“Serious” job summit
So this morning, I notice in my news feeder that the top story is about Obama holding a job summit in Florida with State governors, a fed governor, one small business owner and one CEO. The first thing I thought was “how can Obama talk about creating jobs when he’s never had one?” My second thought was “how can Obama talk about creating jobs when his vice presidential running mate can’t even count the number of letters in the word?”
OK, the second one was me being facetious but the first one has more relevence. And who does he invite? Only one or two of those people ever had to make a payroll – the rest are vested in the government “solutions” that only tend to make the situation worse (ask Joe the Plumber). But then that’s what Obama believes in. His only experience is in community organizing (which depends on government grants and funding) and government.
He stripped off his jacket at the “summit” like he was getting down to work…but what work? Talking about the government creating jobs. The guy who wants to tax corporations and successful small businesses is talking about government creating jobs. Does he think his new taxes won’t affect those businesses’ hiring and firing? Those 5% he plans on taxing so he can redistribute it in the form of a $500 check to the dregs on the street without jobs.
McClatchy’s Miami Herald called it a “serious” summit, but it was nothing more than theater designed to make it look like Obama cares about working class people, those same people he calls bitter. Want to see what working class people think about Obama see the Tito the construction worker confront David Corn at Hot Air.
Category: Politics