What will it take?
I’m sure you’ve all read the great post at HotAir from Mary Katherine Hamm, Ed Morrissey and Glen Benson entitled the “Comprehensive Argument Againt Barack Obama” which is very long and very convincing argument against barack Obama as the Presidential choice of any party. Yesterday, Michelle Malkin posted her syndicated column on her blog entitled “The increasingly erratic, super-gaffetastic Joe Biden“. In both of those pieces, the underlying premise is that if these two were Republicans, the media would have shamed them into withdrawing months ago.
Well, Ramesh Ponnuru tries to make the same point this morning in the Washington Post – inevitably falling on deaf ears.
I don’t think that the double standard in the coverage is purely a function of liberal-media or inside-Washington bias. But whatever the reasons for it, the double standard exists–and the press ought to be tougher on Senator Biden.
P.S. Biden also proposed sending $200 million, “no strings attached,” to Iran after September 11. Ever hear about that? Didn’t think so.
The comments to Ponnuru’s piece run from the totally insane to the merely ludicrous. here’s a sample from The Baseball Guy;
ALL we know about Palin is what she says in appearances – we have no history to look at. Biden has been a US Senator for 25+ years, and chair of the Foriegn Relations Committee for a long time. We know something about his ability to seriously grasp issues before the American people. Agree with his positions or disagree with them, he has substantian history on the national stage. Palin has none. Hence the difference in coverage. Maybe after Palin has served in a serious capacity for 28 years she will have earned enough credibility with the press to get a pass once in a whle as well.
But the general theme is that Joe Biden has all of this experience, whereas Sarah Palin has none. Let me say this about Joe Biden’s so-called experience. Joe Biden has been consistently wrong for 35 years. How is that experience? How is that admirable? Because he’s such a dumbass and he’s managed to fool Delaware voters into returning him six times to the Senate? He was wrong about deployment of missiles to Europe (which led to the defeat of the Soviet Union) He was wrong about support for the Contras in Nicaragua and the Salvadoran government (which led to the failures of communists in the area).
Joe Biden was wrong on every single foreign policy issue since he went to the Senate, and yet he’s said to have all of this experience. His experience was at being wrong, you doofuses. What imbecile would carry the standard of a consistently wrong imbecile? Is the Left so empty of experienced people, that the best guy they have is the biggest dumbass to ever come to Washington?
Category: Politics
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