Moran seeks pay raise for Congress

| April 4, 2014

Moran the inebriated sot

Regulars here at This Ain’t Hell are more than aware that military retirees and disabled veterans have been under the gun when it comes to what we earned as far as benefits go. From as far back as 2009 when this administration tried to make us buy our own health insurance to cover our pre-existing conditions which are the result of our unflinching service to the country, Congress and the White House have focused on hiking our healthcare costs and cutting the meager pay and benefits we earned.

Well, that inebriated sot, James Moran, Democrat congressman from northern Virginia has decided that those same Congressmen who want to penalize us for believing them, deserve more pay, according to Roll Call;

Virginia Democrat James P. Moran said he plans to highlight the injustice by introducing an amendment to the Legislative Branch bill during its full committee markup, and at floor consideration of the bill. Moran made the comments while the bill that funds member’s $174,000 salaries was being marked up in the Legislative Branch subcommittee.

“I think the American people should know that the members of Congress are underpaid,” Moran told CQ Roll Call. “I understand that it’s widely felt that they underperform, but the fact is that this is the board of directors for the largest economic entity in the world.”

Says the guy who has a shorter commute to his home than most people who work in DC – a quick drive over the 14th Street Bridge into his district. Congressman, who work three days a week when they’re not on weeks-long “breaks” only gets paid $174,000/year – if they did that for 52 weeks (and they don’t) it figures out to $139/hour. When I lived in DC, I did just fine making $10/hour when I started at my government job. In fact, every time I got a pay raise, that extra went into savings, so I lived on that same $10/hour for the ten years that I lived in the DC Metro area.

But, yeah, cut the pay of veterans while you’re trying to raise your own pay – that doesn’t look greedy at all. Of course, Moran is retiring this year, so he’s leading this charge so no one who needs to win an election this year will look hypocritical.

Category: Congress sucks, Veterans Issues

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Wow, just wow. Maybe he’d like a Soldier’s commute of 5,000-15,000 miles to go to “work” for our piddly paycheck.

This is why everyone of those schmucks (all 536 of them) needs to be fired and sent home without a pension or retirement benefits like they voted themselves over the years.


Hey, fine wine(cheese & call girls?)is expensive doncha know…FNC reported yesterday that D.C. guzzles more wine (way more)than any other American city.


Yeah, because they “work” so hard? Fuck them, with pineapples, sideways.

Old Trooper

Hey!! It’s very hard work trying to fuck over the people of this country! I mean, you have to try and cover some of your transgressions. Of course, when you have a d behind your name, you don’t even bother trying to cover any of your crap, because you will get reelected, anyway.


Very true, John Conyers D-Hellhole, is a prime example. He runs, and those folks who have saddled us with Detroit keep electing his ignorant ass.

Farflung Wanderer

If you are a politician, you shouldn’t be paid. I don’t care if that means that the government pays for living essentials, but they shouldn’t be paid.

It’s a service, not a job.

Climb to Glory

What a worthless piece of shit. Yeah, you guys are board members of the largest economic entity in the world. You dipshits do a great job of killing the largest economic entity in the world. If you idiots were real board members or CEOs in the private sector you’d all have shitcanned. Congressman Moran, choke yourself.


Wait, you boardmembers spent $1.7 Trillion more than you took in? You’re fired!!!!
We can only hope.


Did this come from the Duffel Blog? Wait…He’s serious!? He can’t be…What a nut sack


If Moran is so concerned about where other House and Senate members are sleeping, maybe the speakers of both chambers can contact the post commanders at Belvoir, Quantico, and Andrews. I’m sure that they could scrounge up something in the NCO barracks for them, and they could just pay the equivalent of a single E-5’s BAH for the DC area. They seem to be willing to send a litany of other Congressional requirements to the military staffs. He’s an asshat.


$139 per hour eh. Not a bad job if you can get it. My money says…and I’m giving two to one odds on this…that this increase passes through Congress faster than shit through a goose.

Pinto Nag

Moran, any other economic entity that had a board of directors that functioned like you do would be bankrupt and under investigation by the IRS. And very possibly the FBI.



Good luck with that, Pinto Nag. The guy represents a district in NoVA (Arlington and surrounding area) that’s overwhelmingly populated with libidiots, many of whom don’t have more than 1 or 2 working brain cells. IMO, he could get caught on video boinking an underage, disabled midget in the Capitol parking garage while wearing a KKK robe and singing the praises of Osama bin Laden, Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Zedong and he’d still get re-elected.

I just wish he’d quit replacing the 2nd letter “O” in his last name with an “A”.

Pinto Nag

Well, that answers the question of why he is where he is, at any rate.

They’ll continue feathering their nest until the tree catches fire, then they’ll fly away to a more comfortable climate.

Here’s wishing that all the extra money they vote themselves may be used paying doctor’s bills.


I would really like to see their pay indexed to the national median income- even if they set it at double the national median it would be way less than it is now.


I’d much rather see their pay indexed to what an E-1 makes.

Noisy Outlaw 6

Would someone close to DC please shoot this ignorant ass. Those 535 assholes have fucked this country for years and they want more of our money? Isn’t the graft enough for them? What fucking gall.


Meh, coke/hooker habits are expensive.

The Other Whitey

He makes $174 Grand a year? And he says he’s underpaid?

How about some comparison here.

He works…what? Not even 40 hours per week. I work 72, not including mandatory overtime. He can and does get away with leaving early, showing up late, or just not coming in at all. If I don’t come in to work, I’d better be in the hospital or else it’s my ass. I frequently get held on when my relief calls in sick, or there’s significant fire activity, or the wind blows, or I’ve been sent to a campaign fire 400 miles from where I live and work.

I accrue vacation time every year, but I need to get prior approval from my battalion chief to burn any of it. Anything I do while off comes out of my pocket. He can take any trip he wants any time he wants, all expenses paid by We The People.

My job involves significantly increased risk of every kind of cancer and heart disease known to man, plus exposure to stuff like HIV, hepatitis-A through Z, tuberculosis, meningitis, lots of other things ending in -itis. Then of course there’s the outside chance of death or grievous injury. The biggest risk he faces is catching chlamydia from his underage intern.

So he makes $174K for what he does, or really doesn’t do. My best year with literally several months of overtime got me…$101k. And that’s for a firefighter.

Maybe Congressman Assdouche would like a further comparison. Instead of comparing his job with mine, lets use a job with more risk and less pay than mine, like a private patrolling in Afghanistan, or an airman loading explosives onto jets in 125-degree heat, or a seaman on a flight deck. They work a lot longer hours than I do, are a lot more likely to be hurt or killed, and get paid a lot less than me.

If Moron–excuse me–Moran wants more money, he can suck it out of my dick. Fuck this asslicking, sister-fucking, cocksucking, livestock-raping rat-bastard sack of snake shit.


I wasted a good part of my drink when I read “The biggest risk he faces is catching chlamydia from his underage intern.” Your last paragraph summarizes how I feel, too, Whitey, nicely done.