What is the proper gift…

| October 19, 2008

to honor the cop that arrested phony combat veteran Matthis Chiroux? This is Peter Sikinger of the Nassua County Police Department. (On left)

According to phony Afghanistan Veteran Matthis Chiroux:

Look at you friend’s face,” said one officer. “You’re responsible for that.” As if I gave the order to charge horses onto a crowded sidewalk. I saw this same officer in the Colony diner where we went to eat after we were charged with disorderly conduct and released. He was with the one who threatened me with prison rape, and when I approached them respectfully and again asked for their names, he leapt to his feet, threw his finger in my face and began threatening to “beat my ass” if I didn’t drop it.

Afterward, one of his friends, also a police officer, approached me, accused me of being drunk and said I was about to get arrested again. I retorted that his accusations were false (considering I’d only gotten out of jail 30 minutes prior) and that I was only interested in learning the names of the officers who arrested and harassed us as I have the legal right to do. He responded with only his name, which he said was Peter Sikinger, but refused to reveal the names of his partners, though to his credit, he did back down from threatening me with arrest.

Anyway- I want to get Det Sikinger something nice, but what? A fruit basket has a nice irony to it, but Sikinger is clearly all man. A Dirty Harry boxed set? And a 12 pack of Guinness? I don’t know, gotta get him something though. Who wants to join me in honoring the man who caused phony combat and Afghanistan veteran Matthis Chiroux to run crying to Michael Moore?

In case I wasn’t clear, Matthis Chiroux is a phony Afghanistan Combat veteran.

PS- Also taking donations of apples for the horse.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Politics

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Absolutely the most fun idea I’ve seen in days.

Count me in!


I’d happily deliver it in person when I go home to Long Island for Turkey day!

Bridget the Flogging Molly Chick

Sorry. “Anonymous” would be me.

TSO: You are offering to go see police officers and animals? And animals who are police officers? SO unlike you… 😉


I think you have a winner on your hands. Now someone write a letter denying the phony is a phony soldier. Limbaugh can collect a few million dollars for another military charity.


I think you have a winner on your hands. Now someone write a letter denying the phony is a phony soldier. Limbaugh can collect a few million dollars for another military charity.

TSO: He’s allegedly a real soldier, although the “honorably discharged” is in question, what with him being on the lam. But he’s NOT a combat veteran, and he’s NOT an Afghan veteran. He was there 6 days, and DoD regulations state that criteria for Afghan campaign ribbon:

To be eligible for the award, a soldier must be personally present and assigned or attached to a unit participating in OEF, or on official duties in Afghanistan in support of OEF, for 30 consecutive days or for 60 nonconsecutive days in Afghanistan or meet one of the following criteria: 1) Be engaged in actual combat against the enemy and under circumstances involving grave danger of death or serious bodily injury from enemy action, regardless, of time in the Afghanistan. 2) While participating in OEF or on official duties, regardless of time, is killed or wounded/injured requiring medical evacuation from Afghanistan. 3) While participating as a regularly assigned air crew member flying sorties into, out of, within, or over Afghanistan in direct support of OEF; each day that one or more sorties are flown in accordance with the criteria shall count as one day towards the 30 consecutive or 60 nonconsecutive day requirement


Dang, tried to stop the Anonymous post since I had forgot to put the handle in. Guess I didn’t catch it in time.

Bridget the Flogging Molly Chick

Just FYI- A facebook page has been made by Kristofer Goldsmith and Matthis Chirouxfor the “Hempstead 15”.

On it, they manage to list at fault the police departement, Secret Service and both Presidential candidates. As well as ask for all the photographic and video evidence that anyone may have, and support at the hearing in November:

“We, the “Hempstead 15” were issued the same summons and case number for “disorderly conduct” and “failure to obey a lawful order”.

On November 10th 2008, the Marine Corps Birthday, and one day before Veterans Day, we will be heard in court. We would like to invite you to come out in support of the very Freedoms granted by the United States Constitution that we swore to uphold and defend when joining the military.”

I’m not linking it, you’ll have to google it.


I’m in for $20. Is it red wine or white wine with hay?


Isn’t a “Chiroux” one of those make believe Mexican snack stix they sell in the 7-Eleven? Long with grooves and has sugar on it?

They make those in Pennsauken.



Too bad A/S isn’t around to offer a defense as to why these “vets” should be allowed to crash the debates while the Vietnam Vets weren’t allowed to Speak Truth at Winter Soldier 2.0?

That would have been entertaining in an Abnormal Psych class sort of way.

Thus Spake Ortner

Interestingly enough Raoul, I asked her that exact question last week. She’s back on the kool aid, so don’t expect a cogent answer. Something to do with how WSI is a private event and the debate is for our President or somesuch nonsense.



Yeah, like IVAW gave when they took up a collection to put on Hofstra.

NO a lot of success when you speak “Truth To Kooks”.

The Sniper

Isn’t it funny how the Kool-Aid ad campaign had the big jug of Kool-Aid crashing into places he didn’t belong also?

Hey, those were the worst six days of FOBbitude that Chiroux (French for: festering butt wart) ever endured.


Hey, if Raoul can stand for $20, I can match his pledge. Just let me know if the collection actually happens and where to send it.


Let me know if you all want those shirts hand delivered.
We watched the whole thing at Hofstra.
10-15 kooks in a police bus that could have held 60-90 easy.
What a waste of gas.

Dan Maloney
NY State Coordinator
Gathering of Eagles

Army Sergeant

I’m back to the mix, much as I’m sure I’ll regret it.

Arresting people who came intending to be arrested is fine.

Charging nonviolent vets like Sergeant Nick Morgan with a horse, trampling him so badly that his cheekbone is broken in three places and he is going to need reconstructive facial surgery, not giving him medical treatment except for motrin and water (I guess just to make him remember how great Army medical care was)?

That is so far beyond fine. If you want to honor the people who did that, you go right ahead.

Jonn wrote: Thank you we will. I’m pretty sure the police asked them to leave and when they didn’t, the police made them leave. That’s called maintaining order. Personally, I do everything a police officer tells me because I understand the consequences of failing to comply.

And what did you expect for medical treatment? Immediate injections of morphine and wheel him into the operating room? C’mon. You can’t be that dense. And Army medical is just fine…I’ve been on it for for almost 35 years now and I have no complaints. You watch too much ER.