Sunday FGS

| January 5, 2025

USFA Zip .22LR

Man shot, killed during attempted break-in; police say intruder’s behavior was bizarre

ENGLEWOOD — A man was shot and killed after reportedly trying to break into someone’s home early Friday.

As reported on News Center 7 at 6, the shooting happened around 2 a.m. in the 600 block of Overla Boulevard in Englewood.

A couple heard someone trying to break in, they prepared to defend themselves and gunfire happened while one of them was calling 911.

A caller told dispatchers that her boyfriend heard someone trying to break in and he went to grab his gun.

On the call, you hear a confrontation and gunshots.

Englewood police crews pulled up during the call.

They found the alleged intruder on the ground in the home’s side yard.

The police said the man who lived at the home thought the intruder had left and checked his backyard shed.

He then walked toward the street to see if his car had been broken into.

“He was confronted by the suspect. The suspect came toward him. He, in fear for his life, fired three shots from this firearm,” Englewood Police Chief Corey Follick said.

The man killed was identified as 43-year-old Matthew Culham.

Follick said his actions were unusual for a burglar.

“Most burglars, if they determine the home is occupied, once they’re detected they flee the area,” he said.

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Perhaps burglary wasn’t Mr. Culham’s intent, Chief.

Gutsy woman, 71, fends off violent attack by 4 teen girls on blue city subway
The attack is the latest in a string of crimes on the New York City subway system

Michael Dorgan
An unflinching 71-year-old woman gave a group of would-be teen muggers a taste of their own medicine when they tried to mug the senior on her way to church on New Year’s Day.

The gutsy straphanger fought off the four female teens as they punched and stomped on her during the botched robbery on the New York City subway system, the latest in a string of crimes on the Big Apple’s crime-ridden transit network.

The victim was on her way to a church service on New Year’s Day in Brooklyn at around 6 p.m. when she got off a Number 3 train at Hoyt Station – only to be set upon by the teens, according to the NYPD and a New York Post report.

Police say the four suspects tried to steal the woman’s bag and struck her on the body. The NYPD released video of the group smiling as they pass through subway turnstiles and police say they are still on the loose. They have asked for the public’s help in tracking them down.

The woman, identified by the Post as Linda Rosa from East New York, detailed the disturbing attack to the publication, saying she was adamant she would not be robbed.

Rosa said after one of the teens tried to grab her purse while a second also tried to get her sticky fingers on it, asking the senior if she wanted to fight.

The first teen then smacked Rosa in the face, knocking her glasses to the floor, while the second teen managed to snatch a pocket pouch that held Rosa’s ID and medical records, she said.

“I was still wrestling with the first person,” Rosa told the Post. “Then I was trying to kick her in between her legs, but my leg wouldn’t stretch far enough, so I believe that’s when I fell. I fell, and then she stomped on me.”

Fearing the law flouting teens would stomp her in the head, Rosa said she fought back.

“So I got up right away, and with that, I grabbed her braids and twirled them around my right hand, and then I pulled her down. She had her head down,” Rosa said. “Then the other young lady said, ‘Let her go.’ And I said, ‘Oh, no, I’m not letting her go.’”

The plucky senior yelled out for someone to help her and then the second teen came for her again.

“So out of nowhere, I grabbed her hair and twisted it around my left hand,” Rosa said. “So I had them both facedown….[like] rams when they’re getting ready to fight.”

Rosa said the other two teens screamed at her to let the pair go and Rosa then yelled for help.

The senior eventually cut them loose and the stunned teens bolted from the subway system.

Rosa then headed to the nearby Brooklyn Tabernacle Church, where the staff tended to her and called 911, per the Post.

Police tell Fox News Digital that the victim sustained minor injuries and was taken by EMS to The Brooklyn Hospital Center in stable condition.

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Fox News

Not one person stepped up to assist the poor woman. Wonder why? Thanks again, Gun Bunny.

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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Milo Mindbender

Nobody is going to help anymore, Daniel Penny showed what happens to those who interfere with a subway shakedown. The legal system is geared to protecting it’s better clients, and honest people just don’t need it as much as criminals. No cash bail isn’t used by the regular Joe as much as the frequent flyer scumbags that provide the local DOJ complex with their livelihood, so screw them, support you local free range thieves they keep you employed.


[…] This ain’t Hell… has your feel good stories. […]

The Pirate’s Cove


Mr. Culham’s burglary skilz were as bad as his victim selection skilz. Rest in pieces, mofo.

No matter what the odds…FIGHT BACK…there is always one more thing you can do to defend yourself. Go Granny, Go Granny, Go Granny, GO!

Speaking of bizarre…I do believe that is the most bizarrely fugly gun pr0n…EVAH.

My, my, my would you just look at that leggy Sister Golden Hair. Not a big fan of yellar haired Ms Thangs…but…I gots a “gun” she can get on top of. I can neither confirm nor deny that our very own Beloved AW1Ed used a moto sickle just like that to attract the attentions of his trophy wife AND of Officer(s) Friendly. Mrs. AW1Ed caught him…Officer(s) Friendly…not so much.


I concur on Ms. Lovely – a girl-shaped girl with a great smile – who CARES what color her hair is. Dark hair and light eyes may be my preference…but I’m not stupid about it.


Damn! Whut did I miss? Step out to make some mid-rats and I miss a snide, cowardly comment? DaHell?!? Guess I shouldn’t took a nap too. Little dreary rainy day now and I’m as disappointed as this Ms Thang…all armed up and nowhere to go.

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Hot & troubled… just my type.


Hear ya– first ex (if we’d gotten married) was a stripper raised by a clinical psychopath.


That is a picture of the danger zone.


Nice Beach Boys reference there KoB!


Man, with that USFA Zip the only conceivable direction our beloved AW1Ed can possibly go with the gun p0rn is up.

I’m not holding my breath for the NY po-po to catch those for teens.


I may lose through weight of numbers, or I may end up in cuffs before a judge, but there is no way I’m not helping some old lady getting robbed. I got to look myself in the eye every day for the rest of my life, and that guy in the mirror is not very forgiving.


Linda is from the old school and she wasn’t about to take shit from anybody.

Or give up her shit.

Well done Linda.


Granny needs a .38.