Gary Farmer Jr. – Fake Green Beret / Special Forces reports on a a Gary Farmer Jr. who has been presenting himself as an ex-Green Beret and Delta Force Operator.
False Claims of Military Service Raise Concerns Over Cocoa Resident’s Actions
December 31, 2024
Allegations of stolen valor and professional misrepresentation have surfaced against Cocoa resident Gary Farmer Jr. (also known as Alden Farmer, Alden Farmer Jr., Gary Farmer, and Gary Farmer Jr.).
The accusations come from a local business, Steel Hammer Roofing, who reported that Farmer falsely claimed to be a decorated, retired Green Beret despite having no record of military service.
According to the business owner, Farmer has used fabricated credentials over the past five years to advance his career in the roofing industry, this includes his most recent position at Platinum Roofing.
Farmer allegedly posed as an 18 Bravo (Special Forces Weapons Sergeant), even applying to a Service-Disabled Combat Veteran Owned roofing company with falsified military background information.
The allegations extend beyond military claims. Farmer is accused of misrepresenting himself as an inspector, contractor, and business owner of companies such as Steel Hammer Roofing, Can-Am Roofing, and Allan Vigil Ford in Georgia.
The business owner stated that Farmer often attended sales meetings wearing a green beret, displayed a tattoo resembling Delta Force insignia, and purchased military-style clothing to bolster his fraudulent persona.
Court documents from 2019 show Farmer didn’t have the Delta tattoo then, indicating that Farmer added the Delta tattoo to his forearm after moving to Florida to further his false claims.
Brandon Human, owner of local business Steel Hammer Roofing, stated, “Gary came to us, knowing we are a veteran-owned business, and targeted us by falsely claiming he was also a combat veteran who had seen war. In reality, his military experience stops at movies and Google searches for information.”
“In reality, his military experience stops at movies and Google searches for information.” Come on, now. They shouldn’t minimalize an AMC Movie Theater commando… some of the best and brightest POSers come from this lineage. (AMC = Almost Made Corporal)
There is plenty of fake paperwork (including signatures) over in the article.
There are a lot of ways to go with this one…
- Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs
- Reap what you sow, Farmer
====================== EDIT – ADDED VIDEOS ======================
In this video, supplied by one of our very own ninjas, displayed are Farmer’s military documents and certificates.
In this video, also supplied by one of our very own ninjas, Farmer claims to be a “Tier One Operator” at the 42 second mark.
Category: Army Poser, Delta Force, Green Beret, Valor Vultures
Ahh, a Green Bidet with the perfect credentials to join the team at APL alongside Phil Monkress, the world famous phony SEAL!
Look at that salute. The tips of his fingers is like in the middle of his forehead. Maybe I’m knit-picking. That’s the salute of some shit-bird slacker who doesn’t give a flying fuck and NOT the salute of a squared away trooper. I expect my Green Berets/Delta Operators to have all their shit-in-one-sock and NOT be mistaken for Joe Shit The Rag Man.
I agree with you HT3, AND Gary Farmer Jr. also takes his place alongside Turd Bolling of Ambassador Worldwide
That would be Thomas “Turd” Bolling of Ambassador Worldwide Protection Agency. You know to ensure that you have the complete name so that he gets the recognition that he needs and deserves.
Thomas “Turd” Bolling of Ambassador Worldwide Protection Agency needs his respect.
His reputation is earned, never given. For the newer Adorable Deplorable Garbage who joined this gang of miscreants after Thomas “Turd” Bolling’s thread, check out the Yelp reviews for Ambassador Worldwide Protection Agency.
It’s almost as bad as a salute from a medical corps officer.
Yeah, that “salute” reminds me of some I saw at our first Pay Call in Basic!
You got paid in Basic Training?
Yup. “Private NAME reporting for pay.”
Were you granted liberty to redistribute your meager pay to the single unwed mothers working heir way through medical school by “exotically dancing”?
Mmmmyeah, the first one I asked “Why do you dance?” replied “to feed my kids” to me, and the next time I went there I got my ass kicked by the Bouncers and thrown out for putting baby food on the stage while she danced!
Hack, we got to watch tv in boot camp at Parris Island! Yup. DI Sgt. Mazenko told us that we were a good bunch of MFers one evening while in formation right after evening chow. He told us that when we got back to the squad bay that he would let us watch tv. When we got back, he formed us up in a school circle and then rolled in a tv on one of those AV carts. The cord was still wrapped around the back of the tv when he told us to get into pushup position and ordered us to watch tv. I still crack up today every time I think of that one. LMAO.
The first time I was payroll officer in my company in Germany, I was shocked when the finance clerk at BK took those stacks of greenbacks and Deutschmarks and put them in a plain brown paper grocery sack and handed it to me. I put the sack on the front seat next to my loaded 1911A1 and drove back to Mainz-Gonsonheim. I always used my POV, as I thought I was less conspicuous. I am still amazed no one ever tried to rob our payrolls.
In paying out the cash on one occasion, I found a counterfeit $20 dollar bill. You won’t believe the hassle I went through over that; had to give a transcribed statement under oath that I found it in my payroll, and I wasn’t passing counterfeit money.
PV2 D found a Nork propaganda leaflet on CP Humphreys in 1988. Turned it into the S2 like a good Soldier. Spent the next day getting grilled by MI investigators. See if you can guess what happened the next time I saw one…
Someone called my mailroom (Fort Stewart, Georgia ) late one evening, speaking what was probably Cantonese. Our S2 acted like I was an early Christmas present. He had several foreign language speakers over to quiz me.
About the same time frame, reported a car with SMLM license plates across the street from our kaserne (the vicinity of which was restricted to them) looking at it with binoculars. Dutifully called the hotline to report it; they could have cared less.
Every two weeks!
First thing I said was “that’s a shitty-ass salute.”
That not a salute. Looks more like he’s blocking the sun out of his eyes. Can’t salute if you don’t know how. He should have watched more Gomer Pyle shows.
What I said in book of face, “ Well, that photo of him saluting like he’s scouting for Indians is called 100% a giant clue!
Tell me that you were never in the military and I’ve never had to salute for real in your life without telling me . 😬🙄”
Yep, to that:
So they did a modern follow-on to “F Troop”?
@HT3, I see you mentioned squared away. was the words AJ Squared away used while you were serving????
Forgot to add in was,,, AJ phuckin squared away also used ???
There two types of sailors:
1-AJ Squared Away
2-Joe Shit the Rag Man
Thanks HT3
A Proud Infidel@,
Credentials? Documents? Fake certs?
ADMINS – You have email. 🙂
ADMINS – 2 emails. 🙂 🙂
Is he a decent roofer, at least?
Nail gun Rambo.
My Senco Air nailer has killed a lot of insects, frogs and mice. It’s fairly accurate out to 5’.
Where are these clowns? Mumbai?
Seams (sp) the Amish have taken over the roofing business
around here over the last few decades. Everything is metal
now with the most popular color being green.
Still a few shingles or shakes outfits and even a guy that does
slate but this poser article gave me an idea for a company name:
“undercover roofing”
Good one!
He’s not even a roofer. He just sells roofs and calls himself a roofer. He has an email address of His company name registered with in Florida is The Roof Guru.
Probably put more time into being a poser.
“Court documents from 2019” ???
More to this shit sundae up in Jawjy / Georgia,
since they had to do the full body search, to document all his tats.
Worse, it’s likely something bad enough,
that made him want to GTFO of Georgia
(after he got out of jail, perhaps?),
and blend in somewhere (else), like Flaw-ida / Florida.
I found Gary Farmer Jr.’s (Fake Green Beret / Special Forces) military experience. He is the guy facing the viewer.
I just found 3 Books of the Fake accounts.
There may be more.
This 1 is most recently active, with the most pics and photos.
Clearly white-washed, likely recently.
Still up …
Harleys – check
Weapons – check
Targets with centers blown out – check
Dogs with vests – check
Military and veteran memes with “WE” – check
Bonus –
Why is “Alden Farmer” using the wifey Melissa’s account
on the Book of the Fake for all this?
Also, is wifey (now) aware that she married a con man phony?
She is fully aware. She’s seen the court documents stating he isn’t a veteran. She’s just as guilty.
H C,
A “Phony Enabler” wifey,
riding the phony pony of glory into the sunset?
(She’s not the 1st.)
This won’t end well for her, either.
In this unrelated case of a Phony Green Beret,
on the west coast, heaped with unearned high value medals, the VFW Post, then the state VFW Department, took action, challenge, letters, removal as Post Commander, and removal from Post to member “at large” status, since he is actually a Vietnam Veteran.
I did some digging on the fallout, found the VFW Post’s page on the Book of the Fake, and the wife DIVORCED him over his lying, phonying, and Stolen Valor, finalized just weeks ago.
Perhaps Melissa Farmer needs to see the above.
So what if they have to have a Harley, but for the love of all that is good, WHY da-fuck do they have to involve a dog in their con games? I view that in the same way I do homeless using dogs to con people out of more money.
Yes, his current wife is WELL AWARE. I was married to him prior to her…. Unfortunately. A real nightmare.
My sympathies to you.
and glad that you woke up and got away.
I half expected to see a certificate of some sort from the G I. Joe Team in the video clip above.
He moved down to Florida to start a new life because he had already been caught in Georgia for cashing checks under other’s names, violence (probably from the roids) and pretending to be a veteran when he wasn’t. As soon as he got here, he got the delta tattoo and continued that story.
Hi HC this is correct! This is his ex Camille M from Georgia. He never claimed to be in the military when I was married to him because he knew I would have told him he was a damn nut. He cheated on me lied over and over and became violent. He was alienating me from my friends and family. He ordered lots of t-shirts from Amazon that were “military” type tshirts but that’s it. After he threatened to have me killed I demanded he leave my house. So he did. That was in October of 2016. He then went to Florida and moved in with his parents then moved to Vidalia where he met his next victim Melissa Humphrey. Lied to her and she bought it then began to create a fake life and got ran out of Vidalia, GA and tried to live in a few other cities in Georgia then back in Florida and the rest is history. Keep him there! GEORGIA does not want him back!!
I took the liberty of editing your post for privacy reasons.
What a loser.
Good on you from getting away from this ass clown when you did.
I would not sweat it.
I imagine he has returned back to All-Points Logistics at this point.
“After he threatened to have me killed I demanded he leave my house”
Good for you for keeping a roof over your head.
Scared the shit out of me. I stayed calm then when he went to the bathroom I fled to my parents home. He called about 4 hours later and asked when I was coming home. Told him I wasn’t and to LEAVE ASAP!!
Sounds like he is afflicted with HCS (Heavy Chevy Syndrome). Has he ever eaten a 5 pound block of cheese in one evening? Did he move in with you, convince you to give him access to your savings, checking and credit card accounts, then blamed you when the utilities were turned off and the eviction notices started?
Oh DAY-UM, another “Blobfish”?
What a piece of sh*t! Ya notice on the employment app he listed the reason for leaving the roofing company as “lied too”. Maybe it was he lied too much? Everybody wants to be a Green Bay-Rhett til it’s time to do Green Beret things. I think the only green beret he should wear comes with a little green sash and a license to sell over priced cookies. May his next duty station be at the BTJ&T Deli as Rambutt, 1st Booty.
Shall we add to his inherwebz fame by deploying the Vaunted TAH As(s)teroid of Insults on the lying POS, NOT a Veteran, NOT a Green Beret, Gary A. (Plow me deeply) Farmer, Jr?
Can I get a SECOND and an AYE?
Cleared hot, TRP 1 thru 3.
ChipNASA to the white courtesy phone…ChipNASA you have a call waiting…
We have a motion a SECOND (cleared hot) a 2nd SECOND (just to insure clarification, Thanks Lil’ Bro) and an AYE!, therefore reaching the prescribed requirements for a deployment of the TAH “As(s)teroid of Insults”. FIRE MISSION FIRE MISSION FIRE MISSION…Weapons Free, I say again…WEAPONS FREE…you ARE cleared HOT, expend all ordnance on the lying POS Gary A. Farmer Jr.
I. AM. On. It!!!
Be back shortly.
(Very difficult to deploy the AoI from a phone)
ARE YOU using that damned outdated Red Hat Software yet again?
OK My KoB Bro and all of you…..
I dutifully present to you…..
The Gary Farmer Jr. Memorial The As(s)teroid of Insults®™ (linky at the bottom )
Gary Farmer (The only thing this Farmer harvests is tons of dicks which he allegedly, hoards for his own consumption ), HEY DICKLESS (SUPER Dickless) WONDER, (“Yes, it’s true this man has no dick!” …**HT to Ghostbusters**) We all hope you read this and come back here and try to defend your actions, but, you won’t because, YOU’RE A STRAIGHT UP COWARD, </b>,You are not a Green Beret, but more like a nice Brown and Green BIDET (h/t to AW1Ed,
For those of you who have never seen this, the aforementioned and requested, by Blog member vote, The As(s)teroid of Insults®™, is a 15 page compilation of insults and the like that have been compiled over the years from this Blog and its members (myself included) and the internet.
IT. IS. extremely NSFW and very not politically correct.
Enjoy the link at your own risk. :D
ROFLOL! TY! I could not stop!
Kob, wept. If one hasn’t hit the linky…one should. Someone with Fake Book, Ticky Tocky, or Linky Innie should post this on his page.
You were on Target, Chimpy…BDA 100/100. A certain World Famous Chorus had this to say…
I knew I had to do the green beret stuff when it was time to jump off the lowered ramp of an EC-130 in the dark of night at 1000 feet over southern Germany. Worst jump I ever made. I could have pussed out cuz I had a sprained ankle, but we completed the UW mission even though I had to hobble around for the four weeks of the exercise, Flintlock IV.
“The business owner stated that Farmer often attended sales meetings wearing a green beret, displayed a tattoo resembling Delta Force insignia, and purchased military-style clothing to bolster his fraudulent persona.”
Because that’s what legitimate vets do… I can’t speak for everyone, but I wear my black beret to show off my elite status as a Shinseki Warrior, have a tattoo of the two Gold Stars for my Recruiter Badge (just the stars, details of what it took to earn the badge itself are Above Top Secret-Shammer Eyes Only), and wear my PT shorts and a sleeveless combat shirt daily.
All sarc, of course. I don’t see the point in advertising one’s service, especially if you claim to be something “special”. I’ll throw on a PT shirt out of laziness or wear a pair of pant and boots for yard work, but that’s about it.
I wear my polypro and shower shoes to Walmart.
Uniform of the day is jockstrap, pile cap, low quarters, and a light coat of breakfree. Socks are optional.
It’s 2025. That specification is rather tame by today’s standards
UNIFORM OF THE DAY has been changed to shower shoes, PT Socks, PT Belt, CLP and camo paint!
OK, fucktard as I was reading through yours I got the most comical fucking Visual starting with jockstrap.
Speaking of … can’t get by us Air Force guys for doing absolutely unbelievably stupid shit, and thank God there is no or very little photographic evidence of me doing shit when I was a wee airman
***** THIS. IS. NOT. ME!!! *****
Airman Directs Jets in His Underwear
Full Imgur link with all the photos, but I’ll just post one here
Uuuuhmyeah, how do we know that for sure?🤣😁😎😂
I wasn’t retarded enough on the ASVAB to rate being assigned to MX. (or SECFO, for that matter) 😀
What, no camo paint? LAME!
Merritt Island is less than an hour away so I can only imagine this gut has roofed All-Points Logistics in the past.
I can also see the False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress fast tracking and approving his contract.
My top drawer has Fire Dept tee shirts
bottom drawer has all US Navy tee shirts
right top drawer has Fire Dept Sleevless tee shirts
and US Navy sleeveless tee shirts
bottom drawer has Politicaly incorrect tee shirts and
1950’s vocal group harmony tee shirts and now called
That leaves more than one unnacounted for drawers.
Just sayin….
Fruit of the loom Drawers are on the top drawer next to the FD tees and socks are on the bottom drawer next to the US Navy tees
Did you see that Brenton Wood died yesterday?
One, two, one, two, three
Oogum, oogum, boogum, boogum
Boogum now, baby, you’re castin’ your spell on me
I say, “Oogum, oogum, boogum, boogum
Boogum now, baby, you’re castin’ your spell on me”
You got me doin’ funny things like a clown
Just look at me
When you wear your high heeled boots with your hip hugger suit
It’s all right, you’re outta sight
And you wear that cute mini skirt with your brother’s sloppy shirt
I admit it, girl, that I can dig it
Well, then I says
Oogum, oogum, boogum, boogum
Boogum now, baby, you’re castin’ your spell on me
I say, “Oogum, oogum, boogum, boogum
Boogum now, baby, you’re castin’ your spell on me”
You got me doin’ funny things like a clown
Just look at me
When you wear your bell bottom pants
I just stand there in a trance
I can’t move, you’re in the groove
Would you believe, little girl, that I am crazy ’bout you
Now go on with your bad self (lyrics oogum boogum song brenton wood)
I heard it mentioned on the radio yesterday
Ah, “special”… as in burnin’ rubber on:
IMHO that Bus ain’t short enough for him.
Yes, he belongs on the very short bus, with flavored windows specifically designed for semi-retarded POSer POS’s of his ilk.
My beret from the SP’s has been sitting on a shelf for 50 years. Never saw a need to wear it after service. I see people wear berets from time to time and wonder why you would wear a hat that is so uncomfortable to wear unless you had too.
The current version of combat boots appear to be pretty decent. My brother wears them when he’s working on the range, he’s retired navy, and says that they are very comfortable.
Have been wearing the jungle boot in coyote brown myself (though, yes, they are more modern versions out there) and I concur.
Still wearing them myself. Reebok makes an excellent safety toe version, kinda like sneakers with ankle support.
The badassery runs deep with this one.
Daisy Cutter,
IF he has a daughter (Farmer’s Daughter),
hopefully we can get a comment from her.
Music break time – Part humor, part rock history.
Early Beach Boys,
with Brian Wilson falsetto and group vocal harmonies at their finest.
Katy the farmer’s daughter? That’s a throwback? Anyone remember that show?
I do. It starred my all-time actress sweetie, Inger Stevens.
It was on from 63 to 66, back when we couldn’t afford to have a TV, so we kids had to watch the neighbor’s TV from outside looking in through the front room window. /s/
Before color TV
Color TV? That’s racist!
The roof just fell in…
That’s the roof, the whole roof, and nothing but the roof.
He can’t handle the roof!
Georgia’s own…
I gots something she can knock the rust offen.
She plays for the other team. Saw a YouTube video of her explaining the creation of the song and it indeed “tin roof, rusted”. She runs bed and breakfast down in Georgia with her wife.
Another pic uncovered by Steel Hammer Roofing,
on their December 21 post on the Book of the Fake.
[ Delta tattoo on his forearm which was freshly put on after moving to Florida ]
Phony Farmer has been busy on the Tock of the Tick / TikTok.
Can anyone root out more of these???
The only steel hammer is the one that just got dropped in his two-hole.
Steel Hammer sounds like a gay porno series. Not that Hack would know, just saying…
This is gayer than, well, nothing actually, this is the GAYEST THING EVER…On Your Knees…really?!?!? OK Gary.
I think he’s trying too hard in certain manner:
He put the roof on the Blue Oyster. No joke.
Lol Almost Made Corporal. When my car still worked, I met a Corporal for the first time doing Uber Eats for the soldiers at Fort Carson. He was pulling security at one of the gates and he absolutely hated his job.
Anyway, “Mr.” Farmer, you are a douchnozzle. May your career fail and have to move again.
Hey AH, unrelated, but since you mentioned your vehicle, if you need a recommendation on a shop, I’ve got a couple down your way that I have experience with that’d do you right..
Thanks Fyrfighter. I do appreciate that. The mechanic I used to diagnose my vehicle quoted $1,300 for the blown head gasket. My mom thinks I can maybe give him a down payment to fix it so I can get back to Ubering. Problem is I’m still pretty strapped for cash and my money issues will not be resolved until February (when I get a full payment of BAH for school and I can try reapplying for FAFSA).
What kind of engine are you dealing with, if I may ask?
4-cylinder 2.4 L Multiair. Transverse mounted.
Please report him to the FBI, so he can finally spend time behind bars as he deserves
The fan belt inspectors won’t be interested in him unless he was in the DC area on J6 or you have evidence he is a white, conservative Catholic.
Or if you have concrete evidence that he has prayed in front of an abortion clinic.
He is on the fast track for Executive Mentoring Program at All Points Logistics. Phil Monkress will keep him on the payroll for “special assignments”.
Probably already there.
Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) could not let this type of talent fall by the wayside.
And Lori Benton looks on….
Have any employees of All points Logistics asked why for years the company website prominently mentioned Phil Monkress’ military service as a US Navy SEAL, then one day, poof, it disappeared like the personal pronouns on the Congressional web page of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?
How about the Native American heritage that the bogus USN SEAL Phil Monkress alleged to have in order to cut in line via DEI, does he still claim to have that?
See above.
You beat me to it. But be careful, he will call you up and tell you he is a Reserve Officer with the county Sheriff’s Department and will come out of state to pick you up.
(On a side note – I told him to pick me up a few Phildo burgers and a side of lies when he did it. He did not take it very well but hey, large amounts of cocaine and looking over your shoulder at who calls you out next will do that to you).
Along with his Native American heritage.
Phil Monkress needs to mix some more “Instant Indian” pills in his morning coffee….
At this point I guess everyone was an 18B at some point in their life.
Please, please please Mrs. Farmer, come on this site and defend his claims, and tell us how he wakes up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat and screaming from the flashbacks of the things that he saw and did.
He showed up to a sales meeting just a few months ago, started talking about how he watched his buddy get shot and killed in front of him while on deployment. He’s an absolutely disgusting individual.
WHAT is the worst thing that has ever happened to George Farmer Jr, did he run out of Cheetos while watching “Pro-Wrasslin”?
Well, that time he was on the receiving end of the Glory Hole where he had to wait ten minutes for his next customer to service. Would that qualify as a traumatic event for him?
He knows a thing or two, because he saw a thing or two. //S//
IMHO George Farmer Jr. look like the kind of guy who will spend at least half a day explaining to you how the Lunar Landings were faked, and Pro Wrestling is for real.
Don’t get him started on 9/11. No way that steel beams could melt, because we all know that 30 foot steel I-Beams are extracted from the ground already formed.
Yeahyeahyeah, heat DOES NOT soften steel beams, just ask that nag from “The View”!
Wrestling isn’t real? Well fuck.
Gary Farmer Junior makes more false claims of valor before 09:00 than most posers claim all day.
He should be a farmer and work in the dell
Check the credits of the cinematic classic Barnyard Follies to see if he is in the credits.
My first tell from the pics, he doesn’t wear the beret like a pro that wears one regularly.
He get his uniform regulations from Jesse MacBeth. Speaking of which, anything new on him since he appeared on Judge Judy?
Macbeth appeared on Judge Judy? I would love to see that episode.
Set the Wayback Machine for November 2011.
I looked over the fake certificates and diplomas. He must have made a major investment in all that fake paper. The first one that struck me was the one for “Basic Combat Training.” it is has a heading for some training brigade. All my certificates from the Infantry School for the five programs I attended are headed “United States Army Infantry School” and bear the signature of the Major General who is its Commandant. My diploma for SFOC is headed “United Sates Army Institute of Military Assistance” and is signed by the Assistant Commandant.
My 2002 OSUT is in landscape with “Infantry Training Brigade” at the top and Iron Mike shadow behind the text, all others from Benning are portrait with this header (below). From what I can glean they switched that to the standard cert/diploma format in the late 50s [willing to be wrong on that].
This asshat should know every single real cert has a paper trail.
‘Funny’ paperwork story: I remember walking into Ridgway Hall to talk with a project manager for a system we were testing and I couldn’t go thru one of the side doors.
What got me was the 4 MPs standing around.
Me being the nosey prick I had to ask what was up, the MP told me in addition to the records that needed digitizing was red banner shit most likely mixed in by some pissed off PAC weenie in the 60s or 70s and some “war trophies” of unknown provenance. A couple of SFC and a Captain was supervising a work party moving the last of the records from wherever the hell they were kept to armored vans. It all had to go, yesterday.
I like to think that the cert of some average Joe Snuffy who went to Basic in 1964 went for a well-guarded ride like it was a foreign dignitary to some undisclosed secret location to gather dust in the most expensive vault outside of Knox… waiting….to be run thru a scanner by some DA civilian with shitty press-on nails, a BMI of 3EE9, and her GED hanging on the wall.
“It’s 1625 and unless you have an ah-point-mint you’re going to have to wait ’til tahmarr-ah.”
How does the Army get anything done…?
The above graphic is what appears on all my certificates and diplomas from the Benning School for Wayward Boys.
That is one sloppy ass salute even by Air Force standards, and the beret….I never earned or rated one in the Air Force and I can tell that is some shitty looking beret wearing.
I wish these ass-hats would stay out of Florida, we already have too damn many.
USAF Retired
Speaking of salutes, I have seen better from a first-week JROTC Cadet!
Been a while. Here ya go Gary, with feeling.
Ballad of the Green Bidet
Faking assholes, like this guy,
The fat slobs, who always lie.
Men who failed in every way,
Try to steal,
The Green Beret.
Unearned bling on pudgy chests,
Doo-rag and dog, check out the vest!
One hundred times, they’ll boast today,
“Believe me man,
I’m a Green Beret!”
The Internet, has found him out.
Gone his name, and his clout.
His own shit, upon his tray,
Served to him,
A Green Bidet.
Fake-ass wings, upon his chest
Half-ass to us, it is his best,
He’s a one-man shit parade,
that’s why he’s called a Green Bidet.
Beat me to it. Thanks. But he gets the whole enchilada.
Faking assholes, like this guy,
The fat slobs, who always lie.
Men who failed in every way,
Try to steal,
The Green Beret.
Unearned bling on pudgy chests,
Doo-rag and dog, check out the vest!
One hundred times, they’ll boast today,
“Believe me man,
I’m a Green Beret!”
Blowing winos, at bus stops.
Sporting Medals, like stage props,
He never earned it, but he’ll say,
“Look at me,
A Green Beret.
The Internet, has found him out.
Gone his name, and his clout.
His own shit, upon his tray,
Served to him,
A Green Bidet.
Comfort dog, at his side.
Shiny HD, for his ride.
He will pose, another day,
Because he earned,
The Green Bidet
I got to ask……Why do so many posers have pictures of themselves saluting?
Granted I have a few of me during award ceremonies and from my retirement.
But these ass-hats seem to have random pictures of themselves saluting at random times. Like saluting in their livingroom infront of their love me walls, like it legitimizes their fraud.
USAF Retired
Could you imagine if there was a recruiter for POSers?
So, you want to go Special Forces and Delta? Well, the normal pathway is a lot of work and there is no guarantee of success. [breaks out catalog] My way, you just order up your certs, buy a uniform with all the sparkles, and in one day you are an Army of One.
Or, go find a copy of the Twilight:2000 Role Playing Game, and have fun liberating Poland from the Soviets as a GB or whatever character you roll up.
Daisy Cutter,
There was 1 uncovered, not for the Army, but for the Navy.
Remember “ass kicker” JR Majewski,
who ran for Congress in Ohio, and got caught with his lies
(then claimed “classified”)
about his service in Qatar with the Air Force?
Well, JR Majewski posted about
“My Uncle Rick, a Navy SEAL who served in Vietnam”,
with a photo of Uncle Rick in Navy Recruiter gear.
And of course, Uncle Rick was NEVER a Navy SEAL,
but Richard Vearl Jones had no problem conning his family
and those around him, including young Navy recruits.
And including JR, who learned the hard way,
that he wasn’t the only phony in his family.
Rick got away with this in life,
but was exposed in death, by his own nephew JR,
who had his own game of phonying going on
in his quest for a seat in the US Congress.
“Uncle Rick” Not in SEAL-BUD/S Database
Steve Balm | September 27, 2022
Flashback –
JR Majewski’s Uncle Rick,
Navy Recruiter
Phony Navy SEAL
So you are saying that Stolen Valor is a genetic trait that runs through some families? That explains a lot.
Hack Stone,
Not necessarily.
Could be heredity.
Could be environment.
Growing up either surrounded or bombarded by persuasive bullshitting, braggadocio, tall tales, or outright lying, would do it, too.
Watch 2 professors make a $10,000 wager on this in 1935
(89 years ago) whether the 1 professor can transform
The Three Stooges into GENTLEMEN (in 3 months !).
So high-speed he qualified expert on the M-1911-A1 on 03MAR88 at Rucker then just 2 days later graduates from 198th at Benning.
No fucking wonder ‘Delta’ had to have’m
Gary Farmer Jr. has apparently never even served in the US Army, NO Official Records have ever been found of him serving.
Gary Farmer Jr. sports a salute in that picture that is worse than I have seen from a first-week JROTC Cadet!
Gary Farmer Jr. SELLS roof jobs, but can he even hammer a shingle in place?
Gary Farmer Jr. CLAIMS to have been part of the US Army Special Forces with NO record of him even going through a MEPS.
Gary Farmer Jr. is top tier APL Material.
Gary Farmer Jr. looks like a T-bird/MD20-20/Wild Irish Rose connoisseur.
Gary Farmer Jr. look like he enjoys blowing winos behind bus stops for spare change.
Gary Farmer Jr. looks like a gay Lot Lizard from a Flying J Truck Stop.
Gary Farmer Jr. claims to have been awarded the Expert badge for Hand grenade (while he looks and acts like a HAND JOB Expert).
Gary Farmer Jr. claims to have an Expert badge for the M1911 Pistol. (But can he even pick his nose without setting a fire alarm off?)
Gary Farmer Jr. claims to have been part of Delta Force with no Official records supporting it.
Gary Farmer Jr. claims to have completed the Special Forces Weapons Sergeant Course (Never heard of that!).
Gary Farmer Jr. claims to have graduated the Machine Gun Leadership Course (WTF, never heard of that either!)
Gary Farmer Jr. claims “Special Forces Parachutist” graduation at Fort Campbell (NEVER heard of that shit either!)
Gary Farmer Jr. claims “Rifle Expert” with the M4 rifle in 1989 (WHAT-DA mudda-fuck?)
*to be continued*
Gary Farmer obviously at least a thousand times more full of shit than 15 million Geese, 20 million Seagulls and ten thousand politicians.
Gary Farmer Jr. shows off “documents” of his “training” that are even less genuine than a Civil War Polyester Blanket.
Gary Farmer Jr, if you expect real Veterans to believe your line of shit, then you are at least ten thousand times nuttier than twelve thousand tons of fresh squirrel shit!
Okay Fellow Google® Point™ aficionados,
How Copy,
The only time that Gary Farmer Jr. was legitimately thanked for his service is when he filled in for Phil Monkress at the Interstate rest stop men’s room.
Gary Farmer Jr. was kicked out of the Florida Association of Shady Home Improvement Contractors for not meeting their standards.
Gary Farmer Jr. will become a full time employee of All Points Logistics as soon as he removes the door on his mailbox.
Gary Farmer Jr. saved his “battle buddy’s” life when he provided a condom for their cosplay of Brokeback Mountain.
Gary Farmer Jr. has apparently never even served in the US Army, NO Official Records have ever been found of him serving.
Gary Farmer Jr. sports a salute in that picture that is worse than I have seen from a first-week JROTC Cadet!
Gary Farmer Jr. SELLS roof jobs, but can he even hammer a shingle in place?
Gary Farmer Jr. CLAIMS to have been part of the US Army Special Forces with NO record of him even going through a MEPS.
Gary Farmer Jr. is top tier APL Material.
Gary Farmer Jr. looks like a T-bird/MD20-20/Wild Irish Rose connoisseur.
Gary Farmer Jr. look like he enjoys blowing winos behind bus stops for spare change.
Gary Farmer Jr. looks like a gay Lot Lizard from a Flying J Truck Stop.
Gary Farmer Jr. claims to have been awarded the Expert badge for Hand grenade (while he looks and acts like a HAND JOB Expert).
Gary Farmer Jr. claims to have an Expert badge for the M1911 Pistol. (But can he even pick his nose without setting a fire alarm off?)
Gary Farmer Jr. claims to have been part of Delta Force with no Official records supporting it.
Gary Farmer Jr. claims to have completed the Special Forces Weapons Sergeant Course (Never heard of that!).
Gary Farmer Jr. claims to have graduated the Machine Gun Leadership Course (WTF, never heard of that either!)
Gary Farmer Jr. claims “Special Forces Parachutist” graduation at Fort Campbell (NEVER heard of that shit either!)
Gary Farmer Jr. claims “Rifle Expert” with the M4 rifle in 1989 (WHAT-DA mudda-fuck?)
Gary Farmer obviously at least a thousand times more full of shit than 15 million Geese, 20 million Seagulls and ten thousand politicians.
Gary Farmer Jr. shows off “documents” of his “training” that are even less genuine than a Civil War Polyester Blanket.
Gary Farmer Jr, if you expect real Veterans to believe your line of shit, then you are at least ten thousand times nuttier than twelve thousand tons of fresh squirrel shit!
Okay Fellow Google® Point™ aficionados,
How Copy,
Ok, so obviously we know this is all bullshit and thanks to our particular ninja who will remain a name to posted that first video of all the documents, but we’ve seen those before.
Just a reminder, somebody did some prison time for having a website that sold documents that had the signature lower left corner, which I can’t see here however it looks characteristically similar to those
On the website that we have seen time and time again that phones present as legitimate, but we know they are bullshit
One Robert E. Neener, you can Google it who was indicted by the Justice Department, for sending out fraudulent military certificates, and selling them to the public.
He still has the website up, but apparently he’s getting by by putting a disclaimer on there
Neener was 65 years old
when he was sentenced to 3 years in prison in 2012.
That would make him 77 (or 78) years old today.
[ [ Robert E. Neener, 65, was sentenced in federal court on July 13 to three years in prison for possessing and selling documents bearing counterfeit federal agency seals and pretending to be a federal officer or employee,
said U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Tennessee Jerry E. Martin. ] ]
Inn of the Linked / LinkedIn found.
Life begins in 2015.
Currently “President” of “Roof Gu-Ru”.
NextDoor page for the Roof Gu-Ru.
With Gary’s name and a(nother?) phone number.
That’s the number he gives people in his TikTok videos. 321-616-4212
With the snow storm kicking in this weekend,
across much of the upper USA, but zero snow for Florida….
For those of us stuck at home on Monday,
who wants to pick from the 2 phone numbers above,
and place a Monday morning phone call to Phony Farmer?
Can he install a shingle roof on a 1980’s vintage Jaguar currently being used as a mobile home for a Vice President of a proud but humble woman owned business?
Hack Stone,
Shingle roof?
Or how about a tin roof?
Phony Farmer can now field new phone calls
from Moe, Larry, Curly, or even Joe Besser.
Gary Farmer Jr. has apparently never even served in the US Army, NO Official Records have ever been found of him serving.
Gary Farmer Jr. sports a salute in that picture that is worse than I have seen from a first-week JROTC Cadet!
Gary Farmer Jr. SELLS roof jobs, but can he even hammer a shingle in place?
Gary Farmer Jr. CLAIMS to have been part of the US Army Special Forces with NO record of him even going through a MEPS.
Gary Farmer Jr. is top tier APL Material.
Gary Farmer Jr. looks like a T-bird/MD20-20/Wild Irish Rose connoisseur.
Gary Farmer Jr. look like he enjoys blowing winos behind bus stops for spare change.
Gary Farmer Jr. looks like a gay Lot Lizard from a Flying J Truck Stop.
Gary Farmer Jr. claims to have been awarded the Expert badge for Hand grenade (while he looks and acts like a HAND JOB Expert).
Gary Farmer Jr. claims to have an Expert badge for the M1911 Pistol. (But can he even pick his nose without setting a fire alarm off?)
Gary Farmer Jr. claims to have been part of Delta Force with no Official records supporting it.
Gary Farmer Jr. claims to have completed the Special Forces Weapons Sergeant Course (Never heard of that!).
Gary Farmer Jr. claims to have graduated the Machine Gun Leadership Course (WTF, never heard of that either!)
Gary Farmer Jr. claims “Special Forces Parachutist” graduation at Fort Campbell (NEVER heard of that shit either!)
Gary Farmer Jr. claims “Rifle Expert” with the M4 rifle in 1989 (WHAT-DA mudda-fuck?)
Gary Farmer obviously at least a thousand times more full of shit than 15 million Geese, 20 million Seagulls and ten thousand politicians.
Gary Farmer Jr. shows off “documents” of his “training” that are even less genuine than a Civil War Polyester Blanket.
Gary Farmer Jr, if you expect real Veterans to believe your line of shit, then you are at least ten thousand times nuttier than twelve thousand tons of fresh squirrel shit!
Okay Fellow Google® Point™ aficionados,
How Copy,
POOT!, Gary Farmer Jr. has apparently never even served in the US Army, NO Official Records have ever been found of him serving.
Gary Farmer Jr. sports a salute in that picture that is worse than I have seen from a first-week JROTC Cadet!
Gary Farmer Jr. SELLS roof jobs, but can he even hammer a shingle in place?
Gary Farmer Jr. CLAIMS to have been part of the US Army Special Forces with NO record of him even going through a MEPS.
Gary Farmer Jr. is top tier APL Material.
Gary Farmer Jr. looks like a T-bird/MD20-20/Wild Irish Rose connoisseur.
Gary Farmer Jr. look like he enjoys blowing winos behind bus stops for spare change.
Gary Farmer Jr. looks like a gay Lot Lizard from a Flying J Truck Stop.
Gary Farmer Jr. claims to have been awarded the Expert badge for Hand grenade (while he looks and acts like a HAND JOB Expert).
Gary Farmer Jr. claims to have an Expert badge for the M1911 Pistol. But can he even pick his nose without setting a fire alarm off?
Gary Farmer Jr. claims to have been part of Delta Force with no Official records supporting it.
Gary Farmer Jr. claims to have completed the Special Forces Weapons Sergeant Course (Never heard of that!).
Gary Farmer Jr. claims to have graduated the Machine Gun Leadership Course (WTF, never heard of that either!)
Gary Farmer Jr. claims “Special Forces Parachutist” graduation at Fort Campbell (NEVER heard of that shit either!)
Gary Farmer Jr. claims “Rifle Expert” with the M4 rifle in 1989 (WHAT-DA mudda-fuck?)
Gary Farmer obviously at least a thousand times more full of shit than 15 million Geese, 20 million Seagulls and ten thousand politicians.
Gary Farmer Jr. shows off “documents” of his “training” that are even less genuine than a Civil War Polyester Blanket.
Gary Farmer Jr, if you expect real Veterans to believe your line of shit, then you are at least ten thousand times nuttier than twelve thousand tons of fresh squirrel shit!
Okay Fellow Google® Point™ aficionados,
How Copy,
I’m sorry, did you say this?
POOT!, Gary Farmer Jr. has apparently never even served in the US Army, NO Official Records have ever been found of him serving.
Gary Farmer Jr. sports a salute in that picture that is worse than I have seen from a first-week JROTC Cadet!
Gary Farmer Jr. SELLS roof jobs, but can he even hammer a shingle in place?
Gary Farmer Jr. CLAIMS to have been part of the US Army Special Forces with NO record of him even going through a MEPS.
Gary Farmer Jr. is top tier APL Material.
Gary Farmer Jr. looks like a T-bird/MD20-20/Wild Irish Rose connoisseur.
Gary Farmer Jr. look like he enjoys blowing winos behind bus stops for spare change.
Gary Farmer Jr. looks like a gay Lot Lizard from a Flying J Truck Stop.
Gary Farmer Jr. claims to have been awarded the Expert badge for Hand grenade (while he looks and acts like a HAND JOB Expert).
Gary Farmer Jr. claims to have an Expert badge for the M1911 Pistol. But can he even pick his nose without setting a fire alarm off?
Gary Farmer Jr. claims to have been part of Delta Force with no Official records supporting it.
Gary Farmer Jr. claims to have completed the Special Forces Weapons Sergeant Course (Never heard of that!).
Gary Farmer Jr. claims to have graduated the Machine Gun Leadership Course (WTF, never heard of that either!)
Gary Farmer Jr. claims “Special Forces Parachutist” graduation at Fort Campbell (NEVER heard of that shit either!)
Gary Farmer Jr. claims “Rifle Expert” with the M4 rifle in 1989 (WHAT-DA mudda-fuck?)
Gary Farmer obviously at least a thousand times more full of shit than 15 million Geese, 20 million Seagulls and ten thousand politicians.
Gary Farmer Jr. shows off “documents” of his “training” that are even less genuine than a Civil War Polyester Blanket.
Gary Farmer Jr, if you expect real Veterans to believe your line of shit, then you are at least ten thousand times nuttier than twelve thousand tons of fresh squirrel shit!
This guy definitely went full potato.
He’s gone full retard past three turnips to rutabaga!
Speaking of that, the Whiz Wheel®™ spins up a score on him:
Gary Alden Farmer Jr (FRPR)* 31 x 8 = 248
*Full Retard Past Rutabaga (H/T to API®™)
So just did a little math based on the certificates. Unless this dipshit was taught time travel and teleportation before he joined, there ain’t no flipping way…like there is a way anyway:
He graduated Basic at Benning on 5 Mar 89
He graduated 18B on 17 Dec 89 and with a 40 Week Course, that puts the start date back to 12 March 89 if I am doing math right.
Plus his parachute training was the same date, 17 Dec 89 at a completely different installation (Ft Campbell).
I’d like to say he did his homework but it looks like he copied from someone else.
His service dog ate his homework. 🥴
This klown is full of more shit than an overstuffed X-mas goose. He has certificates for marksmanship quals for which there are no real certificates. Moreover, he claims he attended Jump School at Ft. Campbell, when the only Army Airborne School is at Ft. Benning (I refuse to use its new bullshit Proggy name). He claims a Silver Star when he is not in the comprehensive online data of everyone ever awarded one. Even his ex-wives know he is total Poser and valor thief. Finally, the bastard never wore the real uniform for a day in his sad life.
Second hand embarrassment.
“The above name, at great risk to his life conducted special combat operations on behalf of the president of the United States of America”
Now that’s some funny wording. It is usually some thing like. You reflect great credit upon your (military branch) and the your field followed by the unit/company etc. then your actions. Never saw one read like that. More like a movie script..he watched too many tv shows.
Did he also post his membership card for the Radio Shack Battery of The Month Club?
A PCS COA for a dickhead who didn’t rate an AAM (folk couldn’t find the format or didn’t give a sh*t that day– enjoy 4th ID at Ft Carson, dude!) at best, the very best.
I’m a Marine and know nothing about how to properly wear a beret, but even I can see that this assclown is wearing it like a baseball hat tilted back to cover his bald spot on the back of his grape. What a dweeb. Probably even Mark L could…wait, naaaaa, WTF was I just thinking. Sorry to all my army-type brothers and sisters in arms on here.
I’m sure that little Mark L. is very busy on Extra Duty from his last NJP right about now.
Account (and videos) by GaryFarmer646 now marked PRIVATE.
Deploying the Fu of Google shows THIS……”Deltaoperator”
Did dude probably did some high speed, after hours operations in some deep, dark manholes.
Green Thumb,
Phony Farmer is now in duck, dodge, and hyde mode.
He has no clue of what comes tomorrow, business day Monday.
Neither do I.
But we should all get our popcorn ready.
The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) has Lori Benton spun up to cover down.
All-Point Logistics and Phil Monkress cannot let this type of talent go to waste.
He changed his image to a picture of a Rickey Henderson baseball card.
He is everywhere in this group, changing up his story in order to sell cards
This is from another post
Facebook is wide open 🙂 Post away! I’d do it but I dont have an account and dont want to use wifey’s…
He’s been going through deleting everything, but this still stands. Someone calling him out after giving conflicting stories about someone that “stole money” from him. He thinks it’s okay to steal valor though. Asshat.
How many of these things does this man have??
Gary stated these were all his
He must mean the stack of plates. Not the medals. The only thing this guy should be awarded is time in prison.
When you want to have a collection of Franklin Mint Commemorative Plates, but you spent all of your money on military bling.
Paper plate Gary Farmer phony medals,
rotated left, and cropped, for easier viewing.
Kudos on getting this paper plate pic out in public view.
Cheap bastard. My medal rack is mounted to a Chinet plate
I notice Gary has availed himself of those green certificate holders that Neener sells along with his fakery.
Quite a few. He even has the non-existent marksmanship certificates. Clearly fake since the Amy has never issued them; that what the badges are for.
What, no sockpuppet yet? Lame.
Patience, Grasshopper.
Anything new on the phony front in Florida today?
Phony Gary has been acting like Yosemite Sam over the past week plus,
but his bullshit phony defiance act has apparently come to an end,
and it’s just a lot of quiet now.
Comments on the Steel Hammer post from women that have encountered this little pickle dicked man.
“ I worked with him along time ago… I’m a veteran and i would catch him in so many lies! He’s a disgusting human! He’s sexist racist and a predator! He sent disgusting pictures of himself to me and i had to block him. He threatened me and the other girls all the time because he was our boss. “
“ This man is nothing but a CON, a FRAUD, a CRIMINAL and a LIAR. Steroids, drugs, women and guns are his obsession. He put me and my family through hell and STILL stalks me to this very day. “
Interesting to note that in his “officer doofy” pic where he is saluting in multi cams, he has SSG rank on his blouse…..the same rank that appears on his phony HALO certificate dated back to 1999….
Heck anyone can get those Certificates from Ebay!