO critical thinking skills.


It’s all in the name — nothing else.

It’s not like you go in one end a nobody and magically pop out the other as a genius.

Mark L.

Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton and Elise Stefanik went to Harvard, dipshit.

Last edited 14 days ago by Mark L.

Aaaand your point is….
Deckie’s point was “garbage in, garbage out”.

Last edited 14 days ago by SFC D
Mark L.

Those three people are Trump’s most loyal supporters in Congress and helped him get elected, but HUR DUR they went to a smarty-pants school so obviously they are stinky poo heads, ammirite?


Strike two, genius. Reading comprehension isn’t a talent you have, is it?


It’s nice to know we have a replacement commie d bag since commissar semi quit. This page is much more lively and entertaining when we have a troll. A bunch of us old guys agreeing gets boring, throw in a leftist retard and some of you guys are hilarious, I miss the fun.


Both him and Lars have this (plus lotion) at their places:

Forest Bondurant

Go back and read it again, moron. Sound it out slowly. I wrote “…places like Harvard continue…”. My comment wasn’t exclusive to that school alone.

You may resume f#cking off


HUR DUR? Yeah, that’s really mature verbiage. Did you get beaten up and had your lunch money taken away when you were a kid?

jeff LPH 3 63-66

The three went to harvard before harvard went down the tubes.


Wow, you really are stupid aren’t you? The people you mentioned are today’s exception to the rule. Good, intelligent people who graduated from there without a poisoned mind. Unlike the turds you worship.


Good one Forest!!!


Snotmuffin …. lol


“Snotmuffin”. I love adding to my vocabulary.


Yes, let’s keep that.

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal

Add it to the Ass-teroid of Insults.


Does that mean ass kisser can now be referred to turd sucker?


Done, Fags…..

(DocV, rgr769 & Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal) …
Only 2 iterations found ….
1. 55 gallon drum of cock snot

2. may he lay a lip lock on the snotty end of a moose cock

And now your simple but elloquant addition:


You are hereby Indoctrinated into The As(s)teroid of Insults®™ (again? I don’t keep tabs 😉 )


“Parkland survivor” my ass. The whiny little wimp was in another building, in no danger whatsoever. When he heard the gunshots, he raced home to get his camera and recorder. He viewed himself some future Dan Blather.

Mark L.

Honestly, even if this wasn’t true, I can’t stand this fucking kid. He hasn’t accomplished shit since Parkland except tweeting constantly like a fucking high school girl who just got dumped. Also, he’s a former Bernie bro, and I’d take a lifetime of Trump in office over ONE DAY of President Sanders.


Smartest comment you have made here. Bernie is a sellout, crypto-communist. He did his honeymoon in Moscow. The lazy bastard was kicked out of a hippy farm commune because they couldn’t get him to do any work.


Bet his hands never met a blister!

Hack Stone

Getting kicked out of hippie commune because you are too lazy is like getting fired at All Points Logistics for embellishing your resume.

Mark L.

I remember when all the dipshit Bernie bros were bitching about how millionaires shouldn’t exist in 2015 until they found out Bernie himself is indeed a millionaire (achieved entirely on his Senate paycheck, no less), then they bitched about people having more than one home, before they discovered Bernie has three. Now it’s term limits and no more 80 year old representatives UNLESS IT’S LORD BERNARD OF SANDERS.


Don’t forget about the large salary his wife made as president of that Vermont college she bankrupted.


Vermont still can’t get him to do anything for Vermonters.

A Proud Infidel®™

Bernie Sanders is at least fifty times more worthless than foam rubber lips on a Woodpecker.

Green Thumb

Much like Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics).

Daisy Cutter

I survived 9-11. I was 678 miles away, but I survived. Let’s not cheapen my experience.

Last edited 14 days ago by Daisy Cutter

Or 5.4% of half of the earth’s circumference.
I was 100 miles away from NYC, ergo I was 6.8 times more effected.

Please, the applause isn’t necessary.


You poor soul…


I remember there was a twitter account supposedly belonging to another student that put him on blast for this. Then other students joined in agreeing, saying he was full of shit and always a weirdo based on posts he made elsewhere (looked like Reddit since they put up the screenshots.) Hogg-Boi was tagged in all of the twitter posts and replies but never replied or attempted to challenge them himself. It was really interesting how many showed up to say he was a piece of shit and a liar.


Little David Piglet wants to kick some ass?


Those dainty little wrists and rabbit’s ass make a darling little poster boi for the DNC.

Reich’s Field Marshal Supreme Timmy and Little Dave are otherwise known as The Reach Around Brothers.

A Proud Infidel®™

He has an Alligator mouth and a Hummingbird ass.


A dainty little thing, for sure.


This would be more humorous if it wasn’t just so tiresome.

This country needs statesmen, and for that to happen we need cauldrons of vigorous debate, the vetting of ideas to their logical outcomes.

Instead we have the leadership of one party looking like a glam-over slumberparty that is turning into a fart huffing contest. Don’t worry assclowns, you’ll all get gold medals.

Does the DuhEnSee even have mirrors to gaze upon the enemy within?


Yeah, Fook that guy.

Green Thumb


I am waiting for his head to rotate.


Good lord. I have empathy for the guy but wow. The Democratic Party is rudderless.


I ain’t even sure they’ve got a boat.


Their boat is attempting to go upstream in a specific creek without a propulsion device.


specific = septic?

RGR 4-78

Garbage scow.


Seems like the Titanic…

RGR 4-78

Reflagged as the SS Pedofelony.


They are not “rudderless,” Hogg-boi is supposedly quite addept at the double-Dutch rudder when he gets his pantifa crew together.


Damn rgr,I should have scrolled down further before commenting.. should have guessed someone would already have pointed that out..


Not true ETC, it seems they’re well equipped with a Dutch rudder…


Rudderless??? I thought they had a bunch of Dutch Rudders on board.


And to quote….and edit….

 ….” NOW it was serious. A double-Dutch Rudders-dare. What else was there but a “triple dare you”? And then, the coup de grace of all dares, the sinister triple-Dutch Rudders-dare….”

” I TRIPLE-Dutch Rudders-dare ya!”

[narrating]  “Fyrfighter created a slight breach of etiquette by skipping the triple dare and going right for the throat!”


But, but I think the triple-Dutch Rudder dare requires a crew of six to carry out. What if your PAntifa squad only has a total of five in the mom’s basement of the Moonbat? Mission failure! Maybe some of you guys are Mensa members in the New Math and can figure out a solution. I only know old math.

Hack Stone

Anyone see the directions from the stage when they “chose” their new leadership. “You can vote for any two candidates, but one must be a woman and one binary.” Something like that, too confusing. The only way that they can tell what gender the attendees are is do they stand or sit when taking a whizz.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Sign above a mens urinal, “Napolian stood here and pulled his Boneapart”


Yup, absolutely hilarious. The dude was totally confused about how they could be “inclusive” all their imaginary genders of the delusional multiple genders in the voting. No wonder Hogg-boi was elected; I am sure he is gender confused.


Ah, Democrats…
comment image?1715873044


DNC…and the DemonCraps…..

  1. Keep it up
  2. You suck and you can’t even SEE you suck and you are just going to ignore what brought Trump into power AGAIN?!?!?
  3. and I quote….
A Proud Infidel®™

Come to think of it, JUST WHERE is the big badass pillow company ‘lil Davie Hoggie SAID that he was going to build that was going to put My Pillow out of business? Yeah, all talk. Come to think of it, IMO David Hogg is less masculine than RuPaul and Liberace!


His sister knows but she’s not going tell anyone.


He realized he had no fucking clue how to start up and run a business — so he “backed out” and turned over the business plan/model to the agency he teamed up with to create it. Since then the idea must have been taken out back and quietly put out of its misery.

The kid’s an idiot. His own peers have said it — he’s a total human shit statue.

Last edited 13 days ago by Deckie