So most of you know that MCPO USN NYC came by the TAH corporate resort yesterday. This is his tribute to TAH;
So he made the minimum donation. But here’s what he wrote about it, he wanted you to know;
Many of you know, I visited the TAH Worldwide Corporate HQ yesterday to make a social call, deliver some gifts and to talk business. The following AAR will primarily focus on the social aspects of the mission:
I departed NYC at approx 0900 operating my urban assault vehicle. I arrived at approx 1500 and much to my surprize, there was no guard tower or roving sentries. Jonn’s house is however tactically positioned perfectly. He owns the high grown.
I entered his house and found him hard at work. I was however surprized … He was not surrounded by multiple screens, wearing a headset, ordering a staff around while ensuring his fiber connections with NSA, FBI and CIA were up and running.
We shook hands … A good firm one and we chatted about a variety of things for the better part of an hour when I finally asked, “where is your wife?”. Jonn said, “she went to get some steaks”. NICE!
The weather was beautiful so Jonn suggested that we sit outside and he brewed a fresh pot of joe. Our conversation migrated to issues of government conspiracies involving veterans and the clowns that believe such garbage. While discussing one such conspiracy, Jonn’s lovely wife returned with the steaks, Jonn and I could not figure out how to ignite the grill, but she did in an instant.
We ate, laughed at the loons and then it was time for a TOP SECRET conference call with a three lettered agency. The call went as planned, plan is good and the plan will be executed.
I left Jonn’s place after three hours or so, realizing that I had just met a very decent man who although inflicted with a “kiss of death” he is seemingly humble, proud, humorus and looks forward to writing every day.
So that is my AAR and that is exactly how it went down …
30 hour and 681.2 mile road trip just to see Jonn … MISSION COMPLETE.
PS: For anyone who wishes to visit Jonn for the purpose of bring harm to him or anyone in his AOR … Don’t even contemplate. He is well armed!
Well armed is a bit of an understatement. If ten other people lived with me, I’d be well armed.
Category: Pointless blather
I imagine this is EXACTLY how Potsdam went down…
Jonn and Master Chief…you ARE the men! Kudos to both of you!
Good stuff.
That was a good AAR for the S4 annex, but a bit light in the S2 part.
Oh, that’s right … this was not an OPORD — nevermind.
Sounds like fun, Master Chief. A long haul, but worthwhile results.
If you visit the compound, be sure to call ahead. Last year took time off from turkey hunting and ran down to say hello. Greeted at the door with a 1911. But a nice visit. Call ahead.
Excellent report. Would have loved to be a fly on the wall. Bernasty and LtColUSAF-Doc probably do not welcome this Summit.
As for those two things and Psul of the Soiled Spandex – TOUGH POOP, SCREW ‘EM!!
Glad you had a good time. You deserve it, Jonn. IMO.
Conference calls get a lot done. Next solo trip will be to NYC or points southwest.
Southwest All-Points Logistics!
Sounds like a “Phildoesque” backup plan to evade the eventual tax collection.
Great idea!
I can only imagine that the Phildo is watching……
Hey NHSparky, if ya ever come near Frankie and I’s turf, let me know, We’ll get together for consumption of some adult beverages and some good fresh seafood!
A philosophical/speculative question: Did you gentlemen, by any chance, during your labor-less-than-intensive activities, enter mutual contemplation on the size of the Thumb?
I imagine you are either the size of a cute little midget or larger than life … But no where in between.
Fair enough.
But it is Green….
MCPO NYC USN Ret, please forgive me for being 2 days late, but happy birthday. 121 years of CPOs
2 guys sat around for XX hours, drank rum, smoked cigars, and shot the bull.
Sounds like a normal spring day in the hills to me.
Well this is what I used to like to do when we played golf after a UTA or on Annual Tour.
I explained….”The U.S. Government is PAYING me to play golf!!!!
MCPO and Jonn….FARK YEAH…You Guys ROCK!!!!
I am close but not close enough to engage…..
/I hope!!
Very well done, MCPO! I am very glad you got to meet, Jonn. One hell of a man in my book. Take care my brothers & sisters.
BUT, But, but no lead was slung from the back deck? Short visit?
We are ever closer and more tightknit with each new poser. We are a new “Band of Brothers, and Sisters, of course.
Has anyone observed that our posers have few to no friends? They blow up the social media with their blogs and facebook pages, but all the time having no friends but their “oddsockpuppets”. Sad, but true, fact of life.