Matt Ott presents your money to veteran
You folks made the news last night in York, Pennsylvania. For those of you who don’t know the story, 13-year-old Matthew Ott operated a lemonade stand every year to raise money for deserving veterans. Matt did that in memory of his mother who had passed away while he was still a baby. Matt has given ten thousand dollars or so over the years. This last veterans day, he gave $2000 to Nate Fornwalt, who told wild-ass stories and played the crazy vet role to the hilt. Don Shipley discovered the story and wrote us about it. Last month, some of you decided that we needed to reach out to Matt, and since Fornwalt wouldn’t return the money, we decided to replace that two grand.
So TAH took up the money and we sent it to Matt last week. Here’s the news report;
We can’t stop the phonies from doing what they do, but we can help some of the victims where we can. Good job, dickweeds.
Oh, by the way, Matt is disabled by a rare medical condition.
Category: Administrative
Bravo Zulu to Matt Ott and his Dad. Honorary veterans in my book! Wish more parents were raising more kids like Matt.
The thing the phonies never get right. Veterans, regardless of which service they were in, stick together.
Kinda like the “blue wall” although I think we as a group can be much, much worse 🙂
Good job to all those who helped out. It should take some of the bile out of our mouths after Chris Duke and his dumba** apology.
Forgot to add.
Good morning TaH!
That is all. 🙂
Good to see it done right.
An admirable young man, this Matthew Ott! Thank you for your kindness and generosity.
And Nate Pornwart can die in a fire.
Rock on, TAH. Rock on.
Why is it that the humblest among us always stand so tall? This young man could have done anything else with that money instead he uses it to help those who defend the Republic. I say this about those who serve, however it applies to this young man as well: I pray we may be worthy.BRAVO ZULU Matthew! BRAVO ZULU to the members of this blog as well!
Damn, the kids going to go places I think with that kind of drive. Glad to see these types are still around.